I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 342: What's the armored tyrant bug? I'll still kick it to death (I have an armored

Wanting to witness the magical eyes that Tiandao said was also a guess by Chief Tiandao as to whether everything Tiandao said was true.

Although according to what the newspaper said, this guy never missed a kill, General Tiandao was not the kind of person who would easily believe the newspaper.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you won't believe it.

And it's easy to prove this.

The two of them were walking side by side on the street. On the way to the tofu shop that Souji Tendo was going to, the roaring motorcycles were accompanied by shouts of unknown meaning, and a group of guys wearing belts and collars were seen. Dressed in darkness, they appeared in front of the two Tiandao.

It seems that because of the high sense of presence of Tiandao General Secretary, these people locked on Tiandao General Secretary almost immediately.

He drove his motorcycle in front of the two of them, and after blocking their path, he continued to circle around them.

The meaningless shouts, the roar of motorcycles, and the tracks left by the tires on the ground all indicated the identity of this group of people.

One of the local characteristics of neon is the bosozoku.

The two Tiandaos stopped at the same time.

Chief Tiandao had no intention of taking action. Even though these people were attracted by his temperament, he just watched and remained motionless.

Show me your methods, legendary murderer.

And Tiandao did not disappoint the expectations of General Tiandao. Facing these bosozokus, although Tiandao remained silent, he still materialized a purple sword in the blink of an eye, and did not shy away from General Tiandao at all. meaning, but showed it to him straightforwardly.

Anyway, isn't this the truth that Chief Tiandao wants to see?

Tiandao didn't mind letting him see his special side.

With the purple sword in hand, Tiandao's eyes were suddenly dyed with emerald eyes. After locking one of the Bosozokus, Tiandao stretched out his hand and stabbed the Titan sword out, hitting the opponent's body at an extremely fast speed, and accurately Unmistakably tore his chest.

No blood fell, not even a cry. The "human" who was hit by the Titan Sword hugged the edge of the Titan Sword with both hands, bursts of green light burst out while whimpering, revealing his original insect appearance, and then Exploded with a bang.

Blue light particle special effects are scattered in all directions.

But the other bosozokus would not regard the person killed by Tiandao as a bug.

Because the prototype that was revealed at that moment was too short, in the eyes of others, Tiandao suddenly took out a sword, then killed people, and also destroyed the corpses and wiped out traces. The method was quite cruel.

Shocked by this shocking scene, the remaining Bosozoku did not dare to stay where they were. Instead, they all moved away from here, turning the power to the maximum, wailing and wanting to leave.

But Tiandao had no intention of letting them go.

His emerald eyes continued to lock onto the next being disguised as a human. His free hand pinched the Vajra Seal to increase the intensity of the next attack. With his body flashing, he caught up with him in a very short time. Starting motorcycle.

The Titan Sword cut across the two men sitting on the motorcycle and cut them in half.

After a brief appearance, the Zerg was killed by the explosion again, leaving no body behind, and became molecules and scattered into the air.

The figures flashed one after another, and Tiandao killed seven of the nine bosozokus on the three motorcycles in a moment, leaving only a man and a woman hugging each other, looking at Tiandao with eyes full of fear.

"It's the murderer! It's the murderer in the newspaper!"

"He came to Tokyo! He really came to Tokyo!"

A pungent smell flowed from his crotch, and the yellow hair wearing a ring on his nose stepped back with a look of horror, dragging wet tracks on the ground.

He was genuinely scared.

The woman who was still alive rolled her eyes and passed out early without any response.

Tiandao frowned, looking at this rather disgraceful man, and had no intention of saying anything to him.

"Even if you don't transform, your power is indeed terrifying." Chief Tiandao came over from behind and stood beside Tiandao: "You can kill Zerg with a human body. You are beyond my imagination. ”

"Want to learn? I'll teach you." After dispersing the Titan Sword, Tiandao kicked the opponent in the face, knocked him unconscious and left without looking back.

Obviously, no matter whether it is the way of heaven in this world or the way of heaven in another world, they will not be interested in such existences that are as small as insects and ants.

They always do what they want to do and don't care what other people think.

"Can this kind of thing be taught?" Chief Tiandao looked at Tiandao in surprise: "Aren't you afraid that I will use these things to deal with you?"

"You should learn it first and then talk." Tiandao glanced at Tiandao General Secretary.

"Follow the power in your heart, find the direction guided by your heart, and then strengthen your beliefs and realize the integration of faith and heart. The moment the two merge with each other, you will have the same power as me."

"Intentional energy."

Chief Tiandao's understanding ability is not bad, and he responded immediately.

"Imagination. So that's it. This is the name of the power you have."

After accurately seeing Tiandao killing the Zerg that had not yet appeared and his legendary method, General Tiandao really believed it this time.

"You can tell from the name that this comes from here and the power here." Pointing to his head and then to his heart, Tiandao continued, "This is the power that exists in the heart of every human being. The difference is whether you can awaken it."

"Anyway, I have given you the method. Whether it can be done depends on you." Tiandao spread his hands and said, "I can't help too much."

"Don't underestimate me. I am a man who walks the way of heaven and knows everything. There is nothing in this world that I can't do." Tiandao Souji pointed to the sky with one hand. He has remembered what Tiandao said and the power he taught.

Yes, for him, even though he is already the King of Kabuto, whether it is to protect the world or his sister, the power of the King of Kabuto is still not enough. He needs to become stronger.

He will not miss any opportunity to become stronger.

In the end, the only person who decided to buy tender tofu was Tiandao Souji himself.

Because after the two people walking side by side came to the block, Tiandao opened his emerald eyes and went straight to the insects that had not yet appeared.

In his words, as long as he opened these eyes, what he saw was the wailing of lives being killed, accusing him of the bitterness and pain of being replaced over and over again.

Possessing this power, he could not sit idly by while listening to the wailing of countless lives.

So after leaving the alley, he put on a cloak that he had taken out from somewhere, and then went to the place where the crowd was flowing the most with murderous intent.

Tiandao Zongsi also understood that wherever this guy went, no insects would live. Rather than saying he was a killer, it would be better to say he was an insect killer.

Perhaps the alien insects did not expect that there was such a person on Earth.

"The ultimate defense weapon of the Earth."

On the way to the tofu shop, Tiandao Zongsi was still muttering this name that Tiandao had pulled out.

"He does seem to have this power."

"So is there a Baozu insect sealed somewhere on Earth?"

"Compared to the alien insect, how powerful is the Baozu insect?"

Tian Dao Zongsi couldn't imagine the image of the Baozu insect in his mind, but according to Tian Dao, the Baozu insect might be very scary.

Thinking like this, he raised his head and looked forward.

And it was this glance that made him see a person who also held a bowl in his hand and appeared here with him.

Although it was just the first meeting, the guy's perfect personality still made Tian Dao recognize him at a glance.

It was the same existence as him.

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