I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 306 Friends in the mountains, friends in the water, friends buried in the soil, please give

Chapter 306 Friends in the mountains, friends in the water, friends buried in the soil...please give your...

The vents belonging to this volcano no longer exist.

The sacred mountain that belongs to this area and has countless myths and legends was cut in half and cut in the middle during the battle between the two.

But even so, the spewing volcanic ash still has no intention of stopping. Not only that, it seems that after the narrow crater is gone, the volcano seems to be unsealed and begins to erupt with greater intensity.

This time, the flowing crimson magma carried an unpleasant smell and filled the surroundings. When it met the snow on the ground, it made a sizzling sound.

The slash with one hand was obviously just a simple air-dagger, but it created a straight sword mark on the ground and spread towards the Flame Dragon.

The flaming knife was placed across his chest, and the blade of the flaming knife was used to resist Daguaba's blow from the air. But even so, Tiandao still had to bear the impact of the sword energy, and his feet left a long mark on the ground. , Tiandao continued to retreat, and distanced himself from Daguaba.

But they said they were keeping a distance, but in fact Daguaba was no longer where he was, and had even disappeared in front of Heaven.

Then, before Tiandao could look for it, the figure that was forced to retreat was suddenly fingered. A certain touch could be clearly felt on the back of the armor, and this touch also made Tiandao realize where Daguba was.

Without saying a word, Tiandao slashed backwards with the flaming knife in his hand. There was absolutely no hesitation in Tiandao, but even so, the gap between the two sides was still revealed at this moment.

Two fingers stretched out and clamped the blade of the flaming knife firmly. The distance between them was only a short distance, but it seemed like an insurmountable cliff, preventing the flaming knife from going any further.

"Tiandaosang, can you keep up with my speed?" Daguaba tilted his head, and the crown on his head looked particularly bright.

The dark clouds that had finally been blasted away from the sky seemed to have the upper hand because of Daguaba's power, and there were faint signs of overlapping again.

"My power after reaching the ultimate level will be endless!"

The palm of his hand exerted force, and the erupted force knocked the flame dragon away. Daguaba stood there and did not pursue it. He just played with the flaming knife in his hand and looked at this strange weapon and the magic weapon that had only appeared in the hands of Tiandao. arms.

"Simply speaking as a Flame Dragon, Tiandaosang seems to be the strongest one I have seen among all the Flame Dragons in the past. The power of the Flame Dragon will reveal more possibilities in your hands."

Grasping both sides of the flaming knife with both hands, Daguaba used slight force to gradually bend the blade of the flaming knife.

"But it's not enough, Tiandaosang, your evolution speed cannot keep up with mine."

"I don't need a guy who can't keep up with me."

"As expected, there is only one opponent I expected."

With a clanging sound, Daguba broke the flaming knife in the middle and threw it aside like trash. Daguba spread his palm and pointed it forward.

Even at this moment, Yanlong was not standing in front of him.

"My evolution speed has skyrocketed!"

"Tiandaosang, if you can't keep up with me, you won't be able to protect me!"

With one hand tightened, behind Daguaba, the foundation stones of the earth were controlled by him. The earth and rocks piled up together, forming a rock giant more than fifty meters high in an instant.

"I learned this move from Earth Angel." He suddenly waved down one hand, and with his movement, the rock giant immediately dropped its fist and hit the Flame Dragon's position.

"Now, let Tiandaosang taste it!"


The punch landed hard, but it didn't feel like it hit the ground firmly. Instead, it missed a little bit.

Just a little bit different.

But just such a small amount is enough for a person to stand between the two, maintain a punching posture, and punch the rock giant with his small appearance.

"The earth should have its own choices, rather than someone forcing it to do something." As soon as the words finished, the huge rock giant suddenly sat on the ground, and no matter how much Daguaba manipulated it, it didn't listen to his orders at all.

The giant sitting on the ground was covered with flowers and grass. In an instant, it was buried by the lush greenery, and it became peaceful and no one could catch a glimpse of its ferocious appearance just now.

The power of the manipulated earth suddenly rebounded and hit Daguba hard on the chest.

This power belonging to the planet, representing the authority of [Earth], slapped a big x on Daguba's body at this moment.

The strong backlash forced Daguaba to take a step back.

However, it was this step that aroused Daguaba's interest.

"The earth rejected me? Rejected... me as the ultimate life form?"

Daguaba murmured these words, his tone containing unimaginable pleasure.

"Good...very good!"

"Tiandaosang, you gave me a surprise once again."

"But it's not enough!"

The joy turned into ferocity in an instant. With a thought in Daguba's mind, the terrifying gravity instantly blessed Yanlong's body, even pressing the surroundings down several meters out of thin air.

The gravity of the material world is changed at this moment, although only within a small range.

The emerald eyes reappeared, and the gravity that blessed the body seemed to have been purified, having no impact on the way of heaven at all.

"The Ultimate Life Form is very strong, so powerful." Tiandao took a step forward, and the distance between him and Daguba was further shortened.

"You are beyond all life forms, above nature, and even ordinary life and death cannot capture you. You stand on the earth, cannot be captured by nature, and are a transcendent individual."

For the Ultimate Life Form, the end point of all life evolution, Tiandao actually envied it a little, and had also longed for such power, fantasizing whether he could also step into this realm.

But now, he no longer has this feeling.

"But Daguba, I am not the Ultimate Life Form, and I will never become the Ultimate Life Form."

Going one step further, the surrounding gravity field was cancelled by Daguba, and replaced by a black fireball composed of supernatural fire ability, suspended above Daguba's head.

The extremely high temperature melted the surrounding snow, and crystallized particles appeared on the earth.

"It is certainly a powerful thing to become an ultimate life form, but there is only one ultimate life form. In an ecosystem, there is only one such existence. From the moment you become such an existence, you will become a solitary existence."

Ignoring Daguba, "Then there is also Kugo? Why can there only be one ultimate life form?" Tiandao said to himself.

"I am not an ultimate life form, and I cannot transcend and become such an existence. Everything about me exists in this world and is a part of everything."

"You who have stepped into the ultimate are alone on the throne as a lone king, commanding everything between heaven and earth."

"But I, a part of nature, am an ordinary person, and I will challenge you on the throne together with everyone."

"This is the path I choose."

"The king has the loneness of the king, and the mortal has the stock of the mortal."


Stepping on the earth, the power of the earth element is on his body, and the authority that is more powerful than the earth angel is deposited on Tiandao at this moment.

The next moment, countless stars appeared from the mountains and forests, from the ocean, from the earth, from the sky...

Daguba narrowed his eyes.

"This is..."

"This is a challenge from ordinary people like you, a king!"

Just like friends in the mountains, friends in the sea... sharing a little of your vitality with me, Tiandao became a being filled with light at this moment.

Countless points of light were injected into his body from all parts of the planet, providing him with the power to catch up with the king.

"An ordinary king?" Daguba did not admit that Tiandao was an ordinary guy, at least not now.

"Come and try if you can!"

"Come and challenge me, who is above everything..."


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