I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 24: The Gate of Shenshan: You are like the head of the Shenshan family, how many have change

Chapter 24 Kamiyama Gate: You are like the head of the Kamiyama family, how many generations have changed...

Instead of going to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Ichijo brought Goto and Tendō back to Nagano Prefecture, and here, together with Tendō, delivered the latest motorcycle currently developed by the Metropolitan Police Department: TRCS-2000 to Goto.

This car is a new experimental motorcycle newly developed by the Metropolitan Police Department, equipped with all the functions that cannot be popularized. It can be said that there is only one at present.

In the Metropolitan Police Department, because the safety problem of motorcycles in ultra-high-speed driving has not been solved, it has been shelved until now.

But now, if you want to catch up with the speed of Leopard Girl, this motorcycle will inevitably be handed over to Goto.

As a person who loves motorcycles, Goto's eyes lit up when he saw this car.

After all, such a motorcycle is simply impossible to have in the market.

"Hey, this can indeed catch up with No. 5, but how are you going to report it to General Matsuse?" Tendou also knew about this experimental motorcycle, which can reach a maximum speed of 300km. Excluding safety issues, it can indeed be used to catch up with Leopard Girl.

But... it should be a motorcycle from the Metropolitan Police Department, but it suddenly appeared on Kuuga's body. How should Ichijo explain this?

"Didn't you swear that No. 4 will not do bad things?" He opened the safe, took out the handlebars of the motorcycle and installed them on the motorcycle, which became the handle for twisting the throttle.

Ichijo turned his head and looked at Tendou and said.

"So, I, who believe in you, naturally believe in what you believe."

"Tsk, stop saying these mushy words." Tiandao rolled his eyes: "You should save these words for your fans in the Metropolitan Police Department."

"I mean it sincerely." Ichijo smiled and waved his hand: "Tiandao, Godai, I believe we can solve all this."

...No longer referring to himself or his identity, when Ichijo said "we", did he finally include Godai in it?

This "we" is no longer limited to himself, but to Ichijo Kaoru, Godai Yusuke, and Kamiyama Tiandao after abandoning their so-called identities.

"You go first, I'll be there soon!" After entering the password "0318" and starting the motorcycle, Ichijo opened the door of the car.


Godai has completely felt Ichijo's trust. Ichijo, who has always resisted himself, has given him such trust, which has made Godai full of fighting spirit and aroused his whole body.

"hensin! (Transformation)"

The Adamu belt was revealed, and Godai once again transformed into Kuuga. He turned the handle and rushed out of the car compartment, instantly starting the terrifying horsepower of this new motorcycle, and disappeared in almost the blink of an eye.


Ichijo called out to Tendao, but Tendao was faster and had already boarded the car, and even found a crowbar in the warehouse.

"When Godai goes up to fight with Leopard Girl, I will find a chance to break Leopard Girl's legs!" Waving the crowbar in the car, Tendao looked ferocious: "Even if I can't transform, I can still fight!"

Ichijo didn't say anything, but focused on driving, and opened the communication channel to share information with all his colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department.

This battle was a battle in which Kuuga was completely accepted.

This battle was a battle in which humans and unconfirmed life forms officially started.

This battle was to protect thousands of humans, a battle that could not be lost.

Pushing open the door of the Kamiyama family, Daguba took the lead, and Rose Girl lagged behind slightly, and the status of both parties was clear at a glance.

As the royal family of the Gurongi, or even the only royal family, Daguba has the fighting ability that is superior to all Gurongi members. At the same time, Daguba can decide life and death with a word.

Being above all Gurongi means that Daguba can dominate the life and death of all Gurongi at will.

If it were not for being defeated and sealed by Kuuga, a human named Riku, thousands of years ago, Daguba's future would be bright.

And Rose Girl is below Daguba, below one person and above ten thousand people.

Perhaps... it should be said that she is one of the tops below the only royal family in the Gurongi group.

So these two people came to invade the Kamiyama family, and they could come and go at will.

It's like a JK tied to a bus facing a bus full of people. It's useless to endure it even if you scream your throat out.

