I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 219 The angel of the earth let me finish my words, who is in favor and who is against.

The confrontation was irreversible, and Kuuga and the Vampire's bishop were entangled with each other, and neither side chose to take the initiative.

Kuuga remained alert without knowing how powerful the other party was.

The anthropomorphic Vampire set his sights on the Flame Dragon over there.

As the battle between the Flame Dragon and the Hercules Beetle came to an end, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the Vampire's bishop.

The legend of the Fire Village stood in front of it at this moment.

When the Fire Village was destroyed in the past, the Vampires, together with the other thirteen tribes, turned the Fire Village upside down but could not find the Fire Stone they worshipped, and the card that sealed the Undead Beast also disappeared.

It can be said that although the thirteen tribes broke through the Fire Village, they got nothing in the end, and even...

Even now they have to face this Flame Dragon who has walked from legend to reality.

Does he know the truth about the destruction of the Fire Village? Does he know what happened in the Fire Village?

Why was the Flame Dragon already a legend in the Fire Village at that time, and now, this legend would appear again?

The Hercules Beetle is an undead beast. The bishop had known the identity of the other party from the history recorded by the Vampire Clan, and recognized it at first sight.

But even so, the opponent was so easily defeated by the Flame Dragon and turned into a card, which was still difficult for the bishop to accept.

Generally speaking, if you want to seal an undead beast, you need to beat the undead beast to the brink of death, that is, 100% of the health bar, at least 90% must be beaten, so that the undead beast can be sealed.

But the Flame Dragon just now clearly did not cause such damage to the Hercules Beetle, but it still killed and sealed it.

Is there any secret in this?

The bishop retreated from Kuuga calmly, watching Kuuga ignore it because he focused on the Flame Dragon, and then he directly escaped into the group and disappeared directly.

What kind of secrets are hidden in the Fire Village?

It seems that it is time to find information about this Flame Dragon.

After sealing the long-horned beetle inexplicably, Yanlong stood up and slowly scanned the surroundings. Anyone whose eyes met his fell into silence, and some even shrank their heads, not daring to even look at each other.

"How is it?"

After looking around, Yanlong turned his gaze to the high platform, that is, the Earth Angel.

"It is worthy of being the legend of the Fire Village, and it has been passed down since the ancient times." The Earth Angel gave a proper applause, congratulating Yanlong on his victory.

"It is really too powerful."

The Earth Angel took the lead in applauding, and the rest of the venerables naturally dared not disobey, and they all applauded.

After all, the boss is like this, if you don't applaud, wouldn't it be a disrespect to the boss?

For a while, the applause was endless, ringing in the ears.

If someone who didn't know saw this scene, they would think that there was a world martial arts conference here.

And Yanlong standing in the center of the field was the winner of the world martial arts conference.

But Yanlong didn't appreciate it. He directly removed the armor and returned to his normal appearance. He raised his head and looked at the Earth Angel in a human posture.

When their eyes met, the Earth Angel nodded slightly, and Tiandao seemed to suddenly understand something and swallowed the words he wanted to say.

"If there is no objection, I will announce the next thing." The Earth Angel said loudly, expressing his attitude.

It even waited for a while in the middle, just to see if anyone would jump out and say "I object!".

However, as the boss, as the undisputed leader among the gods, the authority of the Earth Angel is obviously very stable. No one dared to jump out and say anything about what it said. They all closed their mouths tacitly and waited for the follow-up of the Earth Angel.

"Very good."

Since that sentence didn't come out, the Earth Angel didn't keep it a secret, but spoke directly: "The Extreme War is a war between undead beasts, but this war was stopped by me. Although you later developed a war of hundreds of races, it has nothing to do with me, and it has nothing to do with us, the Supreme God."

"Which race will dominate the earth in the end? You need to fight for it yourself."

"Although the winner is human, and today, this war will start again, but."

The real thing to say is behind this "but". Everyone knows this, and they all pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"But I hope you can put aside this decision and give priority to destroying Gurongi who has awakened the forbidden power." The Earth Angel finally said its plan, and although it was a request, in fact, its words contained the affirmation of issuing an order, not a question.


"The race before us, even before us."

"I remember they are killing people everywhere in human society now, could it be that they are also..."

"Forbidden power. What is that?"

Obviously, no one has heard of the forbidden power mentioned by the earth angel, and they don't even know what this power is, and they all show confused looks.

"Is it important to eliminate this power before the war of hundreds of races?" Tiandao asked a question appropriately, and this statement also made the earth angel cast a subtle admiring look at Tiandao.

"That's right." The Earth Angel said with certainty: "This forbidden power is not tolerated by us, nor by our God, and this power is now obtained and controlled by Gurongi."

"I ask you to destroy Gurongi together, so that we, and our God, will not interfere in your battle of hundreds of races to determine the right to survive on earth." After giving a deterrent, it is natural to give a reward. The Earth Angel certainly knows this, so he said it out loud.

"Before that, the battle between the major races is not allowed to start."

"I said not allowed."

These five short words contain the absolute confidence of the Earth Angel, and while it is speaking, the Thunder Angel strikes the scepter, the water angel surges around the body of the water angel, and the wind angel above the sky also descends from the sky with super strong wind pressure.

The four angels stand side by side, and the authority of earth, water, wind and thunder sweeps across the scene. The sky is roaring, the sunlight is blocked, the waves are surging, and even the earth is shaking to show its existence.

The power of authority allowed the four archangels to control the corresponding elements of the planets. The overwhelming and intimidating aura swept the surroundings, making the existence of all the tribes dare not speak.

"This power."

However, feeling this terrible power, the bishop lowered his head while recalling the king of the former vampires in his mind.

This power is not, it is even stronger than this power. The vampires once had it.

But decades ago, the king

lost that power. The vampires now have to lower their heads, intimidated by the power of the gods, and dare not say much.

The four archangels looked at the silent tribes below and nodded with satisfaction.

"Since you know, then disperse." The angel of the earth waved his hand: "In addition, you must remember the rights of the winner of the war of a hundred races. As the loser, before the new war begins, you must abide by the treaty of the winner!"

Cannot show up in front of humans, cannot challenge the established dominance of humans, and cannot arbitrarily massacre human civilians.

The rights of the winner.

For a while, many leaders of the tribes who had experienced the war ten thousand years ago showed unwilling looks, but they did not dare to say much.

But when they lowered their heads and turned their eyes, although they did not communicate with each other, they tacitly had a common idea.

That is to let the winner of the last time, humans, be eliminated first!

As the winner of the last time, isn't it normal to be targeted this time?

In these ten thousand years, there are still too many humans.

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