I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 326: Shen Dai Jian I didn't say a word, he came up and chopped me dozens of times, I do


Located in another part of Tokyo, not in a bustling downtown area, but in a more remote place, which is the legendary rich area, an extended car is parked in front of a wealthy mansion that looks very luxurious.

Although there are no standard security guards, or even patrolling guards with dogs, just looking at this mansion, you can know that the people living here must be of extraordinary status.

The gentle wind carries the warm light from the sun, blowing people lazily and unable to stop dozing off.

Now after lunch, as a descendant of the famous British Diskabiel family, Shenshiro Jian is about to take the family's car to the outside world to inspect his "land".

Being able to live in such a magnificent mansion, Shenshiro Jian's identity is naturally beyond doubt. As the upper class of the upper class, Shenshiro Jian naturally has his own pride.

But unfortunately, he is only the descendant of a famous British family. In Japan, the descendant of a famous British family sounds good, but in fact, it is worse than a dog. No one will really take it seriously.

But if you are the descendant of a famous American family, then in Japan, you can really walk sideways.

What? You said that the United States has only a history of more than 200 years and there is no famous family at all?

I didn't say that! I don't have oil at home!

"Grandpa, where are we going today?"

Dyed with yellow hair, the yellow hair style that is the same as the current trend, he may be stared at with strange eyes in a few years, but now, in the era of killing Matt and colorful hair is popular, this hair looks so ordinary.

A white suit, from top to bottom, even to leather shoes, is all white, making him look so elegant and extraordinary.

Of course, this atmosphere was broken by the stern and pretentious expression on his face. It was obvious at a glance that this guy was a man who cared about face.

"Today, you are going to inspect the fiefdom that belongs to you and the Diskabiel family. The places where the common people live are waiting for you to go."

The old man, who was not very young in a black tuxedo, looked at the young man in front of him with a kind and doting expression, pouring all his love and care on him.

The old man was not young anymore, but everything about him was on this young man.

"Common people." The young man named Kamishiro Ken raised his head and said with a matter-of-fact expression: "Common people now live in a world of suffering. As someone who wants to reach the top, I naturally have to save my common people."

"Grandpa, how is zect doing?"

"The mission has been issued." The old housekeeper bowed slightly and said respectfully: "Just waiting for you to go."

"Well, anyway, this is considered..." Kamishiro Ken knocked his head and said nonchalantly: "The person who wields the sword on behalf of God will reach the top of the test."

"Even in this regard, I want to reach the top."

Although Kamishiro Ken did not put on a pretentious posture like Tendou Souji pointing to the sky with one hand, the matter-of-factness in his tone made him look even more arrogant.

This is the arrogance from the bones.

"Please get in the car, young master." The old butler opened the car door: "We will go to the headquarters of ZECT now."

"Mr. Mishima should be waiting for you, young master."

As the host chosen by the insect instrument named Sword Scorpion in the knight system developed by ZECT, in addition to being a descendant of a famous family, Kamishiro Ken is also a Kamen Rider - Sword Scorpion.

However, he did not join ZECT just because he became a Kamen Rider, but instead reached a cooperation with ZECT in the form of a mercenary.

Zect issued tasks to him, and he completed the tasks. After the task was completed, Zect only needed to pay him. The relationship between the two parties was so simple.

And today, of course, it was Zect that sent the task, so Kamishiro Ken chose to go out.


At the moment when he was about to get in the car with his waist bent, Kamishiro Ken suddenly felt panic in his heart for some reason. At the same time, a kind of anger and hatred from the bottom of his heart surged into his heart, making him unable to suppress his emotions.

It was as if...he felt that some enemy had appeared.

But Shen Dai Jian knew very well that he had only one enemy, and that was the alien insects, the alien insects that killed his sister.

This angry and hateful mood was like Shen Dai Jian had sensed someone's presence in the dark.

In other words...

"I felt... the presence of that guy..." Instead of getting in the car, Shen Dai Jian stepped back a few steps and covered his chest. The sweat dripping from his forehead wet his face, making him unable to stand. He half-knelt on the ground, covering his chest.


How could the old housekeeper know that such a thing would happen? He quickly squatted down and tried to support Shen Dai Jian, but Shen Dai Jian waved his hand and pushed him out.

"Master... Leave quickly! That guy... That guy is nearby... I felt it!!"

Shen Dai Jian covered his chest. Although he felt very painful, he still wanted to let the most important person leave here.

He had already lost his sister, and now he was his only family. The existence of the old man was regarded as the top priority by him.


Although the old man kept his distance from Shen Dai Jian, he still looked at Shen Dai Jian with concern, but the sadness on his face could not be dispelled no matter what.

He knew all the truth and the true identity of Shen Dai Jian, but at this moment he could only watch helplessly without any response.


"I feel it!! It's coming!!!" As soon as the high-pitched and passionate words fell, Shen Dai Jian's body immediately changed, from the original sunny boy to a silver... sturdy alien insect.

The body with armor showed his strength, and the scorpion tail behind him spread from the back of his head. It was both a scorpion tail and a braid, with flexible positioning.

The shape of the medieval knight's helmet made its head look particularly righteous.

It was like... to fit the identity of the person it imitated.


It turned from the Sword of the Age of Gods into an alien insect, revealing its true form in an instant, but it did not vent its desire to kill at this moment, but slowly turned around and looked at the road leading to Tokyo.

Under the downhill not far away, a figure slowly walked over gradually emerged, his cloak brought a handful of swiftness while walking, and his fast footsteps made him look a little... impatient?

As if he had found the person he was looking for, the scorpion monster, who had returned from the Sword of the Age of Gods to the true form of an alien insect, had no other eyes, and looked straight at the person who was gradually walking.

The other party was walking towards it, and it also took a step and walked towards the other party.

The two seemed to have sensed each other's existence without even meeting each other, and their goal was clear, that is, to run towards each other.


Speeding up the pace, the silver scorpion alien insect ran straight towards the person who came.

If the other party was just an ordinary person, it would be a luxury to even run away when facing such a monster.

But he didn't need to run away, because his target was also this guy.

Insert the memory in your hand into the belt, open it and dress immediately.

First, change into a posture similar to a red iron barrel to be beaten, and then perform the second stage transformation, remove the bloated armor on the body, and change into a knight posture.

The warrior who does not belong to the knight of this world, but is too similar to a knight of this world, raises his hand and generates a purple long sword out of thin air, grabs it.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly closing, the scorpion is accelerating, and the knight is also accelerating.

The two sides do not dodge, with the strongest posture, with the most domineering appearance, they collide with each other.

The clash of swords and claws collided with violent sparks, but in the eyes of the two, there is only each other.

Release the desire to kill insects.

People who come to kill insects.

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