I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 335 334 King Gangdou, shouldn't you time robbers focus on Jiadou? What do you mean by c

A purple scorpion broke out of the ground, shook off the dirt on its body, and climbed up along the trouser legs of Kamiyo Ken to Kamiyo Ken's body.

In the yard outside the Diskabiel family, the only witness to this battle was the old man.

As the parties involved, Tiandao and Kamiyo Ken felt each other's fighting spirit in each other's eyes.

"I will let you know what the result will be for those who dare to snatch the alien insects from me." Taking the purple scorpion in his hand, under Tiandao's sharp gaze, Kamiyo Ken buckled it on the dagger in his hand, and existed as a part of the sword at the position of the sword guard.


After completing the assembly, it began to spread around from the position of holding the dagger, spreading to Kamiyo Ken's body little by little, and soon covered Kamiyo Ken's whole body, turning him into a brand new Kamen Rider.

The purple shoulder guards were like the most classic knight's dress, and there was an orange pipe used for jets on his body, passing through his ribs.

At the end of the shoulders, two piston-like devices also dropped orange pipes, which combined with the arm guards of both hands to become a pipeline for transmitting energy.

On the top of the head, there is indeed a playful alopecia, which is different from the protruding green armor goggles.

Although the overall look is a bit ferocious, the alopecia-like substance still dilutes his ferocity a lot.

"Kamen Rider?" Watching the transformation of the Kamen Rider in front of him, Tiandao paid attention to the whole process and saw it all in his eyes: "It's just that you actually became a Kamen Rider, which is really unexpected."

"Don't look down on me." Shendai Jianhui choked: "What's wrong, don't you transform?"

"No." Wearing the Lost Drive on the waist, letting the buckle surround the waist, Tiandao took out the memory from his pocket and inserted it into the socket: "I won't be surprised if anyone becomes a Kamen Rider, except you"

It is very puzzling that you, the alien insect, become a Kamen Rider.

"Hmph!" Kamishiro Ken couldn't understand what Tendō meant. He just thought that Tendō looked down on him and said that he was not worthy of being a Kamen Rider, so he waved the sword in his hand and pointed it at Tendō with a fire in his heart.

"Why are you so fussy? Are you scared?" Although Kamishiro Ken was angry, he couldn't do such a thing as using his transformed self to bully an untransformed human.

"Hurry up and transform!"

The Lost Drive read the power contained in the memory, and Tendō was instantly wrapped by the floating metal. In front of Kamishiro Ken, a heavy iron barrel man appeared, who was obviously inconvenient to move.

"Start the super transformation form."

Without any hesitation, Tendō directly activated his second stage, discarded the extra components on his body, and revealed his true self inside the iron barrel.

The black goggles reflected the appearance of Kamishiro Ken at the moment. Tendō also completed the transformation and also stood in opposition to Kamishiro Ken from a distance.

"Cast off." Although Shen Dai Jian was a little curious about why Tian Dao didn't have an insect instrument, Tian Dao, who had completed the transformation, performed a cast off knight posture in front of him.

Although Tian Dao's knight system voice was slightly different from his, the cast off process was the same.

So Shen Dai Jian did not hesitate, and turned the scorpion's tail on his short sword, and also opened his knight posture.

[Cast off]

[Change Scorpion]

The moment the mechanical voice sounded, the outer layer of armor suddenly exploded, revealing the knight posture inside.

Unlike the previous heavy armor posture, his flexibility in the knight posture was greatly improved, and his running speed increased a lot.

A pair of emerald eyes perfectly matched the purple helmet, and the ahoge on his head before was no longer ahoge, but a stinger, the tail of a scorpion.

...Is this the power controlled by humans in this world to fight against insects?

Tian Dao, who had eliminated so many alien insects in other cities, saw the resistance of humans for the first time.

Unlike humans in other places who were ready to be killed, in Tokyo, whether it was the organization or the people who were fighting against the Zerg, they all had new and powerful powers.

Tiandao was seeing the knight of this world for the first time. Although the person in front of him was not a human, he was a Zerg, but he didn't know he was a Zerg. Instead, he used the power of the knight to destroy the Zerg.

He seemed to be in a very complicated situation.

"I am really relieved now." He raised his hand and the armor that had been shattered before gathered in front of Tiandao again. Some of them accumulated and combined to form a short stick.

Strange arcs flashed in the orange crystal, and Tiandao grabbed the short stick in his hand.

[Electric Stick]

The name of this weapon came out in the Lost Drive at the right time.

This was also the first time that Tiandao used an armored weapon that was not a mind-energy weapon. It was one of the weapons that he was automatically equipped with in his current transformation.

"If I had solved you at that time, I might have regretted it." The black goggles showed the appearance of the opponent.

However, Tiandao was already more curious about Shendai Jian's identity.

"You are a guy worthy of my careful observation."

"Who understands what you are saying!" Shendai Ken roared, holding the sword and rushing towards Tiandao: "Let me see your strength!"

Phoenix showed her figure in another place, standing on a tall building under the night sky, the wind blowing her hair, and her sleeves fluttering in the air.

But even so, she was not as frantic as she was at the moment.

She had clearly shielded Haipa Jiadou from this world, and it was clear that the Tiandao Souji in this world could no longer get help, and everything was up to her.

At the beginning, she was so complacent and sure of victory.

But what was that person? What was that posture?

What world did that Kabuto come from?

When did he enter this world?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Phoenix spread her palm and looked at the dial in her palm.

Unlike the dials owned by other time robbers, Phoenix only had two dials.

One of them had exhausted its power when escaping from someone's pursuit, and became an unusable dial.

The remaining one was the dial she took out from a demon king.

That was the power of Sougo Tokiwa, who possessed the power of all the main riders of the Heisei era and was worthy of being called the little demon king.

The dial in Phoenix's hand was obtained from the little demon king.

Its name is No. 1, Kamen Rider No. 1.

It is the beginning of the Kamen Rider series and the origin of Kamen Rider. Phoenix has such power.

Therefore, she can block the possibility of all Kabuto entering this world, and easily exclude and wrap up the entire Kabuto world.

Theoretically, with the power of such a dial, she can almost walk sideways.

As long as she doesn't encounter a few cheaters, no one can be her opponent.

"Most of the power was used to block the world, and extracting Kabuto's history from the Heisei era also consumed most of the power." Phoenix couldn't help but tighten the dial in her hand, and her heart was quite angry.

If not, how could she retreat without fighting the inexplicable Kabuto before, and let the other party continue to exist?

The power of dial number one was dragged down too much, but it couldn't be taken back.

With the remaining power alone, it is impossible to defeat the intrusive "Tendo Souji" 100%.

If there is still one more dial, it would be great.

Thinking of this, Phoenix couldn't help but raise his head and stare at the dark night sky.

"In this world, if you want to fight Kabuto and win, only the power of that knight can do it."

Phoenix narrowed his eyes.

"The power of King Gundou."

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