I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 317 Humph, my grandma said that what grandpa said was bullshit, and what grandma said was ri


With his hair messed up, Tiandao sat in the chair in front of his desk, looking at the data charts he had sorted out on the table, and was troubled for a while.

"Am I born to work hard?" Tiandao kept rubbing his hair, full of worries: "I finally changed to a new world, but this world is more exaggerated than my world... no... than my world!"

This is not Tiandao bragging, but the information he got from the mouth of the insect he caught, about the real side of this world.

In general, although this world still looks like a human world and still maintains the most basic peaceful and peaceful appearance, in fact, this is really just an appearance.

Hidden under such peace is the reality that the replaced humans continue to live as humans while their true identity is invaders from the universe.

Yes, apart from humans, there is also a creature called alien insects in this world. This creature is not a native species of the earth, but came to the earth from the universe seven years ago.

The meteorite that fell in Tokyo set half of Tokyo on fire, causing huge damage. It can be said to be a tragedy that shocked the whole world.

But... the meteorite that fell from the sky has its own freedom to land where it wants, and it will not be controlled by humans at all.

So this bitter fruit can only be borne by humans themselves.

But it would be better if the meteorite that fell was really just a meteorite.

Along with the meteorite, there is also a green-skinned creature from the universe. This creature has extremely powerful mimicry ability and has the ability to mimic other life forms, that is, humans.

If it is just this, it is nothing, but this creature will inherit everything of the mimicked object while mimicking.

Whether it is personality or memory, this cosmic creature can be completely consistent at the moment of mimicry, without any difference.

Even after mimicking into humans, even breeding with this mimicry, and even reproducing offspring like normal people, are completely possible.

This mimicry is even more exaggerated than Gurongi.

Gurongi's mimicry is just to mimic what he wants, but this cosmic creature can replace others, take away everything from the other party, and live in this world instead of the other party.

And this creature is called alien insect.

Tiandao's face was very stinky after hearing that this monster called alien insect has such a terrible mimicry ability.

What does this ability symbolize? It means that even if it kills the other party, it is not enough. The alien insect will change into the other party's appearance, inherit the other party's social relationship, and shamelessly replace the other party's identity with the family of the original owner with that disguised face, playing the role of a good wife or a good husband.

Then, with the relatives of the original owner, they will perform some family drama.

It is even possible that after returning, they will use that face to kill everything of the original owner and harm more people.

This creature is even more disgusting than Gurongi.

But that's not all. Tiandao also noticed the difference between alien insects and alien insects from this guy, that is, the green-skinned alien insects and this special alien insect.

In this guy's words, the green-skinned Zerg is the most basic Zerg, with low combat power and nothing special except for its mimicry ability.

And the one above this basic Zerg is the molting Zerg.

Yes, the green-skinned Zerg is a native posture that has not molted, but once it molts, not only its posture has changed greatly, but also its ability will be increased.

Its basic attributes have increased exponentially, and it has an ability called acceleration.

Yes, that is the ability that the white bird showed before, and even the ability that this insect showed before.

That foul acceleration ability is the most basic ability for the molting Zerg.

After knowing this, Tiandao also had a new concept of the strength of the Zerg.

Of course, after confirming that this Zerg really had nothing more to say, Tiandao took out the Titan Sword without saying a word and stabbed the insect to death.

It is impossible to let it go, even if it was promised before.

It's just a broken promise, no big deal, I promised not to kill people, but are you a human?

The evil cosmic creature that mimics humans, really thinks he is a human?

After stabbing the other party to death with a sword, Tiandao was also thinking about the strength of these insects in his mind, and...

Is there a kind of alien insect king like Gurongi...

He just finished fighting Daguba, and although he didn't know why his wounds healed inexplicably, he didn't want to fight with the alien insect king again.

But family members know their own business. If that happened, Tiandao himself would definitely not be able to bear it.

"It's really troublesome, how serious is the infiltration of alien insects into humans..."

Unconsciously reaching out his hand to touch his eyes, Tiandao knew that his question could be answered.

As long as he opened his green eyes and took a walk outside, he could basically know a general idea.

But in that case... would the world in his eyes be very desperate?

Rubbing his eyes, Tiandao thought carefully: "Alien insects... meteorites... Tokyo..."

"Seven years ago..."

All these statements seem to indicate that the center of everything is in Tokyo.

And the answer may also be there.

"Don't think too much, just hand in the task first." Putting down the hand in front of him, Tiandao finally did not choose to activate his ability, but chose to ignore it and choose to divert his attention with another thing.

But... that lady... is she a human or an alien insect?

The figure standing up from the chair suddenly stopped after taking a step. Tiandao stood in place with his hands in his pockets, constantly switching the appearance of the alien insect and the appearance of the lady before in his mind.

Can't be sure whether she is a human or an alien insect?

At that time... just use your own eyes to see it once, right?

But... do you really have to see it?

Seeing the leopard in the tube, will you have a new view of the world if you do that?

If this world is occupied by insects, what will you do?

Unconsciously, Tiandao slowly raised his head and focused his eyes on the belt he placed on the counter not far away.

Reaching into his bosom, he took out the USB-like thing. Looking at this USB without any color added and no memory, Tiandao unconsciously held it tightly.

"What a hard life..."

After making up his mind, Tiandao's eyes were suddenly infected by the emerald green, revealing his prying into the real side of this world.

"An existence more disgusting than Gurongi... I really can't stand by and watch."

Keeping his green eyes open, Tiandao put the USB back on his belt.

"If the humans in this world have been occupied by insects without knowing it..."

"Then I will find the remaining humans and protect them, and then expel all the alien insects without leaving a single one!"

"Tap tap open!"

"Izmo Ta Ta open!"

When the confused doubts dissipated, but the determined man regained his previous firmness, the originally shaky thoughts became stable at this moment.

The will can be transformed into a solid rock, just like he used to be.

Tiandao had an undisguised dislike for Gurongi, and the same was true for the alien insects at this moment.

As Tiandao's will became firm again, a "U disk" in his pocket suddenly emitted a strong red light, catching Tiandao off guard.

He quickly took out the thing in his pocket and watched the "U disk" that originally had nothing on it. After a flash of red light, it was engraved with a new pattern.

The original plain white "U disk" turned into a red and white "U disk". Not only that, a beetle-like pattern was engraved on the surface of this thing.

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