I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 304 His name is Five Generations, he is the indelible and irreplaceable first knight of the

"The volcano has erupted! Mount Fuji!"

"How is it possible! That mountain should be dormant. Even if it is going to erupt, there should be a warning!"

"Haven't we always focused on that place? Why!"

"That's what we humans are paying attention to, but do you think those two guys who are fighting will care about you?"

"Two fighting... guys?"


Lying on the bed, Godai gloomy, barely convinced himself to lie here, waiting for the operation.

Waiting for the bloody stone to be absorbed by him, and then carrying the lives of others to fight.

But the conversation between Ichijo and Sakurai still attracted Godai's attention.

"This is the picture captured by the satellite." Sakurai pointed to the two black spots on the picture: "If the heavy clouds had not been dispersed, I'm afraid the satellite would not have been able to capture this picture."

"This is..."

Looking at the two figures falling from the sky in a free fall, Ichijo was not sure of their identities because the picture was too blurry.

But that touch of bright red was particularly eye-catching.

"The only one who can cause this kind of commotion now is Daguba." Sakurai crossed his arms and said helplessly, "But we don't know who the other one is."

"Besides Godai-san, who else can fight Daguba to this extent?"

When Sakurai said the last words, although it was just his subconscious murmur, it suddenly reminded Ichijo, and he immediately associated this red with someone.

"It's Tiandao!"

Ichijo shouted immediately, and these words not only made Sakurai look at him in surprise, but also made Godai stand up and listen to the conversation between the two.

"Officer Tiandao?!" Sakurai couldn't believe it: "But Officer Tiandao, isn't he dead?"

"He's not dead." Ichijo patted Sakurai on the shoulder: "That guy, you haven't worked with him for a long time, you don't know his characteristics."

"He always jumps out from some corner when you think he's dead, waving his hand and greeting you, as if nothing happened." The smile on Ichijo's face was the best expression on his tense face during this period.

"So he is still alive, and I have seen him." As he said, Ichijo unfolded the paper in his hand: "That guy... didn't say anything after he came back, and went straight to Daguba, and have they fought?"

Unconsciously clenching his fists, crumpling the paper in his hand into a ball, Ichijo threw it aside and ran outside.

"Don't think about leaving me behind."

"No matter what, we, the two heroes of Nagano, can't do without each other!"

"Without me, what else can you do?"

The running figure was pulled back at the moment when he was about to leave from the corner. Sakurai panted and questioned Ichijo: "But Mr. Ichijo, Mr. Goshiro will have surgery soon!"

"You can't leave here, otherwise Mr. Goshiro..."

If Goshiro insists on refusing, Sakurai can't think of anyone else who can make Goshiro behave except Ichijo.

So no matter what, Ichijo can't leave here.


The passionate Ichijo also calmed down. When talking about Goshiro, he had to take this aspect into consideration.

Even if he knew where Tiandao was now, he...

"Damn it!" He wanted to help Tiandao now, but he really had to be here. Ichijo punched the wall with hatred, helpless.

"Let's go find Tsubaki Hideichi first." As if he suddenly remembered something, Ichijo turned around and said to Sakurai: "If Tendō is still alive, it is not impossible for the three of us to defeat Daguba together!"

"Rick doesn't need to sacrifice himself, we still have a chance!"


Listening to the sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor and gradually fading away, Godai opened the door of the ward and looked at the end of the corridor. After making sure that he didn't see anyone else, he picked up the crumpled paper on the ground and spread it out.

Staring at the two figures falling on the wrinkles, Godai's eyes flickered with a different light.

"Tsubaki, Tendō is not dead yet!"

After running over breathlessly to tell Tsubaki Hideichi that Tendō was not dead yet, after the latter showed a surprised expression on his originally calm face, Ichijo immediately grabbed his shoulders and said loudly.

"Tsubaki! Rick! Did you hear that? Tendō is not dead! He is still alive! And he is fighting Daguba now!"

"Tendō Haizhu is still alive?!"

"Yanlong... still exists?"

Both Tsubaki Hideichi and Rick were surprised that Tendō was still alive, but more of them were delighted.

"If Yanlong is still alive, then if he joins forces with Kuuga, he might be able to..." Rick also reacted. The sealing energy that Kuuga possesses and the magic sealing power that Yanlong possesses, if the two are combined, can exert the effect of 1+1>2.

But Yanlong... wasn't he killed by Daguba in seconds? How is he still alive?

"Mr. Rick, you don't have to sacrifice yourself." Ichijo quickly added: "We are not a little..."

"Not good!" At this moment, Sakurai rushed over, holding a piece of paper in his hand, he appeared at the door, and said breathlessly: "Godai... Mr. Godai... he... is gone!"

"Gone?" The three shouted in unison.

"He...left this letter..." Sakurai walked in and handed the paper to Rick.

"It's for...Mr. Rick."

Taking the paper from Sakurai's hand, Rick spread it out. He was wearing a hospital gown, and he seemed to be able to feel the will and belief of the fifth generation from the lines.

[I really can't let people sacrifice for me, even if that is a sacrifice that must be made to save the world. ]

[But if saving the world really requires someone to sacrifice, then just sacrifice me alone. ]

[Please forgive my departure, please let me be willful for the last time, no matter what, I will change this world back to what everyone is familiar with]

Reading this letter, Ichijo seemed to be able to see someone riding a motorcycle on the street, heading towards the place marked for him by fate.

The roaring motorcycle roared to challenge fate.

[Ichijo-san, I believe you can understand my choice. ]

[Tian Dao-san is faster than any of us, so I can't fall behind. This time, I will catch up with him no matter what.]

[Rick-san, please take a good look at this world.]

[The world you see now, filled with sadness and despair, is not the real world. I want you to see a world where everyone smiles from the bottom of their hearts, everyone is doing what they like, and everyone can live freely under the sun without worrying about anything.]

The roar of the motorcycle seemed to come from his ears, and the perception between the spirit stones made Rick seem to feel the appearance of the fifth generation speeding on the road at this moment.

"Five generations..."

Is this the induction between the spirit stones, or the induction between similar people? Rick can no longer tell.

[What I want you to see is that world, not the world that is recounted by someone and seen from the photo.]

[Rick-san, please take good care of yourself and live to see the world I am watching and loving.]


Hit on the cheek by a heavy punch, Yanlong's body rolled on the ground, splashing countless snow marks, until it plunged into the mountain and passed through.

Daguba kept punching, panting heavily.

"What's wrong, Tiandao-san? I'm just about to start now!"

The next moment, the flow of time was stopped, and the range was limited to a hundred meters around him, but Daguba was successfully captured.

Keeping the punching action, Daguba grinned, still smiling happily.

Yanlong pushed away the rubble piled on his body, panted a few times, and summoned the flaming knife.

The red light gathered on the blade.

"Demon Seal Slash!"

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