I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 331 This is the value that can make General Shenshan go from killing insects to protecting i

After taking out the dial, as long as she wants, she can complete the transformation anytime and anywhere, and become a powerful warrior in an instant, with extraordinary strength.

Even with Tiandao's current appearance, he can't guarantee that he can deal with what Phoenix has taken out.

Tiandao doesn't know much about Kamen Rider, and doesn't know what power Phoenix has in his hands, but he has made preparations to deal with those postures with special powers.

In the past, it was Yanlong, and now it is this posture. Although it is slightly different, Tiandao doesn't think he will lose.

"You should have nothing to do with that woman." After taking out the dial, Phoenix did not fight immediately, but looked at Tiandao and said: "Or, it has nothing to do with this world."

"You should be from another world, and come to this world like me, here. Plotting what you want."

Since it is not Kabuto King, and has nothing to do with Tiandao Souji, then the identity of this person is about to be revealed.

"You are also a time robber."

Phoenix had an expression that said I have seen through everything: "Why did you come to this world?"

"Do you have your own plans as well?"

But the one who answered her was Kabuda, who was running over and slashing down with a sword, and in a moment, he was about to kill Phoenix.

Tiandao didn't mean to waste words. Having fought with Bai Niao, he knew better than anyone what to do when facing a time robber.

Raising her head and looking directly at the sword that was falling on her head, Phoenix did not dodge or evade, but she slightly turned the dial on her hand, turning the wrong dial back to the right direction.

Then... a simple knight's head that couldn't be more simple lit up on the dial.

The knight's head logo composed of a pair of red eyes and a green helmet gave this dial a powerful power.

Although it looks unremarkable, the power of this dial is extraordinary. Facing the sword blade that was chopped down on its head, the head engraved on this dial seemed to come alive and roared at the falling sword.

"Back off!"

Yes, even though it was just a dial, this dial actually made a sound, and it roared synchronously as if it had consciousness.

As the object of the dial's scolding, Tiandao was repelled by this roar. The spreading sound waves acted on him with some strange power, making it difficult for him to resist and he had to be repelled.

After he landed, his slightly unstable posture made him involuntarily step back a few steps. He finally stabilized his body and was able to cast his eyes on Phoenix.

"That voice just now..."

Although it was only for a moment, Tiandao always felt that voice was so familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

"You can calm down a little now, right?"

Phoenix put his arm down, and he had no intention of showing the dial he had to Tiandao: "For the Time Robbers, even if they are the same existence, it is natural to appropriately show their due means and power."

Time Robbers are not like fellow villagers who meet each other and shed tears. For each other, there is only one possibility for Time Robbers to meet each other.

That is to plunder each other.

"How? Now that you have seen my power, can you calm down?" Phoenix narrowed his eyes: "You can take anything you want in this world, and the power of the King of Armor can also be given to you."

"But there is only that woman, I want her life."

This is a lie. Phoenix said that it was okay to give the power of the King of Armor to Tiandao. In fact, when she completed her plan, the power of the King of Armor would naturally be in her pocket.

Don't ask, the question is now, and then it will be then. Don't compare the promises you make now with your future choices.

If you are so naive, you deserve to be deceived.

If you are not good at it, practice more. If you can't afford to lose, don't play.

"Ha! You said you want to kill this woman?" Tiandao glanced at the girl who was still in a coma: "Isn't that woman a bug?"

"Why, the time robber... has a grudge against bugs?"

"Of course." Nodding, Phoenix calmly followed Tiandao's words and continued.

"There is a deep hatred between that woman and me, I must kill her."

"This is why I came to this world..."

As soon as the words fell, Tiandao took a step and slowly came to Kusakabe Xu in front of Phoenix, then... showed his back to the insect girl and faced Phoenix.

The smile on his face gradually disappeared. Phoenix looked at Tiandao who was blocking Kusakabe Xu, and his expression became numb and cold again.

"What do you mean?"

This is her question.

"As you can see." He spread his hands. Although he couldn't see Tiandao's expression through his current transformed posture, the playful tone was enough for Phoenix to imagine what Tiandao looked like.

"You want to kill, I want to protect, it's that simple." Tiandao snorted coldly: "Phoenix, although I really hate bugs, I hate these guys who occupy other people's identities, replace others, and take away everything."

"These bugs are more disgusting than any monsters, even if they are killed cleanly, it is not too much."

The journey of killing insects all the way from Nagoya has fully demonstrated Tiandao's disgust for insects.

The blood of countless insects on his hands made Tiandao look like a devil.

Phoenix didn't say anything, because this kind of rhetoric would usually be followed by a but.

She had long known the routine of this kind of people.


In Phoenix's "I knew it" expression, Tiandao stretched out his hand and pointed at Phoenix: "Compared to these disgusting insects, your existence makes me feel more disgusted."


"Although you are not good things, people like you are more dangerous than insects."

"I don't know why you are obsessed with killing this insect girl, but..." Tiandao saw Phoenix's gloomy expression in the black goggles, but he didn't intend to stop at all, and continued to speak on his own.

"The enemy must not be allowed to do what he wants."

"You want to kill, but I have to protect him. Even if I have to suppress my disgust for insects, I have to protect him!"

Phoenix, like the white bird, is a person who can bring earth-shaking changes to a world.

And such a person is more terrifying than an insect.

Tiandao has experienced a world visited by the white bird. The appearance of the forbidden power, along with the white bird, has brought earth-shaking changes to the whole world.

It can even be said that Tiandao appeared in this world because of the white bird.

The harm of a bug is not as good as the harm caused by the existence of the white bird.

"You guy..." Phoenix unconsciously clenched her fists, glaring at Tiandao, wishing she could release her true power now and blow this guy up.

"Are you teasing me?"

But what makes Phoenix better than the white bird is her endurance.

Even though she wanted to kill Tiandao in her heart, she could still bear it.

Tiandao did not answer, but lowered his body to take a fighting posture, his attitude was very clear.

Phoenix took a deep breath.

"If it is the power you have now that gives you the courage to be my enemy, then..." Phoenix looked at Tiandao deeply: "I will take you with me."

"Remember your decision today."

"The power you are proud of, your determination to be my enemy, I will make you regret it in the future."

The gray-white world gradually shrank and retreated back into Phoenix's body little by little, and the power that affected the world was also gradually disappearing.

With a flick of his robe, Phoenix turned and left, gradually fading away with the gray-white world, as if it did not exist in the real world.

She chose to settle the score later.

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