I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 274 The Miracle of Red Eyes (Once the title is normal, it means I can’t say anything bad any

To make everything return to what he originally thought, it requires a very firm determination and unbearable suffering.

If you want a miracle to happen in anything, then the miracle itself is not such a cheap thing, but it is not too much to speculate.

If the miracle itself is so easy to achieve, how can it be called a miracle?

But no matter how difficult it is, no matter how unimaginable it is, Wudai must turn that miracle into reality and must make that thing happen.

Therefore, he stood here, standing between heaven and earth, standing in front of the way of heaven, watching these new life forms in front of him, which are monsters in the eyes of others, but still human in his eyes.

He raised his hand, letting the golden horns on his head shine in the sky, and in the wolf king's breathless gaze, he once again imprinted his peak appearance on his body.

What price does it take to become the ultimate?

Becoming the ultimate means that from now on he will no longer be a human being, from now on he will be cut off from the human group, and will not be understood by anyone.

Even before that, he couldn't even guarantee whether he would still have his own consciousness after becoming the Ultimate, whether he would still be who he is now.

Everything is unknown, and the unknown represents possibility.

Anything is possible.

But Wudai is definitely not the kind of person who is afraid of his own power because of fear, nor is he the kind of person who is confused because he can't be sure of himself.

Don't know if he can succeed?

Don't know if he is still himself?

There is no need to have such doubts, nor do you need to have such concerns, because if you want to achieve a miracle, this is something that must become a reality, something that must be... controlled.

"Super transformation."

There is no passion and enthusiasm for the previous transformation, and no high spirits with fighting spirit. What is flowing in Wudai's heart at this moment is the certainty of certainty and the awareness that he will succeed.

The amazing and omnipotent figure is still the same. Kuuga, who is standing in the same place, is still the same in front of everyone, without any difference.

Tiandao, who is leaning against the wall, covers his chest and stares at the back of the black warrior in front of him.

The lower half of his body was still sunk into the ground, with his hands supporting the steel bucket on the ground.

The wolf king didn't dare to breathe, just staring at Kuuga's appearance.

At this moment, everyone saw the Kuuga in their own understanding, and saw the appearance they thought they were.

"You can no longer..."

The first sentence he spoke was the wolf king's eager words to confirm something.

The black and gold Kuuga's appearance was a nightmare to him.

"No, even if you can still become, now..."

The wolf king shook his head, and the words that convinced him just fell. When he raised his head again, he suddenly found that the Kuuga standing in front of him had changed his appearance.

Wolf King: ? ? ?

The black and gold figure was no different from before, and the darker color than the amazing all-powerful Kuuga seemed so shining.

At least at this moment, the wolf king knew what it meant to be black and shiny.

The golden lines were all over the edges of the gaps in the biological armor, simple and beautiful.

Compared to the overall black, the proportion of gold is so rare.

But even though it is rare, the golden stripes seem to attract all attention in an instant, and no one can ignore this gold.

The golden horns are fully unfolded, and the four-horned Kuuga stands on the earth.

Just like when he first appeared, he stood between heaven and earth, in front of everyone.

He descended in a posture that no one expected.


Gundo has never seen the ultimate black-eyed Kuuga, but Tendou has seen it with his own eyes and has fought with him.

Now this ultimate with his back to him appears again. Although it seems so simple compared to the previous mighty movement, Tendou will not mistake this figure.

He is waiting, waiting for the appearance of this Kuuga after turning his head.

Slightly sideways, leaving a half figure to someone behind him, but even if it is only half of the body, it is enough.

It was no longer the dark eyes that looked like a whirlpool, but the gentle red eyes that everyone knew, the same as Kuuga.

Those red eyes that looked at everything gently, and had their own ideas.



"I can do it."

The voice of the Heavenly Dao came to his ears, as if it was right beside him, as if it was far away in the horizon.

But no matter what, at this moment, Kuuga Godai once again stepped into the Ultimate, and unlike the previous him who fell into the Black Eyes, this time Godai used the controllability of the Red Eyes and became Kuuga with his own will, becoming the Ultimate existence.

The future that the Spirit Stone showed him, the Black Eyes, had been surpassed by Godai at this moment. Godai, who showed the same figure but surpassed the future, brought a new possibility.

Surpassed the destruction caused by the Ultimate Black Eyes.

Surpassed the future predicted by the Spirit Stone.

At this moment, Kuuga stood here, doing what he wanted to do with his own will.


Before the subsequent words were finished, Kuuga's range of perception suddenly increased, and the perception was countless times greater than that of Sublimated Pegasus. It instantly reverberated across the entire planet, causing all the sounds on the planet to be lost to the ultimate space at this moment. What I perceive.

Whether it is the pulsation of the planet in the center of the earth or the slight movement caused by the division of microorganisms, it is enough to hear the microscopic world, and it is enough to sense the molecular movement of the microscopic world. Everything that happens in any corner of the earth cannot be hidden from the ultimate. Empty me.


Because of this, Ultimate Kuuga sensed changes around the world. Those life forms that carried the Wolf King's infection ability to other countries and other continents for infection faithfully carried out the Wolf King's orders on each continent.

Wherever they go, they set off a terrible infection like a biological crisis, disturbing the entire world little by little, and disturbing the foundation of mankind little by little.

Although the Wolf King is still here, his ambitions have already filled the entire world.

"Everywhere I go, there is family destruction, death and separation, and killing..."

The fifth generation is aware of everything happening on other continents: "Wolf King...you will stay till the end..."

However, when faced with the question from Ultimate Kuuga, the Wolf King didn't even bother to say a word. Instead, he turned around and walked away, with absolutely no intention of staying where he was for even a second longer.

...What can we do?

The black Kuuga looked good before. If you keep looking like that, I won't be able to fight you for a few times.

As a result, you turned into what you are now without even saying a word. How can I fight with you?

If you can't fight a little, just moisten it.

But now that the Ultimate Kuuga has appeared, fighting or not fighting is definitely not something the Wolf King can control.

"Stop it."

Slowly raising his hand, the supernatural fire suddenly lit up the ground around the Wolf King. The raging fire spread and covered the Wolf King in an instant, leaving the Wolf King with nowhere to go and had to fall into it.


Taking a deep breath, the Wolf King turned around and stared at someone not far away through the fire.

"How can a big man bully a small man?"


Steel bucket:…

Ultimate Empty Self:…

Although the Wolf King's words were astonishing, Ultimate Kuuga no longer cares about the Wolf King. What he wants to do now is what he has always wanted to do after entering the realm of Ultimate.

"You are indeed very ambitious, Wolf King."

Slowly raising his palms and pointing them at the sky, Ultimate Kuuga activated his molecular reconstruction ability, sweeping the surroundings with his own biological energy in an instant.

The position of the ultimate creature began to spread to the surroundings, covering the entire Tokyo, the entire Pacific, and the entire planet in a very short period of time.

The biological stance of an ultimate life form is enough to do many things that in the eyes of humans, only gods can do.

"You!!" The Wolf King was shocked.

"I will crush your ambition completely."

The ultra-large-scale molecular reconstruction ability covering the entire planet is activated, and everything in the biological stance is under the control of the ultimate emptiness.

So much so that if you look at the Earth, the third planet in the solar system, from the universe, you can see that it becomes a little blurry.

It is the scenery revealed by the massive molecules filling the earth's atmosphere and maintaining high-speed movement. It is the activity caused by the movement at the microscopic level of the biological world.

Only the ultimate life form can cause such a huge movement in the microscopic world.

The ultimate Kuuga's red eyes shone with determination to reverse his fate.

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