I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 338 Thunder Yatales?

"Sorry, Xiaoxu, let me talk to him alone."

Standing in front of Tiandao, the General Director of Tiandao said a word without turning his head. His eyes were always staring at the face of the man in front of him, unwilling to relax even for a moment.

In his eyes, this man is a very dangerous existence.

And this kind of danger refers to the fact that it threatens Kusaka Besu.

"Hey, come with me." He used a command-like tone, which seemed to be born with a commanding flavor. It would produce a rebellious mentality in other people's ears, which is the so-called... Why should I listen to you?

But in fact, this was not intentional by Chief Tiandao, but that's what he really thought.

The so-called forcing the king means that no matter what the plot or trick is in the entire TV, there is no way to hide it from him.

Every problem has a solution.

Any conspiracy has the ability to be foiled.

Kamen Rider Souji is exactly such a person, so even though he has done countless inexplicable operations in the show Kamen Rider Kabuto, behaviors that are completely incomprehensible to outsiders, he... is always the right one. .

How about putting on pretense to the detriment of the old Heisei people? The new era's little bastards, who pretended to be numb until the end, are no better than the old Heisei old people.

And Tiandao actually didn't feel anything about the other party's tone.

Although this guy used a tone that could not be rejected, it was a pity that Tiandao was not the kind of exploding barrel that could be fired easily.

He is actually quite good at playing riddles.

After following General Tiandao to the edge of a small river in the distance, and confirming that there was really no way for Xiaoxu to hear their conversation, General Tiandao faced the river and stopped.

"I'm very grateful to you for saving Xiaoxu." With their backs to Tiandao, the two Tiandaos met for the first time, and the atmosphere was actually quite good.

At least there wasn't a fight.

"What does this rescue refer to?" Tiandao gave full play to the attributes of the Riddler, that is, he did not talk about anything in detail.

"Sending her to the hospital." Chief Tiandao said: "She has some social fears and is not good at staying alone in crowded places. Once she is in such an environment, she will be out of breath and will suffer from breathing problems. Insufficiency leads to coma.”

"I originally planned to ask that guy to take the trip for me, but I didn't expect that there was such a kind person like you."

"If you are a kind person, you can be considered kind to her, right?" Tiandao immediately followed the words of Chief Tiandao: "And she should be a very important person to you, right?"

"So, do you need to use that method?"

Chief Tiandao did not speak. He turned around and showed off the belt around his waist.

"How did you know her identity?"

Chief Tiandao had an expressionless face. From the moment he heard this guy say such words, he knew that this person might already know Xiao Xu's true identity.

That... is not a human, but an identity of a zerg (PS: It seems that General Tiandao always thought that his sister was a zerg, but he didn’t know that she was actually a born molting protozoa?)

"If you insist on saying it..." Tiandao brushed his eyes and laughed suddenly: "Everything in this time, all the truth, cannot escape my eyes."

…Anyway, he still wanted to save face and didn’t make the same pose as the Evil King’s True Eye.

"Her power is as dazzling as the sun on the earth. Compared with other insects, she is like... a queen."


The red beetle flying from a short distance hovered over the head of Tiandao General Secretary and was caught by him.

The cold light in his eyes made him look murderous.

Looking at the red beetle held by Tiandao Souji, Tiandao immediately thought of the scorpion transformer owned by Kamidao Sword.

"It seems that you are also a Kamen Rider." Tiandao narrowed his eyes: "Why do you Kamen Riders always get entangled with the Zerg?"

"Obviously the original intention of becoming a Kamen Rider..."

He bent his arms and held the memory between his fingers. Tiandao showed his strength without giving in.

"Shouldn't it be to protect humans and drive out all the invading insect swarms?"

Insert the memory into the lost drive. Although the belt is already being read, Tiandao has not yet put on the final dressing.

"You are indeed no ordinary person." Chief Tiandao said with certainty, as if he had seen something he had been thinking about.

"The so-called person who is eyeing Xu is actually you."

"Wrong answer, Chief Tiandao." Tiandao waved his hand: "From the moment I, the Divine Mountain Tiandao, came to this world, I have only one mission on my shoulders."

"Drive out all the invading insects without leaving a single one behind!"


The final dressing was immediately carried out. Seeing this, General Tiandao did not give in. He inserted the insect instrument into his waist and completed the dressing in an instant.

"Cast off!"

"Activate super transformation form."

At the same time, they transformed into an armored posture, and at the same time activated the second stage of knightly posture. The two who exploded armor at the same time looked at each other's final appearance, and they were both a little surprised.

That guy! Why do you look so much like me? ! x2.

Yes, judging from the appearance alone, although some details are slightly different, the overall appearance of the two is very similar.

It's just that the one transformed by the way of heaven is stronger.

"Who are you?" asked General Tiandao.


"My name is... kabuto."

After the two of them told each other their names after dressing up, they did not take action immediately. Instead, they stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, speechless for a while.

Apart from the appearance, is the name also such a coincidence?

"My grandma (grandpa) said..."

The two people who wanted to say something spoke at the same time, but they said completely different mantras at the same time.

This time, before they even finished speaking, the two fell into an even greater silence.



Staring at each other, Chief Tiandao took off the insect device from his belt and released the transformation posture.

Tiandao also pulled out the memory and canceled the transformation.

The two people obviously looked completely different, but at this moment, they seemed to be looking at each other in the mirror, full of doubts and suspicions.

Could it be that...he is another...me?

"Why did you say you wanted to expel all the insects?"

The two who were at war with each other just now looked like they were about to fight, but after a moment, they started talking calmly again.

Not only that, there was a hint of intimacy in Tiandao General's tone that was not easy to detect.

The person in front of me, his true identity should be...

"I fell into a deep sleep a long, long time ago, when this place was still deserted." Tiandao thought and remembered a legend of the Shenshan family.

"At that time, I was also faced with a group of insects that invaded from the universe."

"Bloody bug."

"That's a terrifying monster from the universe. It came to get the power of this planet."

Tiandao crossed his arms. Keep talking nonsense.

"At that time, I controlled the power of the four elements of the earth, fought with it, and finally severely damaged it and successfully sealed it."

"After that, I, who was also seriously injured, fell into a deep sleep."

As he spoke, Tiandao paced back and forth with a bewildered expression on his face.

"I originally thought I would just fall asleep and there would be no more danger to the earth."

"But some time ago, I was awakened by the will of the earth, and the first time I woke up, I felt the presence of insects."

"The existence of insects?" Chief Tiandao frowned.

The zerg... seem to have come from outside.

That tyrant...according to the man in front of him, he visited the earth in ancient times.

Why is the universe full of bugs all day long?

And the earth, why is it being invaded by bugs all day long?

"So I have been fighting and killing insects since I woke up." Tiandao spread his hands and said, "Then I came here."

"Have you been killing insects?" General Tiandao seemed to have remembered something.

"You guy...you can't be!"

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