Therefore, the gate and walls of Shenshan’s house have something to say about the fact that Daguba and Rose Girl entered Shenshan’s house so easily.

Who are they defending against with their gates and walls? They are all ordinary people!

Who are you coming now? They are all superhumans!

You want me to defend?

Can I defend against someone like Daguba?

I can’t.

I don’t have the ability, right?

If this continues, the general will break in.

After the general breaks in, Turtle Brother breaks in, and then Rhino breaks in, and there will be no Gurongi next.

Shenshan’s house’s gate is gone (spreading his hands).

“I can feel the breath of the complete spirit stone.” Daguba closed his eyes slightly, and he was full of joy in his heart. He was in a particularly good mood now: “A thousand years ago, even when I was closest to this stone, it was not as good as now.”

Rose Girl did not say anything.

Thousands of years ago, Daguaba broke into the Fire Village and wanted to get the complete spiritual stone enshrined by the Fire Village. However, he was blocked by the people of the Fire Village.

In the end, after suffering huge casualties, the leader of the Fire Village and the summoner of the Flame Dragon Armor paid the price with their lives and forcibly imprinted it on Gurungi's body at the cost of the blood of the Fire Village.

Contaminated with the blood curse of killing, even though Daguba rushed into the temple at that time, the power of the sudden burst of spiritual stone still blasted Daguba out in the blink of an eye.

"After all, it is a complete spiritual stone, and its power is completely different from that of a broken spiritual stone."

Regarding the fact that he was blown away by the fire crystal, Daguaba only thought that it was the power of the complete spiritual stone itself.

Therefore, in his eyes, compared to Kuuga, Yanlong, the warrior born under the complete spirit stone, is the most worthy opponent to fight.

However... the Yanlong from thousands of years ago... every successor seemed to be no match for him.

But Daguba doesn't think it's the Flame Dragon's problem, but thinks it's the Summoner's problem.

But unfortunately, when he later wanted to cause trouble in the Fire Village, a man named Rick took over the Adam belt and became Kuuga.


When he thought of Rick, the corners of Daguba's originally hooked lips suddenly dropped, and even his originally happy mood suddenly turned bad.

"Even though a thousand years have passed, has the blood curse of the Fire Village really disappeared?"

Rose Girl spoke.

"They used the blood of the whole family to weaken from generation to generation as a price, and turned it into a chain to seal me." Daguaba turned his head slightly: "But now, how much power of their blood is left?"

Rose Girl was silent.

Time is really enough to destroy everything.

Crossing the corridor and arriving at the temple enshrining the fire crystal, Daguaba could clearly feel the power of the fire crystal even though he was separated by a door.

"But a thousand years have still not brought any changes to the spirit stone!"

Daguaba's eyes were full of enthusiasm and his body remained motionless, but his own inflated aura was enough to shake the temple door open, revealing everything inside.

The enshrined fire crystal in the center is also the spiritual stone in Daguba's eyes. It remains the same in the flickering candlelight, allowing Daguba's memory to return to a thousand years ago in an instant.

The village of fire became the Kamiyama family.

The temple where the spiritual tablets stood was transformed into this small corner of the world.

The shouts and roars after he set foot in the temple, as well as the bloody warriors, seemed to still be roaring in his mind.

The deafening sound resounded in my ears.

But as soon as you open your eyes, those sounds will fade away with the passing years, gradually turning into inaudible whispers, and finally falling into silence.

Time is silent, taking away all the noise and sinking everything into silence.

Under the erosion of time, everything is gone.

But thousands of years later, he was still standing here in Cuba, and nothing had changed.

"This time, no one can stop me."

Daguaba puffed out his chest and was extremely confident.

It took one step and entered the temple.


The dazzling red light turned into a terrifying beam of light and directly hit Daguabo's body. Layers of bright red mantra shackles suddenly appeared on the body of the originally handsome and gentle boy.

These spells are not dead things, but are entangled in Daguba's body as if they are alive, binding his body tightly and suppressing his power to the maximum extent.

With his hands crossed in front of him, Daguba was caught off guard and was blown away. His body broke through the door of Shenshan's house and fell to the street outside.

Rose Girl:…

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