I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 209: Darth Vader, nicknamed Skywalker, please teach me (Brother Turtle?)

For the warriors of the old Heisei era, the times were still relatively old, not as fancy as the new generation.

But some things, even in the old Heisei era, have long become established.

Obviously, the Star Wars produced by Ami not only set off a global Star Wars craze, but also let everyone know the existence of lightsabers.

Darth Vader, Skywalker, the Force, lightsabers...

Star Wars is a movie, although it is talked about with relish, no one thinks that such lightsabers really exist.

Maybe it will be possible to realize it in the future when technology becomes more and more advanced, but now, everyone should just go to bed.

However, the existence of Kamen Rider is born to break common sense.

Besides, Star Wars is about aliens, so isn't the Chrysis Empire also aliens?

So it is reasonable for them to have lightsabers, right?

So it is reasonable for Minami Kotaro and Black RX to have lightsabers!

Therefore, when the red lightsaber was caught in the hand of Tiandao, everyone was stunned.

Wudai and Ichijo were startled by the sudden appearance of the lightsaber, and Kame... simply had never seen such an advanced weapon.

"Why are you looking at me?"

After pulling out the boomerang, looking at Ichijo and Wudai beside him who were a little confused, Tiandao shouted: "Take advantage of now, everyone come together!"

Tiandao's voice made the two react from their shock. No matter how shocked they were by the existence of this lightsaber, the most urgent thing now was to deal with the enemy first.

As for this lightsaber, just ask Tiandao later.

In an instant, he switched to the sublimated Titan posture, and a golden blade extended from the front of the Titan Sword, making the Titan Sword longer.

Kuuga stood with the sword in his hand and walked towards Kame step by step.

"Is it the same old thing?" But looking at Kuuga's appearance, Kame was quite disdainful. He patted his strong chest, and he straightened his chest with a proud face.

"Can you pierce my body this time?"

As soon as the words fell, a red beam of light came and hit Turtle's head accurately.

The Flame Bow, which had never accumulated power or increased its energy output, attacked Turtle again.

This was the same attack as last time. Turtle, who had felt the power of last time, looked indifferent and didn't even have the intention to dodge. He took the attack with his face.

Although it was covered by a little fireworks, it didn't break through Turtle's skin after all.

"Nothing more."

As Turtle, who had fought with Kuuga once and won in the original story, felt that Kuuga could not hurt him when facing the sublimated all-powerful Kuuga. When facing the sublimated all-powerful Kuuga's knight kick, he didn't even have the intention to dodge. Instead, he faced Kuuga, straightened his chest, and planned to take the attack head-on.

Then...everyone knows the ending.

So Brother Turtle is indeed the kind of person who, once he fights and wins, will become extremely proud in the second battle, and feels that he can still win the second battle.

This is also the reason why he defeated the Sublimation Titan and felt that the Sublimation Almighty could not cause any harm to him.

But this habit is only reflected in Yanlong and Kuga. When facing the rushing figure of Tiandao, Brother Turtle did not straighten his chest, but faced Tiandao very seriously.

Obviously, Brother Turtle, who has never fought with Tiandao, is obviously wary of Tiandao's existence, and is not as arrogant as Yanlong and Kuga who are facing their defeated opponents.

The red lightsaber pulled a charred mark on the ground, and raised one hand in front of him. The red lightsaber was lifted for a moment, and the exciting sword light remained in the air for a moment, and was covered by the leaping figure.

Holding the sword with one hand turned into holding the sword with both hands, Tiandao strode and confronted Brother Turtle again in a human posture.


Turtle lowered his body, crossed his hands in front of him, stared at Tiandao's approaching figure, and was ready to meet the attack.

Compared to Tiandao, Turtle was more concerned about the sword.

After all, the special effects of this sword showed that it must be very powerful.

Even if Tiandao had defeated the squid before, it was just a squid, and Turtle could kill it with one hand. There was nothing to brag about.

Five points of his attention were on the sword, three points on Tiandao, and the remaining two points were on the two defeated opponents.

The two bodies were getting closer and closer. Turtle shouted in a deep voice and stretched out his arms quickly. He wanted to grab Tiandao's arms and restrict his movements instead of trying to take the lead.

Turtle was not stupid. When facing an unknown enemy he met for the first time, he was very careful.

But he was fast, and Tiandao was faster than him.

The figure that had already pulled out a series of phantoms accelerated again, and even the phantoms could not catch up with the Heavenly Dao itself.

This sudden increase in speed made Brother Turtle miscalculate the distance, causing his arm to miss and fail to catch it as he wished.

The red sword light flashed and chopped on Brother Turtle's chest, which was exposed, and strong sparks burst out.

Brother Turtle's body did not move, and his empty hand went down and grabbed the sword body forcefully.

After taking the sword with his own chest, Brother Turtle felt pain, but he also understood the power of this sword.

It looked full of special effects, but in fact, the power was just that!

Therefore, Brother Turtle, with his confidence soaring, wanted to directly grab the sword body of the boomerang stick and try to take the sword.

Bending down, the human body is definitely smaller than that of Brother Turtle, but it is this small body that hits Brother Turtle's chest after a sword, and knocks Brother Turtle back with human strength.

Brother Turtle:?

Feeling his body retreating a step, Brother Turtle couldn't believe it. He looked up suddenly, but found that the swift and agile figure was already standing in front of him with a sword.

This time, it was not a chop or a sweep, but... a straight stab.

Compared with the previous fast-moving chop, this straight stab also seemed plain and unpretentious, and looked no different from the previous one.

But Brother Turtle didn't think so. In his perception, after the sword stabbed straight at him, a great sense of fatal crisis lingered in his heart. The prompts from the sixth sense were frantically warning him, as if telling him that if he didn't dodge this move, he would really be stabbed to death by a sword.

Although Brother Turtle couldn't understand why the change from slashing to stabbing could bring such a strange change to it, it still chose to believe it after all, and stepped back one after another, retreating to the rear without interruption to avoid being pierced.

Although it seems that no matter what pierces the body, there is only one way to die, Brother Turtle can obviously feel that being pierced by this lightsaber is fundamentally different.

"You guy! You can really kill squids!" Brother Turtle retreated frantically, but the sword that thrust forward did not mean to let go at all.

Tiandao kicked his feet, gathered another three points of strength, and rushed forward at a faster speed.

The repulsion in the previous collision, coupled with the great sense of crisis felt by this sword at this moment, Brother Turtle now believes what the bat said: Shenshan Tiandao is not a guy who is easy to deal with even if he is not a fire dragon. This sentence means.

There is no way to avoid it, and it is difficult to resist if you just dodge. There will be a time when the retreat will end, and I, who am still in front of the sword, will still have to face it at that time.

In a hurry, Brother Turtle thought of a countermeasure, which was to take off the chain ball wrapped around his finger, expand it to a huge size, turn it into a chain ball in front of him, and hit the sword edge forcefully.


Sparks burst out in front of the two people, Tiandao's offensive was blocked, the sword edge was frustrated, and the moment his footsteps stopped, Brother Turtle seized the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, rolled on the ground, and avoided the front of the sword edge

Not only that, Brother Turtle, who was lying on the ground, wanted to reach out and grab Tiandao's ankle, or wanted to control the initiative in his own hands.

However, the flying red beams and Pegasus arrows flew from the left and right, respectively, and forcefully inserted into the battle, filling the gap in Tiandao's offensive.

Forced Brother Turtle to give up his plan.

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