I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 236 Wolf's General Attack. (By the way, is there a knight with wolf element in your Kam

"Quick, quick, quick! Unidentified life forms appeared in Bunkyo District! The patrol personnel are already stopping them!!"

"Unidentified life forms also appeared in the commercial district, with a pair of golden horns. According to the report of the frontline personnel, they are very similar to No. 4!"

"Today, many mysterious objects appeared in the sky of Tokyo. They were huge and flew around in the sky. Many people saw them!"

Before the next day dawned, Ichijo and Tendō were urgently summoned in the middle of the night to discuss the next situation in the joint operations center.

"Have they dispatched all their forces?!" Sugita didn't even have time to take care of his hair, which caused his hairline to recede more severely, and fully demonstrated the damage caused by the rampage of the unidentified life forms.

He climbed out of bed to go to work before dawn, and he had gradually become numb to the increasingly serious top of his head.

"It is not known how many are flying in the sky, but it is true that many unidentified life forms appeared overnight." Ichijo held the pictures passed by the operator in his hand and looked at the appearance of those rampant unidentified life forms.

"So many appeared in one night, are they crazy?" Sugita and Ichijo looked at the image of the unconfirmed life forms in the black and white photo after taking the photo.

Generally speaking, they are humanoid, no different from those that appeared before.

But because it is a black and white photo, they can't see more detailed colors.

"I always feel that it is a little different from the unconfirmed life forms that appeared before." Sakurai came to the side and said carefully: "Where is Mr. Five? Does he know about this now?"

"Don't let him know for now." Tiandao put down the report in his hand: "This is not the unconfirmed life forms we dealt with before."

As an existence that knows more inside information than others, Tiandao almost recognized what these rampant unconfirmed life forms were like at a glance.

Under the command of the Wolf King, those new life forms...

"That's right." Ichijo said, bending down and pulling out a long-ago report from the accumulated reports on the side: "The unconfirmed life form that appeared today has similarities with the new life form that appeared at the beginning."

"That pair of horns!" Sakurai immediately reacted: "The golden big horns!"

"That's right, they all have the same big horn, which is fundamentally different from the previous unconfirmed life forms." Ichijo also reacted immediately: "Maybe... they are not unconfirmed life forms, but new life forms like the previous one."

The before mentioned by Ichijo was obviously the experimental subject released when the Wolf King created the alien Agito.

As a new life form that combines the power of light and the power of Gurongi, the Wolf King needs it to verify and prove how strong it is.

Although the final result was that he was killed by Kuuga and Enryuu, the Wolf King was quite satisfied.

After all, for a Gurongi from the Zi Group, it was unimaginable to be able to hold out for dozens of moves under the hands of Kuuga and Enryuu.

This is not the fledgling Kuuga and Enryu. Even before the Wolf King became what he is now, they would not dare to say that they can easily win the battle.

"Number 4 appeared in Bunkyo District and started fighting!" The operator conveyed the message again, and this message obviously made everyone feel relieved.

After all, as the plot has developed to this point, the frontline personnel in the Metropolitan Police Department who are fighting against unconfirmed life forms basically know who Number 4 is.

Although Enryu's identity is still a mystery, it is only more mysterious than Kuuga.

Sugita, Sakurai, and Hikaru Enoda all believe that Enryu will reveal his true identity sooner or later.

Although the fifth generation is Number 4, it stands to reason that Enryu should be Ichijo or Tendō, who has a good relationship with him, but everyone believes that Enryu cannot be either of them.

Ichijo was at the scene when Enryu appeared.

And if Tendō is Enryu, how to explain that Tendō was on a business trip during that period, but Enryu still appeared regularly?

So Enryu cannot be either of them, but someone else.

"If the No. 4 has already been launched, we can't just sit there and wait for death!" Sugita said, holding his fist in front of him: "Let's go together, everyone!"

"We must resist the attack of this unconfirmed life form, otherwise we humans will be finished!"

Ichijo and Sakurai nodded seriously, while Tiandao was very straightforward and called Enoda Hikaru directly.

"We need four specially developed high-performance sniper rifles and specially researched bullets, and we must have enough bullets." Tiandao paused and added.

"In addition, there are grenades..."

"Grenade?!" Enoda Hikaru's voice suddenly exclaimed: "We don't have that kind of thing!"

"For a Metropolitan Police Department, how can there be grenades!!"

"RPG is fine."

"Hey! Isn't this even more impossible!!"

Listening to Enoda Hikaru's cry on the phone, Tiandao was also helpless: "The body structure of the new life form may be different from the unconfirmed life forms we have been facing. I am afraid that the things we have been studying will not have any effect on the new life form."

"So you choose to use explosions and large-caliber weapons to bombard, right?" Enoda Hikaru's voice of complaint sounded at the right time: "That kind of thing needs to be reported in advance. I can't get it in a hurry now."

"...but I can give you some tear gas."


Why do I need tear gas?

Does the new life form look very similar to the human body structure? !

Because the whole of Tokyo suddenly became lively, the four of them had to divide into four teams and rush around like firefighters.

Although both Sugita and Sakurai understand that even if they go, the role they can play is limited, and whether they go or not depends on their thoughts.

But they went anyway.

Humans and Gurungi... no, it should be said that the hatred between the Metropolitan Police Department and unidentified life forms is just like the hatred between the Fire Village and Gurungi.

Although they have not met each other for a long time, the Metropolitan Police Department is eager to destroy the unconfirmed life form.

How many colleagues lost their lives, how many tragedies were created by them.

Before Ichigo sets out, let him choose to transform into a flame dragon, so that he can also exert his ability to fight against new life forms, so that he will not be ineffective.

Tiandao himself fights monsters physically, relying on his mind to help him fight, and he also has the ability to fight against new life forms.

But...Ichijo refused.

One reason for rejection is also very simple, that is, the power of Yanlong can be brought into full play in Tiandao. Compared with him, Tiandao is the real Yanlong.

Rather than dragging a new life form there by yourself, it is better to hand over the Flame Dragon to Tiandao, let Tiandao use the strongest power to destroy the new life form, and then rush to other places to help.

Although this would put him in danger, Ichichi still insisted that Tiandao must do this.

Once he makes up his mind, no one can change his will.

In desperation, Tiandao could only choose to turn into a flame dragon himself, and then drive the light and shadow horse parallel to Ichijo's car.

Tiandao gave a thumbs up, and after one responded in return, the flame dragon sped up and rushed towards the sky. The light and shadow horse left a red trail and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The angel is no longer an obstacle, and the wolf king's ambition is fully revealed. At this moment, standing on the top of the mountain with the cold white full moon as the background, it roars up to the sky and makes the sound of a general attack.

The power of Gurungi and the power of Yajituo were entangled and blended with each other, causing the huge full moon to be infected with blood and turn into a strange scarlet disk.

And around the scarlet moon, there was a strange and ominous dark green halo, like twisted tentacles, entangled with each other, causing the world to twist out of thin air.

Under the red light of the scarlet moon, pairs of glasses eager to kill exude a faint green light.

Ready to go.

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