I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 207 Brother Turtle, why should I be beaten by the upgraded Tiandao as soon as I appear? ! Wh

"Who is the unconfirmed life form that is appearing now?"

Tendao sat on the chair and asked about the changes of Gurongi during this period.

He didn't know how strong the Gurongi's combat strength was now, although he did see that Yanlong and Kuga were not the opponent of that guy yesterday.

But he still had to ask more specifically.

"Many Gurongi were eliminated by No. 1 and No. 4 together before, only the one yesterday made them helpless."

Sugita put the statistical report file in front of Tendao during this period, that is, the information of the Gurongi that were eliminated in Tokyo after he went on a business trip, and let him watch it.

"The attack strength of the unconfirmed life forms has increased a lot. Compared with the past, it is several times stronger." Sakurai also spoke up: "If it is according to Mr. Tiandao, then the unconfirmed life forms have appeared in a more powerful type than before, which means that they are now opponents that have never been encountered before."

"Their strength has become stronger, but we are still the same as before, nothing has changed." Sugita hammered the table angrily: "Damn... The replacement speed of these guys is too fast."

"How many of them are there? Aren't the current ones the strongest among them? Are there stronger ones?"

Tiandao may be able to answer this question, because the King of Gurongi has not appeared so far, which has put a lot of pressure on him invisibly.

Is the strength of the guards surrounding the King of Gurongi still higher than it is now?

This is also the reason why Tiandao is still cautious about eliminating Gurongi even though he has become stronger.

"The unconfirmed life form that appeared yesterday was named No. 39. It has the ability to throw iron balls from a high place to attack people from a distance." Turning off the lights, Sugita played the scene of Turtle attacking and causing huge iron hammers to fall towards the crowd.

"Just one round has caused hundreds of casualties." Sugita sighed: "Compared with the unconfirmed life forms we encountered at the beginning, they are much stronger."

"If we look at the game they are playing, the low-level unconfirmed life forms that appeared at the beginning not only have backward killing methods, but also low efficiency." Ichijo pondered: "And now, it has developed to the point where one round is enough to cause dozens of deaths."

"How I wish the superiors would evacuate the people, and then we would each have an RPG, find those guys all over the city, and then blow them to pieces!" Sugita snorted coldly, clenched his fists, and slapped them suddenly: "It's really abominable!"

"I remember that the research institute has already got the squid's head, right? Miss Enoki has developed the corresponding weapons?" Tiandao stared at the turtle brother on the screen for a long time.

It seemed that he was comparing it with himself to see who would be stronger in a fight.

But, he finally chose to change his words.

"The bullet has been made, but the firearms that match it are still under development." Ichijo immediately said: "Ordinary firearms cannot withstand the power of this bullet. Yuko Enoki said that it is possible that the barrel will explode before a shot can be fired."

"Is that so..." Tiandao nodded: "Before this weapon targeting unconfirmed life forms is developed, we still have to rely more on No. 1 and No. 4."

"Although it is a shameful thing for us, it is also necessary for us as human beings to correctly view the gap between each other."

Tiandao looked around. He saw as soon as he entered the door that everyone's enthusiasm was not high, and they did not take this job very seriously.

He knew why this happened.

"Maybe everyone feels that everything we have done so far is in vain." Tiandao spoke again, and this time, everyone's attention was attracted.

"Humanity is helpless. Even facing unconfirmed life forms, it is a dead end. The so-called investigation and prevention are more like going to die for no reason, because facing those existences, all resistance is futile."

"Wouldn't it be enough if No. 1 and No. 4 were here? What is the meaning of our existence? Going to die? Going to challenge such monsters without knowing one's own strength."

Tiandao looked around. Except for Ichijo and Sugita, only Sakurai still held his head high and was full of fighting spirit, while the others lowered their heads silently and did not answer.

"I can't ask you for anything, but I want you to know that whether it is sacrifice or everything we do, it is meaningful." Tiandao sighed.

"If you die, you die. No one can avoid death, and I have no right to ask you to go."

"No. 4 and No. 1 were able to arrive at the scene in time, thanks to everyone, so they could lock the location of the unconfirmed life form so quickly."

"Under everyone's collective wisdom, finding their killing pattern and then avoiding more deaths is also the result of everyone's joint efforts."

"That is definitely not in vain."

Tiandao stood up and supported the table with both hands.

"I'm sure everyone in Tokyo knows that I once fought a squid head-on and won, right?" Tiandao shook his head with a smile.

"But what I want to say is that I didn't know what I was thinking at the time. I went to fight it in a daze."

"Afterwards, I felt unbelievable, thought I was looking for death, and even thought I was stupid and crazy for doing that."

"But that was afterwards. At the time, I had only one feeling."

Tiandao made a gesture of wiping his neck: "That's how to twist off the squid's head."

"So everyone, No. 4 and No. 1 need us."

"We are their eyes. Without us, they would be blind and unable to achieve what they are doing now."

After exiting the gate, the three officers of the joint operations center gathered together and headed towards the underground garage.

"You've become more eloquent since you went out." Sugita looked at Tiandao, who was guarded by him and Ichijo in the center: "Why, don't you tell me? Everyone is very curious about where you have been."

"Well... let's go to the other end of the earth." Tiandao thought for a moment and chose this statement: "We have not confirmed that life forms are rampant here, so I want to go and see what is going on on the other side of the earth."

"How?" Ichijo asked.

"It's no different." Tiandao shook his head: "Although there are not as many Gurungi here as we do, there are still careerists, conspirators, and even guys who deceive ignorant girls."

"It's just as dangerous as ours."

"Is it really a global crisis?" Sugita said in a sure tone: "I can see that after you came back, everyone's enthusiasm for work has increased a lot."

"It's not because of what you just said."

After Sugita finished speaking, Ichijo added: "It's like finding the backbone."

"What kind of backbone am I?" Tiandao rolled his eyes: "They will become more motivated because I am standing in front of them."

"Compared to No. 1 and No. 4, who are completely unknown, of course I, the person who appears in front of them, is more trustworthy."

"As you said before, I am considered the person who can defeat unconfirmed life forms in their eyes." After saying that, Tiandao followed closely and added: "But that was before."

"I'm not sure I can beat the current unconfirmed life forms."

After all, squid is a relatively early existence, and its strength is completely different from that of today's unconfirmed life forms.

Heaven can defeat the squid, but it is still unknown whether he can defeat the current unidentified life form.


"Your mission objectives have changed."

In a certain basement, the vulture was holding an abacus and looking at the sturdy fellow in front of him.

"Kill the Flame Dragon or Kuuga, and you can directly complete your mission and win the game."

The vulture spoke immediately, and the moment Brother Turtle turned his attention, he issued a restriction.

"Deadline, two days."

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