I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 360 The Approaching Truth (Let’s not talk about the truth for now, when will the brothers ha

After that, Tendou Souji and Tendou had been on guard for a long time, but Phoenix never showed up.

But this made them even more uncertain about Phoenix's actions.

When they knew that there was a guy who would harm the people around them, but the other party never showed up, it was even more disturbing than if the other party showed up directly.

If he showed up, everything would be exposed.

If he didn't show up, it would be a conspiracy that no one could predict.

But being cautious and vigilant is cautious, and daily life still has to go on.

However, there were some differences between the two Tendou on a certain matter.

But in the end, Tendou Souji chose to shoulder the safety of his two sisters, and in terms of eliminating alien insects, he was also a passive type who would only take action when he encountered them.

And Tendou became the active one.

He set off a new round of panic about the killer ghost in Tokyo, almost making the Tokyo people who were originally curious about when the killer ghost would come to Tokyo truly feel the panic of people in other cities when they entertained the killer ghost.

Similarly, humans were in panic, and the Zerg also shrank their defenses because of the appearance of Tiandao. They did not choose to encircle and suppress them immediately, but chose to avoid them.

But it is impossible that the Zerg are afraid of Tiandao. They... must be secretly planning something.

This is the answer Tiandao got after destroying a Zerg stronghold.

As for Zect, they were originally overwhelmed by Tiandao's activity, but they did not respond to Tiandao's actions. Even though the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department reported to Zect several times to seek information on what to do next, they did not get any answer at all.

It was as if Zect was completely dead.

But such a large organization could not die quietly like this. There must be a special reason for its current silence.

Both Tiandao knew this.

But Kagami was not among them. He had already left his original team and joined the Shadow Squad because he admired Yaguruma. However, he seemed a little confused when Zect was slow to deal with the killer.

Then, within a few days, Kagami received an order from the captain of the Shadow Squad from ZECT.

"Destroy Kabuto with all your strength?!"

Kagami stood up from her chair and looked at Yaguruma in disbelief: "Why?! We are all Kamen Riders! Why do you do this!"

"Aren't we all fighting for the future of mankind? Why are we killing each other?!"

Yagaguruma didn't want to explain, but just looked at Kagami and said word by word.

"Kagami, have you forgotten the purpose of Shadow?"


"No buts." Yaguruma interrupted Kagami's follow-up: "Everyone in the Shadow Squad is a whole. Guys with personal desires are strictly prohibited from appearing. You should understand that."

"I don't want to say it again."

Yagaguruma turned around, and his eyes revealed a certain kind of emotional leakage after Yaguruma's mentality fluctuated violently.

Because just yesterday, Yaguruma had received the statement from his boss Mishima Masato.

At that time, Kabuto told him that a bug had escaped, but Yaguruma thought that this was a lie that Kabuto had made up to divert the topic and seek to get out of the situation, so he didn't believe it at all.

But Mishima Masato told him that Kabuto was right.

In fact, just this alone would not have caused Yaguruma's mentality to become unbalanced. The real reason was that Kabuto at that time acted completely according to his orders, that is, Kabuto at that time fought side by side with him as a member of the perfect harmony that he respected.

It can be said that at that time, Kabuto was also his subordinate, a subordinate under the rules he abided by.

Only at the end did Kabuto express his personal wishes.

But Yaguruma was dismissive of this and didn't believe it at all.

And now, his immediate boss Mishima has proved that Kabuto is right, which means that Yaguruma's so-called perfect harmony has a huge loophole.

At that moment, Yaguruma should have understood that the most individualistic person in the Shadow Squad, where individualism should not appear the most, is himself.

Only at the end, he was not a member of the perfect harmony, but instead highlighted himself. As he said, he followed the way of heaven.

It was like a hard slap on his face.

In terms of philosophy, persistence, and even fighting, Yaguruma lost completely.

But losing is relative.

Realizing that his persistence was wrong and that his philosophy had huge flaws, Yaguruma did not admit his mistakes, but... wanted to completely suppress this existence that was completely stronger than him.

This is also the reason why Yaguruma executed the order issued by the headquarters to eliminate Kabuto most thoroughly and willingly after Mishima conveyed it to him.

No matter how Kagami asked repeatedly, Yaguruma would never give this guy any answer.

"But Kabuto really eliminated a lot of alien insects. Even if he didn't want to join Zect, he was doing it for people..." Kagami caught up with Yaguruma and tried to defend Tendo Souji.

"So what?!" Yaguruma turned back suddenly, with unspeakable anger in his voice: "Kagami, people other than Zect are not qualified to become Kamen Rider!"

"You should understand, the order from headquarters is no longer to recover Kabuto." Yaguruma stared at Kagami.

"It's to destroy Kabuto!"

Looking at Kagami who was in shock because of his words, Yaguruma didn't know why, seeing this guy reminded him of the man Tendou Souji.

The same thorn, the same desire for personal performance, just looking at him, Yaguruma felt his nerves jumping wildly.

"Kagami, Miying doesn't need people who always want to show themselves." Yaguruma calmed down.

"Leave by yourself."

After saying this, Yaguruma opened the car door and drove away, leaving only Kagami standing in the parking lot, no one else.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Outside the barbed wire, looking at the charred traces of the ruins inside, it used to be half of Tokyo's territory, but now it has become a place for wanderers.

But today, three people are here again.

"I must know what secrets are hidden in there." Tiandao clenched his fists and looked at the two people beside him: "Tendao Souji, and Jian, please help me."

"Of course." Shenshi Jian made an "OK" gesture: "I am undoubtedly the best at helping."

... Shenshi Jian is still relatively easy to control. This guy always nods and agrees in places you can't imagine, like a child.

"Are you sure we are Phoenix's opponents?" Tiandao Souji crossed his arms and glanced at the two people beside him: "If it is true as you said, we will not last more than three seconds in Phoenix's hands."

"Three seconds is enough." Tiandao nodded: "Three seconds... enough for me to launch five teleportations."

As long as he enters it and gets the exact coordinates of the basement, Tiandao can use teleportation to go in at any time.

At that time, unless Phoenix eats, drinks, defecates and urinates in it, and stays at home like a house girl, Tiandao will eventually find an opportunity.

"What are you waiting for?" Shen Dai Jian was eager to try, and took the sword scorpion insect instrument that climbed up his trouser legs in his hand and installed it on the sword: "I'm going to do it!"

"Really full of power." He grabbed the flying Kabuto insect instrument, but before transforming, Tiandao Souji still expressed his concerns to Tiandao: "Be careful below, maybe Phoenix is ​​just a front pawn."

"I understand." Tiandao nodded, but did not choose to transform, but mobilized his will energy in a human posture, lingering around his body, changing his shape and shadow and ready to go.

Kabuto and Sword Scorpion looked at each other, the two were silent, but the same characteristics made the cooperation between the two quite brilliant.

At the same time, they released themselves to start the knight posture, and activated the acceleration ability at the same time, and the two went to the forbidden area together.

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