I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 212 I thought that the one who would lose his integrity in his later years was Heaven and th

Chapter 212 I once thought that Tiandao and Wudai were the ones who were not protected in the late festival, but I never expected that it turned out to be...

After releasing the meditation seal, Tiandao looked at the surrounding environment.

Surrounding this mess, the burning sand crystals wrapped in high temperatures are still emitting smoke, and white smoke is floating around. Only two of the three people who originally existed here are now left.

"I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

Sora breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, you moved us to this place, otherwise, if we were in the city, I would have stepped down..."

Yes, although it is already the war, the battle between Turtle Brother, Kuuga and Flame Dragon is over.

As for why it ended...

Ever since Turtle looked down on the sublimated Almighty Kuuga and chose to stand there with his chest raised and not dodge, the outcome was already doomed.

Sublimated Almighty gathered all the sealing ability in his body and kicked it down. The golden-red figure jumped up high and kicked Brother Turtle hard with a knight's kick.

With this kick, Brother Turtle was kicked away. At the same time, the terrifying seal energy also filled Brother Turtle's body in an instant, covering his belt in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, a terrifying explosion occurred in Brother Turtle's body. With him as the center, the terrifying explosion spread to the surroundings. The arrogant air waves overturned the surroundings, flying away the sand and soil, evaporating the sea water, and a huge energy explosion. The package covered everything within a radius of several miles in the explosion.

Then, a huge mushroom cloud rose up, allowing everyone to see this scene happening even in the city.

Fortunately, it was the towns surrounding Tokyo that could see this scene and even hear the explosion.

If this were Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would trigger a mushroom cloud of PTSD.

Use the meditation seal to freeze the space around you, making yourself independent from the explosion, forcing the energy impact generated by the explosion to be inaccessible.

After all the dust settled, Tiandao released the meditation seal, and only then did the dialogue between him and Konga begin.

"Although it seems a bit loud, it is acceptable in order to eliminate the Gurungi." After saying that, Tiandao, who had released his transformation, curled his lips: "Don't always listen to what those people on TV are talking about. No. 1 threat theory, nonsense like No. 1 threat theory.”

"They only have the ability to talk nonsense. For people, human life is the most important thing."

"I know." After also canceling the transformation, Godai showed a forced smile: "It seems that you have already known about it during this time."

"Can I still not know?" Tiandao snorted coldly: "It's just a charged blow with a flaming bow that destroyed a street, but it can actually cause a bunch of so-called brick-and-mortar people to hype up, saying that No. 1 must do this Take responsibility for this."

"It's really ridiculous. A guy who has never faced despair personally can say such nonsense, why don't he do anything."

As if it could be seen that Godai's smile was a little forced, Tiandao then said: "I originally planned to hold a press conference some time later to announce to the outside world in the name of our Metropolitan Police Department's Joint Operations Center."

"What's the announcement?" Godai asked curiously.

"It is announced that from now on, the responsibility for protecting human security will be handed over to those old guys on TV. Our Joint Operations Center will provide all support except operations!"

Tiandao's words successfully made Wu Dai laugh out loud.

To support anything other than action, doesn’t that mean doing nothing? !

"So don't take what those guys say to heart." Tiandao patted the fifth generation on the back and greeted the latter: "My grandfather doesn't believe them."

"Let's go back! It's time to eat and sleep. Tomorrow is a new day!"

Walking in front of Fifth Generation, Tiandao raised his hands and shouted: "So you..."

"Well, what I actually want to say is..." Godai showed a smile that couldn't help but laugh: "You'd better transform."


"I really don't know where you moved us two." Wu Dai spread his hands: "But it feels like it should be a relatively desolate and uninhabited place, so..."

"You'd better transform and summon that flying motorcycle to take us back."


I don't know if he can go home or not, but someone flying in the sky was indeed intercepted by a guy squatting at the gate of Chengnan University after landing.

"Who are you…"

Looking at this guy with a hood and his whole body shrouded in black robes, especially the figure squatting there, Tiandao and Wudai actually saw a trace of inhumanity.

"My God, please tell me." The voice was rough and hoarse, with a completely different tone from human voices, especially in order to prove its identity, it also exposed the hands under the black robe, allowing Tiandao and Wudai to See.

It was a furry arm, with particularly distinctive patterns. Coupled with the restrained claws, one could tell at a glance that it was an inhuman hand.

"Who is your god among the earth, water, wind and thunder?" Looking at the furry animal paw, Tiandao said bluntly: "If you are a cat, no matter what type you are, you should be able to survive on the earth. biology."

"Is your god a respected person on earth?"

"God is right. As long as you see me, you will be able to recognize my identity." Chengnan University is currently in a deserted state. Because the infestation of life forms has not been confirmed, Chengnan University is currently on vacation.

After removing the hood, it also revealed its original face.

That furry face, anyone who saw it could accurately recognize its owner.

“Leopard?” Five generations said.

"Leopard Venerable, my name." Leopard Venerable nodded: "My God is the Venerable on earth."

"He invites you to come and talk about the spread of the forbidden power." Leopard Venerable continued: "The God said that he had not felt your breath for a period of time and thought you had been killed."

"But now you appear in this world again, it is obviously not the case."

"Humph, does my death have anything to do with him?" Tiandao crossed his arms and snorted coldly: "Why, after so long, it hasn't found what it is looking for?"

"Those who possess the power of taboos are always cunning." As he said, Leopard Venerable set his sights on Wudai: "If possible, please ask this super ancient warrior to go with him."

"The God said that once this power awakens in the human group, it will not be a good thing for anyone."



Does it mean that once it awakens among humans, the current cooperative relationship and close relationship will all be impossible?

Those guys…

“Please lead the way.” Tiandao took a step forward: “I also want to know whether your God has found what he wants to find during this period of time.”


The Leopard Venerable made a gesture of invitation, and then took the lead and walked in front, leading the way for the two.

This is also the first time since the flood that the angels and humans have talked again, and it is also the first time since humans and angels turned against each other that they have joined forces again after such a long time.

No matter how you look at it, it is of great significance.

On the other side, because of the attack by Brother Turtle, Yitiao, whose car was already scrapped, could only stand there and wait for his colleagues to come and deal with it.

He believed that Tiandao and Wudai would win.

Compared to himself, Tiandao is the real Flame Dragon and can really exert the power of the Flame Dragon.

Looking at the watch, Yitiao silently calculated the time and thought about something in his heart.

However, the sudden footsteps from behind fell clearly into his ears.

Before he could turn around, the scent of roses accompanied by a pair of arms stretched out and directly wrapped around Yitiao's neck from behind.

He pressed his knees against Yitiao's knees, fitting them tightly together, comforting the loneliness and solitude of countless years.

It was a surge of thoughts that poured out for countless years.

These hands, as well as the soft body that he could clearly feel behind him, all told Yitiao that this was not a prank by the heavens.

Especially when Yitiao turned his head and looked at the face that rested its chin on his shoulder, he was even more horrified.

"It's you!"

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