I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 349: Changes in the Sky (Shortest title!)

Zect is indeed an organization that exists to protect humans and safeguard the future of mankind. People who are in turmoil caused by alien insects or who bear deep hatred for alien insects will be more or less attracted to the organization of Zect.

For such people, they may not be able to climb to a high position, but fighting on the front line and fighting against alien insects at the forefront is indeed the dream of such people.

Hatred needs to be vented, and direct fighting with alien insects is the best way.

Such warriors, in the eyes of Tendou Souji, are useless, but very cute.

Driven by pure revenge or belief, such existence can be called a warrior.

Just like Kagami, she only has the most superficial understanding of Zect, and even doesn't know where Zect's headquarters is, but because the alien insects killed her own brother, she is still willing to sacrifice herself.

Even if she doesn't know too much, the idea of ​​killing insects is the same, which is enough.

This is enough for Kagami, but not enough for Tendou Souji.

He trusted Kagami and these warriors, but he didn't trust the high-ranking Zect executives.

"Using force won't force them to say more. After all, Zect may just be a bait on the table." Tendou Souji glanced at the kitchen and was relieved to see Xiaoxu still busy.

"The real person hiding behind the scenes may be something else."

"Even if it is a bait, this bait is tempting enough." However, Tiandao has a completely different view on Tiandao's idea: "It is indeed attractive to put it on the table, but the scale of zect is large enough. If it is really eaten, even the mastermind behind the scenes will feel very painful."

"Zect is not an organization that can be dispensable. On the contrary, it may be very important."

"It's like a white glove, handling some things on behalf of those who cannot see the light."

"Losing this organization is equivalent to cutting off the hand of the person behind the scenes in the human world. Why shouldn't I do such a thing?"

Tiandao said this loudly, but he didn't shout it out in this restaurant. Instead, he transmitted it directly to Tiandao's brain through the power of mind and talked to him directly.

And Tiandao was worthy of being Tiandao's general. He reacted immediately and was not surprised by this matter. He accepted it easily.

"Such a straightforward approach is really your style."

Tian Dao Zongsi didn't need to speak, but only needed to go through this year in his mind, and then he could pass it on to Tian Dao.

"To make everything complicated, there will often be a loophole. Sometimes, taking a detour is far less fast than taking a straight line."

Tian Dao's style of doing things was not like this before. When there was one way around him, he could still cooperate with one.

But that was limited to the world he lived in.

And in this world, when humans are threatened by alien insects and even the survival of the race cannot be guaranteed, there is no need to take those detours.

Everything that humans need to consider is based on the need to ensure their own survival.

And when this kind of survival cannot be guaranteed, the first thing people should ensure is survival.

What detour? Guarantee it first.

"Really a simple and honest ancient person, full of the kind of clear simplicity from thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago." Although Tian Dao Zongsi said it in an admiring tone, it was obviously not a good word.

"People thousands of years later no longer have the directness of your era." Tiandao Zongsi shook his head and stopped talking to Tiandao. Instead, he stood up and went to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?"

This sentence was said directly by Tiandao Zongsi.

"Just prepare something I haven't eaten before." Knowing that Tiandao Zongsi didn't want to continue the topic, Tiandao wouldn't be so bored as to pester him. At least just now, neither of them could convince the other.

... After looking at Tiandao for a while, Tiandao Zongsi turned around, lifted the curtain and walked into the kitchen.

"Xiao Xu, borrow the kitchen."

"Eh? How did you get in?"

"That guy said he wanted to eat a dish he had never eaten before. I thought about it and it should be the only dish he hadn't eaten before."


"British famous dishes."

Tiandao, who was originally looking at the interior decoration of the restaurant, turned green when he heard the three words "British dishes".

"Nonsense! I've eaten all British food!"

In order to ensure that he would not be fed shit, Tiandao even admitted that he had eaten shit: "Change me something else!"

"Oh~" Sticking his head out of the kitchen window, Tiandao Zongji stared at Tiandao: "As expected of a man living in such a wealthy place, it seems that satisfying your taste is indeed a challenge."

"But don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you."

"If you want to ask why, it's because I am..."

"Okay, just cook honestly, don't go on about Tianzhidao, Zongji everything." Tiandao rolled his eyes.

"You go on about rice first, Zongji eats everything!"

At the same time, at the headquarters of zect.

Perhaps Zect didn't know that they had just escaped the fate of being flattened by a kabuto, but now, as the summoner of the royal bee, Yaguruma still had considerable doubts and wanted to ask his immediate superior.

"Why are there two kabuto?!" The meeting room was still dark with only a little light coming through the window.

Yaguruma questioned Mishima Masato who had his back to him, eager for an answer.

"There is only one Kabuto insect instrument." Mishima replied: "I thought you would recognize such an obvious difference."

"The one who has the Kabuto insect instrument is the one you need to deal with, that is, the real Kabuto."

"Then, who is the other guy?!" Yaguruma was not so easily fooled: "Isn't that guy the same as Kabuto?"

"You don't need to know this!" Although Yaguruma's voice was loud, Mishima's voice was even louder: "Your mission is to defeat Kabuto and take back the Kabuto insect instrument, that's all."

"That guy is not someone you need to worry about."

"But Kabuto and that guy are mixed together. If I want to deal with Kabuto, will he just stand by and watch?" Being suppressed by Mishima's louder voice, Yaguruma's voice became much smaller.

"Didn't he just stand by and watch?" Mishima turned his head and said to Yaguruma: "Before you worry that he will become an obstacle to you, think clearly whether you can get rid of Kabuto."

Yagaguruma: ...

Although they didn't speak, and in the dark, the two sides couldn't see each other's expressions, but Mishima's tone was enough for Yaguruma to imagine his contemptuous look.

They are both knight systems and Kamen Riders. Do you think that the Royal Bee is not Kabuto's opponent?

Or, it has nothing to do with the knight system, and you look down on me... just me? !

"I understand." But Yaguruma couldn't say these words in his heart to Mishima. All he could do was to follow Mishima's orders.

Again, compared to the free and unthreatened Kabuto, the Royal Bee summoner is just a summoner in the organization of Zect, not the master of the Royal Bee.

Zect has the qualification to decide the Royal Bee summoner, and he... is just such an existence.

After finishing the meal, Tendao and Tendao were not on the same path, so they parted ways halfway.

However, looking at Tendao Souji's arrogant look on his motorcycle when they parted, Tendao gritted his teeth and missed the time when he was a Flame Dragon.

Only now I am not a Flame Dragon, otherwise I would have to take out the Light and Shadow Horse.

But having said that, Tendao is not completely without a means of transportation, but it is more eye-catching than Tendao Souji's.

That is Kabuda Armament: Wheels Rolling.

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