I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 29 The lifelong enemy of the Fire Dragon Summoner: The Flame Blade [Who came up with this de

Everyone gathered in Tokyo because they received the signal from Rose Girl of the La Group and gathered here from all over.

Not only them, but also many other more powerful Gurongis also gathered in Tokyo to start a game of their own Gurongis here.

Before this, Leopard Girl was also a partner and one of the people who gathered here.

But because everyone met a bad boy by accident when they met at a certain place, Leopard Girl felt humiliated after being flirted with, killed him, and then chased another bad boy on a motorcycle and appeared on the road.

Then, it happened before.

Leopard Girl has died, and these "partners" in the same group can only mention it in a formal way at best, and then say nothing.

The Zi Group had already lost three Gurongis before the game started, and after the game started, the progress would be very fast.

Because they are one level higher than the small fish of the Bei Group, they are not so powerful in the eyes of other groups.

Because of this, they are extremely eager to start the game, and then... get rid of their identity as a bottom existence.

The pale face of the bat turned into a human form made him look like a gentleman in a black suit.

But the red eyes ruined his temperament, making him look a little ferocious, and his temperament became extremely cold.

He was holding a black umbrella and trailed behind the Rose Girl, looking like a follower.

After saying goodbye to Daguba, the Rose Girl immediately threw herself into her referee position.

As the referee who started this game, the game could not start without the Rose Girl.

Without the witness of the La Group, killing before the game started would be regarded as breaking the rules of the game and would be disqualified from the game.

This is absolutely unbearable for any Gurongi who wants to become stronger.

"The game begins."

Standing in front of the remaining Gurongi, the Rose Girl bent her arms, and the claw-like ring between them was lingering with strange power.

As soon as she arrived, she immediately attracted the attention of the Zi Group and others.


As a referee, Rose Girl has the right to order anyone to go. This is based on her absolute strength, and she has the right to make the brutal Gurongi obedient.

"Oh, am I the first person worth remembering?"

Hearing his name, Locust laughed out loud. You know, being the first means starting first.

In addition to completing the task, you can also release your desire to kill.

Of course, Locust is very happy.

"As the first person to start this game..." From the human posture to its original appearance, the locust's dark brown compound eyes and two bent tentacles all exude a kind of proud emotion.

The yellow-brown body is covered with insect armor, and there are also some tattered clothes left.

The arms are tied with bandages, assimilated by the locust's own color. The thin body looks weak, but the locust's strong legs, seemingly like ordinary people, are actually full of explosive power.

It can even jump hundreds of meters at a time, with extremely powerful jumping ability.

In the high-rise buildings of the city, there is a perfect place for him to perform.

But... I don't know what his loincloth is used to cover.

It seems that bats didn't have this thing before...

"Mission target, method, quantity, time." Rose girl said calmly.

"As for the target..." Locust didn't dare to look directly at Rose girl, the other party's level was too high, it was not something he could peek at: "No limit."

Hearing the word "no limit", Rhino and Chameleon sneered.

No limit means that the difficulty of the task is actively reduced, so that even if the task is completed, the blessing that can be obtained is not that powerful.

In this case, if Locust wants to become stronger, it must play the game again after a round of games.

But at that time, whether the Kikiru game is still open or not is not something it can decide.

"81 people."

"Falling from a height and dying."

"Two days."

The locust told all about his future, and Rose didn't say much about it. She took out the bracelet needed for the task from behind, and turned it to the number of people that the locust needed to kill, as well as the additional time and difficulty bonus coefficient of the method, and then stuck it, separated the difference in quantity, and handed it to the locust.

Gurongi adopted the nine-base counting method. The bracelet was used to count the number of people killed. The first ring was reset to zero after killing nine people, and the second ring was moved back by one, and so on, until the task was completed.

After delivering the bracelet, Rose inserted the ring into the belt around the locust's waist.

Along with the injection of energy, it means that the locust officially has the qualifications to participate in the game, and also needs to bear the ending of the mission cannot be completed.

That is, after the time limit is exceeded, the mission is judged to have failed, and the locust will explode on the spot and die directly.

Gurongi's cruel rules are not only for humans, but also for Gurongi.

"Then wait for me to make a good start." After the game officially started, Locust walked away confidently.

Although the awakening time was not too long, they had already figured out that in this era, there were no people from the Fire Village.

Or maybe there is, but the scattered blood of the Fire Village can no longer be a hindrance to them.

Not only that, these guys who have special blood without knowing it are like hot cakes for Gurongi.

It’s just that the price was clearly marked before, but now it’s like opening a blind box, seeing if you can find one in the vast crowd.

And Kuuga...

I’m not Rick, what’s there to be afraid of? !

"Today we are going to learn the cannon fist." The Heart of the Divine Mountain stroked his beard and looked at Tiandao with a smile: "It is the most explosive type of boxing in the Southern Fist, which is unstoppable and blasts out like a cannonball."

"Boxing is another matter. I just want to know one thing." Tiandao said, and kept gesturing with his hands on the top of the Divine Mountain: "That knife! What's the matter with the knife of Yanlong?!"

"Knife?" The Heart of the Divine Mountain was still smiling: "That is Yanlong's weapon, a weapon used to launch a killing post."

"I know it is a weapon, then... how to use it?" Tiandao gestured with his hands: "When I saw that weapon, I didn't even know where the handle was, let alone how to use it."

"So can you tell me what it is?"

This is why Tiandao used the Flame Bow when he chose a weapon when he transformed into Yanlong.

When he first saw that Flame Knife, he really didn't know how to use it.

And for some reason, there is no way to use the Flame Blade in the inherited memory of the armor, and even the record of the use of the Flame Blade is... 0.

This is either because the record of the use of the Flame Blade in the Yanlong Armor has been lost for some reason.


No one has ever used this knife!

"How to use a weapon depends on you. As long as the person is strong enough, even a blade of grass or a stone can be used as a weapon."

Shenshan Xinzhe is still cheerful, and there seems to be no gloating expression on his face. He is still kind.

... After all, how could Shenshan Xinzhe show that kind of mocking look?

"The method of using the Flame Blade is in the Southern Fist." Shenshan Xinzhe continued: "As long as you learn the Southern Fist and master the secrets of the Southern Fist, the swordsmanship of the Flame Blade will also become one of your powers."

"Well." Tiandao took a deep breath, threw away the magical shape of the Flame Blade in his mind, lowered his body, and posed the starting posture of the Southern Fist.

"Very good, very decent." Shenshan Xinzhe did not move, still stroking his beard, calm and peaceful.

What is there to be afraid of? I, Shenshan Xinzhe, don't know what level of his Heavenly Dao is?

Could he dare to use the monkey to steal peaches?

Does he have the guts? !

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