I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 296 I forgot the beginning and the middle, and I only remember the end: ah ah ah, this is to


The flying long stick passed by Yitiao, stirring up his hair, which fluttered in the air, and also attracted Yitiao's attention.

The loose hair scattered behind him, and the tangled white cloth turned into broken bandages, wrapped around his body.

The sharp eyes revealed emerald green stripes. Unlike ordinary Gurongi, she seemed to be wearing a mask covering the lower half of her face, and even her neck was wrapped.

The towering chest was covered with leather armor, and the cold air lingered on her arms, but it never leaked out much, causing the stick in her hand to emit white mist.

The falling white cold air connected into a piece, covering the entire long stick like a yoke.

No one knew what the result would be after being hit by such a stick.

"You are!!" The moment he saw this overly familiar figure, Ichijo immediately recognized it: "Unconfirmed life form! Gurongi?!"

"A new Gurongi created by Daguba?!"

The moment he saw this Gurongi, Ichijo immediately understood how true the discussion between Godai and Riku was, that as long as the king existed, the clan would not perish.

The Gurongi, who had been completely cut off, hadn't appeared in front of him now?

This was simply the best proof of what Riku said.


The sea snake threw its spear but failed to hit Ichijo. After noticing the other party's gaze, it turned around and walked away without saying a word. The white cloth strips swayed like seaweed as it walked.

"Don't even think about running!"

With no intention of letting the other party go, Ichijo jumped over the railing and chased after the other party while running.

The blue mechanical beetle flew from a distance, hovering around the body of Yizhi. Yizhi grabbed it in his hand while running and inserted it into the belt around his waist.

The armor formed out of thin air was put on Yizhi one by one, and soon covered him, allowing Yizhi to complete the transformation and turn on the armored posture.

"Cast off!"

[Cakt off]

The beetle horns swung, and the armored posture was transformed into a knight posture. The running posture did not slow down at all. The reappearing steel fight did not turn on the acceleration ability, but chased the opponent with the data of the armor itself.

The two of them, one in front and one behind, staged a chase in the dimly lit city of Tokyo.

In the night that has long been deserted, the fight was watched only by moths under the dim light.


Gangdou's red eyes flowed with strange light and shadow. No matter how the sea snake changed its posture or moved, Gangdou could accurately lock its location and always fall behind the opponent.

He did not choose to activate the acceleration ability to rush over and stop the sea snake, but chose to chase after it, obviously intending to force the sea snake into its nest.

How many Gurongis did Daguba create?

Or is it that the place where the sea snake will eventually take him is in front of Daguba?

But no matter what the result is, Gangdou is ready to fight.

Landing on the open space beside the bay, the sea snake instantly started its pace, passed the woman standing still beside it, and then turned into a deep and dark alley.

In just two seconds, Gangdou's figure appeared immediately.

He bit the sea snake tightly behind him, but stopped at this moment.

Because he knew the woman standing in front of him at this moment.

"Is it you?!" Gangdou stopped and looked at the woman in front of him who had changed her clothes: "Why are you here?"

The tied hair was released, and the naturally falling black hair was draped behind her, reaching her back.

The pattern belonging to Gurongi on the forehead that had always existed was still there.

But compared to before, it seems to have lost some of its luster and become a little dull.

Compared to the youthful and beautiful before, or the dress full of her own charm, the Rose Girl who appeared in front of Yitiao this time was wearing a high-collared red dress embroidered with auspicious clouds.

The wide cuffs and classical style seemed so out of tune with modern society, and also made Yitiao's mind subconsciously emerge some memories that did not belong to him.

"As you can see." Opening her hands, Rose looked at Yitiao: "I am here to stop you by the king's order."

"Stop me?" Yitiao took a step forward. He really couldn't understand what Rose wanted to do: "What are you going to do?"

"You told us the information without reservation before, and now you choose to stand on Gurongji's side."

"Which side are you on?"

"I am Gurongji, and I need to obey the king's orders, that's all." Rose stretched out her hand and spread her palm to Yitiao: "This is what you see now."

"The me before was just the me before."

"Women are always fickle."


"Will you help whichever side is advantageous?" Yitiao was speechless and gave an answer: "You will only help the winner?"

"Is this your impression of me?" Rose was more concerned about this question, which caught Yitiao off guard.

"My impression of you..." Yitiao couldn't say what kind of impression he had of Rose. He knew that she was Gurongji, but the previous help...

"I just want to know if you are going to stop here." Ichijo took a deep breath, threw away the unnecessary thoughts in his mind, and looked to Rose Girl for an answer.


"As you can see, I am... your enemy now." Rose Girl opened her hands: "I am the strongest Gurungi after the king. If you cannot surpass me, you will have no chance to challenge the king. ”

Gangdou was silent.

"Is this your choice?" Taking off the two swords from his shoulders, Gang Dou slowly raised his hand and pointed the blue scimitar at the opponent: "I understand."

"You talk a lot, Rose."

At this moment, behind Gang Dou, the Sea Snake who didn't know when he appeared here came slowly, cutting off Gang Dou's retreat route, and together with Rose Girl, formed an encirclement force one after the other.

"Right here, finish you off!"

Holding the cold long stick in his hand, the sea snake was already ready to attack.

"Follow the king's order and kill all of Kuuga's comrades!" The sea snake lowered its body.

"First, you, my partner who fights side by side, and then Kuuga, my beloved lover."

Obviously, it was impossible for Daguba not to know that Godai had a sister, but he did not mention it at all.

...It can be seen that killing his partner and his lover will strengthen Godai's determination in Daguaba's eyes, but killing his sister...

It’s better not to kill him.

Rose Girl did not respond, but her raised hand seemed to have expressed her attitude.

Gangdou held the two swords in his hands, waiting attentively.

"You guys together..."

Before the next words were finished, a bright light suddenly lit up in the dark alley, like the moonlight in the dark night, so clear and conspicuous.

"Is that so? Is this what you really look like?"

There was a hint of understanding in the calm words.

"Miss Kuroda Hikaru."

sea ​​snake:!

The name Kuroda Hikaru had been abandoned by her, but now that it was mentioned again, the sea snake was stunned.

"Who?! Who?!"

In the dark alley, a bright light outlines the approaching figures.

The penetrating light seemed to come from the opponent's waist.

The strong light made the three people present feel a little dazzling.

"This voice..." Compared to the questioning sea snake, Gang Dou, who had worked with the owner of this voice for a long time, could not conceal his inner disbelief and ecstatic joy.

"No way...don't tell me!!!"

With the flashlight in front of him, Tiandao walked out of the dark alley and appeared in front of everyone.

The sea snake took a few steps back in horror and looked at Tiandao in disbelief.


"I should be dead, right." Tiandao turned off the flashlight.

"But if you die, can't you come back to life?"

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