I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 266 In short, this is the Kabuto series, it is really fast and really scrapes.

A guy who was originally considered dead suddenly came back to life. Not only that, he pulled out the spear that had pierced his body with one hand, and then fell to the ground, shouting something like "This is my struggle to survive!".

If you were a shark or a bison, how would you feel?

Let alone other things, just for themselves, the shark and the bison had to bend their bodies back and look at this Linduo again.

"It's really interesting, such a resurrection, the injury recovered in an instant, even the Flame Dragon can't do this." The fatal wound no longer exists, and even the abdomen that was pierced has long returned to normal.

Except for the pool of blood that is particularly dazzling, there is nothing else.

This is something that the awakened Linduo of the Fire Village, and even the summoner of the Flame Dragon, can't do.

Now, it was done by a Linduo.

"Tell me your name, Linduo." Shark raised his spear and pointed at Yitiao: "You are not worth being hunted!"


As if answering Shark's words, but also as if simply saying the name of the power he possessed at the moment, the moment the Gatack was inserted into the belt, the atoms of the mechanical structure spread the armor one by one, covering Yitiao's body one by one.

In a very short time, the attachment was completed, turning Yitiao from an ordinary person into a burly giant wearing blue and white armor.

Compared with the Flame Dragon, Yitiao in this posture is more like a steel masked man.

The heavy chest armor has three different postures, but they are tightly stuck together, which seems to fit particularly well.

The movable valves on the two arms meander down all the way from the arms to the wrists, forming a ring together, like a heavy object like an iron wire fist.

On both shoulders, two powerful Vulcan cannons with automatic loading and automatic adjustment capabilities are currently in a state of readiness, with a terrifying firepower of firing 5,000 rounds per minute.

You can also adjust the power, convert ammunition, and use the explosive Vulcan cannon for devastating strikes.

As long as the wearer wants, he can release terrifying continuous bombardment at any time, with extraordinary power.

"I am me, I am not Shenshan Yizhen."

The transformation was successful, using the power that is not a fire dragon, but even so, Ichijo can feel a little warm.

"I am Ichijo Xun, I am myself!"

Looking up, a glimmer flashed in the red eyes of the steel fighting king, and the Vulcan cannons on both shoulders immediately started the automatic loading mode, aiming the muzzle at the shark and the bison.

Boom! Boom!

After two consecutive bombardments, the fiery red shells were released and hit the two new life forms.

However, this bombardment that can kill ordinary monsters in seconds did not cause much damage to the shark and the bison.

The hammer struck horizontally, the spear swept horizontally, and under the two weapons, the Vulcan Cannon only left a trace of regret, leaving only the shattered sparks scattered and no longer existed.

King Gangdou did not give up, but ran, while running, continuously firing attacks, continuously releasing the Vulcan Cannon, launching one after another, forming a terrifying firepower coverage, drowning the enemy in front of him in the artillery fire.

The next moment, the whistling spear tore through the air and rushed over. The black spear tore a sharp whistle in the air and stabbed towards King Gangdou's chest, trying to replicate the previous killing.

But this time was obviously different from the previous one. The spear fell on King Gangdou's breastplate, and the tip of the spear collided with the plate armor, bursting out violent sparks.

King Gangdou's forward figure suddenly stopped backwards, and he took a step back involuntarily.

However, the spear was blown aside and fell to the ground powerlessly, without bleeding.

Obviously, with the penetration of the spear, it is no longer possible to break through the armored posture that King Gangdou is maintaining at the moment.

However, the penetration of the spear has failed, so naturally someone will come to offer a stronger force.

Holding the hammer upside down and dragging sparks on the ground, Bison strode forward, and every step he stepped on could cause a shock like an earthquake, allowing people to clearly feel the terrible power of his strength.

Grabbing the hammer with both hands and raising it above his head, the hammer swung in a circle brought a whistling wind, and in the roar of the bison, it hit the head of Yitiao heavily.

In the armored posture, King Gangdou's movement speed was slightly limited by a heavy armor. Facing a power player, King Gangdou's choice was to raise his arm and use the heavy armor ring on his arm to hold the hammer handle, while bending his head downward to avoid being hit by the hammer head.

Because it was an armored posture, the defense was greatly enhanced, so King Gangdou could choose to deal with it in this way.

Resisting the fall of the heavy hammer, King Gangdou stepped back a few steps, unloaded the force imposed on him, and prepared to completely unload it before taking a chance to counterattack.

However, what he did not expect was that the vines that shot out were like tentacles with fangs and claws, rushing out from his armpits and all around him, swarming out in an overwhelming manner, submerging the body of the bison, and burying it in a breath.

Boom boom boom!

The vines that continued to advance were unabated, pushing the body of the bison all the way, crashing into the wall, submerging it to death, and instantly filling the entire space.

"What are you doing, fire the cannon."

The cold voice sounded in his ears, awakening the originally confused Yizhi, and he subconsciously pulled the trigger to release the fake Vulcan cannon, hitting the piled vines in front of him.

The sudden explosion and the blazing flames ignited the entire space in an instant. The piled up vines burned quickly, forming a huge fireball in an instant.

This also caused pipes around the factory to burst, releasing more white mist.

Gangdou realized something was wrong and ran away. Under the continuous high temperature, the factory was about to be unable to bear it. If he didn't leave, he might be swallowed up in the flames of the explosion.

With this thought, he just took a step forward, but found that Rose Girl was still standing in the same place, with no intention of moving at all.

"What are you doing standing still? Let's go?!" Gang Dou greeted Rose Girl.

Rose Girl shook her head and pointed forward.

Gang Dou followed the guidance and looked over, just in time to see a red buffalo whose whole body was burned, opening his hands and shattering all the vines on his body with an explosive gesture.

"Don't even think about leaving!"

It has never been confirmed that a life form has evolved into a new life form. The bison naturally has a power of its own, which is beyond the power it had as a grunge before, and it only has it now.

"Leave them all here!"

The factory is about to explode, and the bison's body releases super high temperatures, making the already overwhelmed factory even more unbearable.

"Suffer it!"

Knowing that it was too late to escape from the factory, the Steel Fighter King had no choice. He immediately flicked the horns of the Steel Fighter Bug on his belt, causing the escaped electric current to spread around his body.

He had not originally planned to use this move. Although he had become the King of Steel, it was his first transformation after all, and he was not sure whether he could use that power.

But now, I have to do this.

After the pulsing electric current swept through the whole body, the plate armor on the Steel Fighter King's chest, the rings on his arms, and the jet port on his back all released strong white mist.

"cast off."

【cast off】

Ichijo's voice accompanied the voice of the armor, and he instantly switched from the armor posture, exploding the external defenses used for protection, revealing the true appearance inside.

Switching from the defense mode of the armored posture to the knight mode of the armored posture makes the originally heavy body become agile and more active.

Although the color scheme remains unchanged, the shoulder cannons on both shoulders are no longer replaced by a pair of double swords.

Two horns were lifted up from both sides of the head, clamped on the left and right sides of the head respectively, and the red compound eyes suddenly lit up, like a god of war.

【Change stag beetle】

"Clock Up!" Transformed into a knight's posture, the King of Steel slapped the side of his belt.

Invisible time particles flowed throughout the body. In an instant, in the eyes of Steel Dou Wang, the world stopped for him at this moment.

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