I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 269: Promise (a title with an old Heisei vibe)

You can always trust the biological Kamen Riders in terms of their physical recovery ability.

Although Tendao, as a fire dragon, has some magical powers, he is really no match for Godai in this regard.

After one night, Tendao's body barely recovered some mobility, while Godai was already fully alive and well, with no trace of the previous injuries.

Not only that, his current condition is quite good, and he is even more trustworthy than before.

Obviously, everything Tendao did to Ultimate Black Eyed Kuuga before did not cause the slightest harm to Ultimate Black Eyed Kuuga, and it was even worse than the rest time that Ultimate Black Eyed Kuuga himself had after he withdrew from the Ultimate.

Therefore, at noon the next day, Godai came out of the wooden shed, facing the white snow, exhaled a breath of hot air, and transformed again under the sunshine, once again showing his posture as Kuuga.

And this time, the transformation into Kuuga was also a little different from before.

In the past, after becoming Kuuga, if the Five Generations wanted to stimulate the sublimation form, they needed to extract the power of gold to stimulate it in order to open the golden sublimation form, and complete the stimulation to achieve evolution.

Although it is powerful, it is time-limited.

Once the power of gold is exhausted, the sublimation form can no longer be maintained, and it has to return to normal.

This time, the Five Generations could feel it as soon as they transformed. They were in the sublimation form now, and they did not need to stimulate or transform. Instead, they stabilized in the sublimation form after the transformation, making it no longer a limited form, but an ordinary form that can be permanent.

This is unimaginable for Kuuga's improvement.

Not to mention...

Recalling the memory of his consciousness in the spirit stone at that time, the Five Generations stimulated the power of gold again. It was no longer an all-powerful sublimation, nor was it a sublimation of any of the four basic forms, but it was no longer a step further on the original basis, as if it was created out of nothing, evolving into a brand new appearance.

That is black, the red of the almighty sublimation faded, replaced by black, and the posture of applying this black on the body was released.

The power that is infinitely close to the ultimate is obtained by surpassing the four basic forms.

Amazing omnipotence.

This appearance is already the strongest power above the four basics and below the ultimate, and it is a biological ability that is infinitely close to the ultimate.

To a certain extent, it has its own unique fear.

Although it was only powerful for one episode in the original work, and then it was beaten by the more powerful Daguba, it cannot be said that this posture is not powerful enough.

It’s just that Daguba was too powerful at that time.

Therefore, under the sunlight, the black double-horned Kuuga standing in the white snow is no longer as heavy and violent as before, but peaceful, which is the tolerance and peace that can be felt as long as you look at the darkness.


Also crawling out of the wooden shed, Tiandao didn’t expect that the fifth generation showed a brand new posture at this moment.

How brand new is it?

Even on Onodera, he had never seen this posture.

"I can feel that this is the strongest power I can control now." Reaching out his hand and stroking his chest, Wu Dai said word by word: "But... I feel that I can become stronger."

"Become stronger..." Tian Dao was silent: "You mean, can you enter the previous posture again?"

"Yeah!" Kuuga turned his head and looked at Tian Dao: "It's just... I can't be sure if I become like that, I will still be myself, can I control myself in that state..."


"Don't think about such uncertain things." Tian Dao interrupted Wu Dai's follow-up: "If you lose control again, I can't do anything this time."

Wu Dai didn't know if he could control the Ultimate Kuuga, and he couldn't really try it this time.

In the final analysis, it was because Tian Dao couldn't pull Wu Dai back again.

And the reappearance of the Ultimate Black-eyed Kuuga, once out of control, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Anyway, let's go back first." Godai shook his head, amazed that the power of the omnipotent Kuuga has exceeded the previous one by a lot. This time... he should be able to...

"Well, let's go back to Tokyo and meet up with everyone."

Tendao naturally would not refuse, waiting for Godai to summon Golem, and then fly back to Tokyo.

But during this waiting time, whether it was him or Godai, they were actually full of worries and did not relax at all.

What they were thinking about was the same thing.

In a moment, Golem fell from the sky, Kuuga carried Tendao on his back, grabbed Golem's body with one hand, and was taken to fly in the air together.

However, the figures passing through also had a silence that belonged to the two, each flowing in each other's hearts.

The first one to speak and break the silence between the two was Godai.

"I want to try again, Tiandao-san."

After making up his mind, Wudai's voice finally lost its confusion: "No matter what, I have to try once."

"Do you still remember what the earth angel said?"

Tiandao knew this would happen, so he was not surprised at all by Wudai's choice: "If you want to save all the tragedies, you must..."

"If the ultimate is the answer to everything, then I want to be that kind of existence." Godai said: "I want Mr. Sugita and others to come back, and I want everyone who has become a monster to return to their original state."

"If that's what the Ultimate can do, I'm going to become the Ultimate."

"If all this can really be undone..."

Kuuga raised his head and watched the Golem fly down from above the clouds and break through the sky to reveal the city in front of him.

"I will become that."


"What's wrong? Tiandao-san, you haven't spoken a word?" It seemed that after waiting for a long time but still unable to get Tiandao's answer, Godai spoke first and expressed his doubts. Even so, he said it in a joking tone without caring. .

"I hope... you can travel." Opening his eyes, Tiandao said such a sentence, which had nothing to do with the current topic.

"Eh?" Godai was stunned.

"I hope you can do what you want to do." Tiandao then added: "It has always been your dream."

"What I am doing now is what I have always dreamed of." Others may not understand these words, but Godai can understand the meaning of these words very well.

His dream is to become an adventurer. His original life should be to go on adventures around the world and do what he likes most, instead of being like this... becoming a warrior.

Ichijo and he are policemen, shouldering the life safety and responsibility of citizens, and he is also shouldering the mission that belongs to the inheritance of the Kamiyama family, and he must fight no matter what.

And what about the fifth generation?

Putting on the belt, becoming the empty self, and fighting until now, this was not the fate he should have to bear, nor was it the responsibility he needed to bear.

But he...

"When this is all over, my adventure will continue."

Godai added.

"At that time, maybe I will be in a corner of the world, silently blessing Tiandaosang?"

"That day won't be too far away." Tiandao replied: "Fudai, your adventure, and mine..."

"Then we want to make a promise? Tendo-san." Golem fell from the sky and landed steadily on the ground. In the center of Tokyo Square, Kuuga put Tendo down from his back and stretched out his little finger. In front of the two people.

"Because it's very interesting, so I thought, if we can still be together..."

The voice was low for a moment, but then became louder again.

"As for me, when I come back from my adventure, I will definitely bring gifts and see Tiandaosang again."

"At that time, I will continue."


Isn’t the point about coming back, not about continuing, but about the adventure itself?

Because only by living can you take risks and meet and reunite later.

Only alive.

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