I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 353 Suppose, Tiandao, if your grandfather was also an alien insect, what would you do?

If the world was really that simple, then there would be no such thing as urban routines, and words like "I want to go back to the countryside" would appear.

Ultimately, simplicity is only skin deep.

But sometimes, taking the long way around is a better way to take a shortcut.

The shortcut before us may be the most difficult.

But Chief Tiandao knows that he has no reason and no reason to interfere with other people's choices.

Especially for this person who is devoted to killing insects, he is even more unable to dissuade him.

And he also knows that sooner or later, Heaven will usher in his failure.

But having said that, General Tiandao never thought that this defeat would come so quickly.

We just haven't seen each other all afternoon, and in the time it takes to sleep at night, or even before dawn, Tiandao has already become like this, and even tasted the taste of failure.

"Don't say I've never lost before. I'm so direct. Isn't it because the world can't wait?" General Tiandao put a bandage on Tiandao. After taking care of Tiandao's injuries, he took him there. another room

"My sister is still sleeping. Please keep your voice down and don't wake her up." The moment he opened the door, General Tiandao turned around and warned Tiandao.

"Sister? Xiaoxu also lives with you?"

"It's my other sister, Tiandao Shuhua." Chief Tiandao turned on the lights and revealed the furnishings in the house to Tiandao: "You will stay here temporarily. I will find a way to deal with Phoenix's matter." Processed.”

"I didn't expect that you actually have two sisters." Tiandao suddenly sat on the bed and looked up at Chief Tiandao: "Does Xiaoxu know her identity? I mean, as your sister."

"I don't know, I don't plan to tell her yet." Chief Tiandao shook his head: "It's not the time yet."

"Some people often say it's not the right time, but often that time will never come. When the opportunity is finally lost, regret is just a useless emotion." Tiandao continued.

"I can see that Xiaoxu looks at you very differently."

"If you don't make it clear, Xiaoxu may be ready to confess her love to you."

"This kind of thing is completely impossible! I am very measured!" General Tiandao glared at Tiandao fiercely, and closed the door angrily: "Go to sleep! Take good care of yourself!"

"Hey! You haven't answered my question yet!" Like an undead soul who is not afraid of death, Tiandao continued to ask while holding his neck.

But the answer to him was only the echo of the sound hitting the door and being bounced back. There was nothing else left.

"Tsk, is this guy really going to take that road? Then as a friend, should I break his left leg or his right leg?" Tiandao lay on his back on the bed with his two hands on the back of his head. Staring at him as the lights flickered, perhaps only he himself knew what he was thinking.


He raised his hand and looked at the traces of bruises on his arms caused by resisting the kick from that special attack. Tiandao stared at the bruises with his eyes.

The traces left after the battle were revealed before his eyes, silently telling him the fact of his failure.

Where did Phoenix get that kind of power?

Is there anyone in this world who can resist such power?

Or is it that Phoenix is ​​completely invincible?

No, that shouldn't be the case. If she really had no scruples at all, how could she lie here and sleep peacefully like a normal person?

Does that guy Phoenix seem like a kind man, and is he so kind as to let me go?

If she were truly invincible, the world would be in chaos right now.

Phoenix must not be able to use that power for a long time!

Various conjectures about Phoenix's abilities emerged in his mind. Tiandao fell asleep unconsciously, and an inexplicable shadow also appeared on the figure lying on the bed.

Although it is shallow and not so obvious, as long as you look at it carefully, you can see that the outline of this shadow is wrapping up the way of heaven.

But even Tiandao himself didn’t know about this.

After opening his eyes again, Tiandao stared at the sun obscured by dark clouds in the sky and the familiar environment around him, and fell speechless for a while.

"Why, are you surprised to be here again?"

The voice of the Heart of the Holy Mountain sounded behind Tiandao. The old man stroking his beard walked past Tiandao with a smile and stood in front of him.

"If you think about it carefully, it's been a long time since we last met."

"...Why am I still here?!" But compared to the smiling God Mountain Heart, Tiandao's confusion seemed more.

"Have I not already cut off the destiny of the Shenshan family? The Hokage Stone on the top of the Shenshan Mountain, and even the Flame Dragon, should have nothing to do with me or the Shenshan family!"

"You have indeed cut off the fate that you have been entangled with for a long time, but that does not mean that you lose the qualifications of an armor summoner, nor does it deny the fact that your blood is the blood of the fire character." The Heart of the Holy Mountain continued: "Destiny is indeed It has been cut off, you can rest assured.”

"And you will appear here. On the one hand, you have revealed some doubts after coming to a brand new world. In this world, no one can answer this doubt for you. You are thirsty for answers, so you come again. Got here.”

Speaking of this, Shenshan Xinzhe raised his hand and put up his second finger.

"And the second point is that I have something to find you."


"You have something to find me?" Tiandao pointed at himself in surprise: "What can I do for you?"

"Will you chop me with the Earth-Splitting Knife again?"

When talking about this, Tiandao can still recall the pain in his body at that time.

That time he was really chopped to death, and it was the Shenshan Xinzhe who chopped him to death.

Although he was resurrected not long after, the fact of death is not false!

"That's right, but my business is not important for the time being, let's talk about your problem first." Shenshan Xinzhe waved his hand: "You can tell me all the doubts in your heart at this moment, I. If I can answer, please listen."


Although Shenshan Xinzhe is sometimes an unreliable old man, more often, he has indeed become a person who helps Tiandao solve problems and even resolve doubts.

Many answers to questions that cannot be found may be found here.

"There is such a world, the earth here has been invaded by invaders from the universe. On the entire earth, the races of humans and space invaders have reached a level of nearly half and half."

"I spent five months cleaning up the bugs in a country, but I was hit at the place where the meteorite fell, which is the invaders' base camp."

"Humans are protecting invaders, and even Kamen Rider, who was supposed to be a warrior, also showed bias when his sister was also a bug queen."

"I can't understand this. Should we show mercy to enemies and invaders?"

Listening to Tiandao's words, Shenshan Xinzhe pondered for a moment before continuing: "Then let's assume that if this invader appears in front of you, and it is not someone else but your grandfather, what will you do? Do it?"

"I will kill him!" Without a moment's hesitation, Tiandao answered decisively: "I will never tolerate my grandfather being impersonated by such a guy!"

The Shenshan Heart's little hand trembled, pulling down two beards, but he put his hands behind his back calmly, and asked calmly: "What if this grandfather has all the memories of getting along with you, knows everything about you, and begs you to spare him?"

"It's just the charming words of the cosmic bug. Even if it is disguised as a human, the bug is still a bug!" Tiandao clenched his hand: "Even if it is my grandfather, I will not hesitate to punish it!"

"I want to take this guy's head to pay tribute to my grandfather's spirit in heaven!"

"I will never tolerate anyone ruining my grandfather's reputation in the world!"

This choice was actually highlighted when Tiandao faced the King of Creation.

At that time, facing the controlled one, Tiandao's choice was also this.

Now to this day, his choice remains unchanged.

His heart always has the right cognition.

"Okay, I have no problem." The Heart of the Mountain rolled his eyes. "You are already so determined, why do you still have such doubts?"

"After you get out, kill as many people as you can."

"Make this world what you want it to be."

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