I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 302 Then the question is, how many days off will the brothers have for New Year's Day?

There is a wind and snow, the sky and the earth are vast, the world is plunged into pure white, and no other colors are enough to penetrate into it.

It seems as if the world is about to return to nothingness in this vast expanse of whiteness, and will eventually be covered by the endless vastness, becoming the end point of all things and everything, returning to annihilation.

But in such a world, a sudden burst of red appears so special in this white world.

This brilliant red brings the breath of life in the air, as if it is the last life in this world that is unwilling to be swallowed up.

The vibrant breath never stopped for a moment.


The surging red sword light rose from the ground, passed through the white snow in an instant, appeared in the sky, tore the white curtain apart, and directly hit the snow-white mountain.

The surging sword energy sank into the high mountains, and the snow traces stirred up by the sword energy fell, forming a huge avalanche that suddenly poured down.

However, this is not a disaster worthy of attention for the two who are in the middle of a battle.

With both hands resisting the swing staff, Daguaba was close to Tiandao. The two sides looked directly at each other, their eyes reflecting each other's existence, as if they wanted to imprint the appearance of both sides in his mind.

"Can you please me more?!" Daguaba grinned with an extremely bright smile.

Although he has not yet transformed and still maintains his human posture, Daguaba has already reached the ultimate level of power, and even his human posture is enough to exert extraordinary power.

"If I can't defeat you like this, then...how can I kill you?!" However, for Tiandao, wrestling with Daguaba in human form is not something to be happy about.

You must know that Daguaba's strongest posture is the appearance of Gurungi.

"I said, I am no longer a Gurungi, but also a human being." He exerted his strength with his arm, knocking Tiandao back a few steps, and then Daguaba pointed his palm at the earth, absorbing the snow traces from the ground into the palm of his hand. , pushed out suddenly.

The round snowball carried the whistling wind and smashed towards Tiandao's face.

With his five fingers spread out in front of him, the Dao of Heaven manifested his mind into a transparent red light shield.

Although the scale is not huge, it is enough to block the attack of this snowball.

But... Tiandao still misjudged the power of this blow. As a result, although he successfully blocked it, he was still knocked back by the impact and involuntarily took several steps back.

"Since I can make you so strong with a lightning strike." Palm downward turned to palm upward, Daguaba raised his arm and pointed it at the sky.

In an instant, bursts of thunder suddenly flashed across the sky under the fluttering white snow, straight down in the thick clouds, and landed in the palm of Da Guba's hand.

The violent thunder was restrained in Daguaba's palm and turned into a leaping thunder. While the thunder flashed, the sphere continued to sweep across the surrounding ground.

"Then if I try it again, can you become stronger?"

Daguaba looked ferocious and pointed his palm at Tiandao: "So Tiandao-san, come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the flashing thunder ball suddenly shattered, forming a huge blue beam of light and blasting towards the sky.

A huge beam of light that was almost enough to wrap Tiandao's entire body rushed towards him, carrying the will to shatter everything and the murderous intention of Daguaba.

Tiandao took a deep breath, grasped the swing staff in his hand, and the emerald eyes in his eyes took on a completely new change at this moment.

The original emerald eyes were changed at this moment, and seemed to have returned to their original black pupils.

But only Daguaba could sense that at this moment, the aura of Heavenly Dao was very different from before.

If it was full of activity and splendor of life before, then at this moment, Tiandao's body was filled with unspeakable death and silence.

It seemed that just by standing there, he could smooth out all the life around him, and turn all the activity around him into stillness.


Daguaba whispered, he could feel that Tiandao had not reached the ultimate level, but in fact, Tiandao could indeed fight with him, instead of being wiped out like before.

But can the gap between the ultimate and the non-ultimate be erased so easily?

What happened during the time when Tiandao came back from the dead?

Throwing the revolving staff away, he let the red lightsaber spin at high speed in front of him. With the blade forward, Tiandao slapped the end of the revolving staff with one hand, using the revolving staff as a breakthrough point, and charged forward.

The high-speed rotating whirling staff pressed against the front end of the lightning column. The stalemate could not last more than an instant before the whirling staff tore the lightning column apart. The escaping particles were broken through by the sword edge and continued to escape towards both sides.

But the way of heaven continued to move forward, heading straight to Cuba.

It was not until the revolving staff completely tore apart the lightning pillar that the revolving staff pressed against Da Guba's palm. The forward movement suddenly stopped, forming a struggle between Tiandao and Da Guba.

"Can there be any new changes? Tiandaosang?" Daguaba tilted his head, smiled slightly, and looked for an answer from Tiandao.

"That's it, Daguaba." He closed his eyes slightly, Tiandao's arm exerted force, and the pressure on the swing staff suddenly increased.

At the same time, Daguaba also increased his power, causing the two to exert high pressure on the swing staff. Eventually, the lightsaber stopped rotating, and even the sword body gradually bent.

"To be able to fight with me, the Ultimate, to this extent, this can only be done by another Ultimate." The degree of bending of the boomerang became more and more exaggerated, but Daguba's smile also became more and more exaggerated: "But I can't feel any Ultimate breath from Tiandao-san."

"Yes." Tiandao replied: "What exactly am I now? I am also looking for this answer."

After the boomerang was bent to a sufficient degree, the sword body was blown away, and the high-speed rotating boomerang flew towards the outside world, but at the moment when it was about to fly away, it was grabbed by Tiandao.

The next second, Daguba suddenly punched the end of the boomerang, and hit the sword body that Tiandao had just grabbed.

The whistling boomerang went straight forward, heading towards the mountain, and directly hit the mountain.


The boomerang was unstoppable and directly sank into the mountain.

But the terrifying shock wave caused at the moment of entry instantly dispersed the rolling avalanche.

The extremely strong shock wave was even stronger than the superposition of the rolling avalanche, so the avalanche was dispersed in the blink of an eye.

Daguba hit Tiandao's cheek with his fists, and Tiandao's fist landed on Daguba's chest.

Daguba was knocked back several steps, and Tiandao also retreated several steps.

With blood flowing from the corners of their mouths, the two stared at each other, with nothing else in their eyes.

"Tiandao-san, every time I am disappointed in you, you can always surprise me again and again." Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, Daguba stood up straight and changed his form in the wind and snow.

"I am already a human, and my Gurongi's posture no longer represents my race, but..."

With a single hand, Daguba's figure was instantly transformed from a human, with white biological armor on his body and a golden crown on his head, and he instantly became... a being similar to Kuuga.

"I heard that a being like Kuuga is classified as a human by you." After finishing the dress, Daguba rubbed his chin with his fingers and said happily: "Then I am now the same as Kuuga."

"You are worthy?" With a cold snort, Tiandao raised his hand, and a ball of fiery red energy slowly floated in the palm of his hand.

"That is..." Daguba was stunned.

"Why do you think I hit your chest?" The red energy went down along his arm little by little, gradually spreading to Tiandao's whole body, making him wrapped in bright red light.

"Now that the Hokage Stone has been swallowed by you, this is me... the last transformation."

Accompanied by the mechanical sound of [Armor Fusion], the Flame Dragon Armor was once again worn on Tiandao's body.

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