I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 363: When the Mimic Heavenly Dao appears in front of someone, Jiadou TV is about to explode

"You just brought someone out from down there?"

"It's not a person, it's a bug."

Because the true identity of this bug could not be figured out for the time being, Tiandao did not plan to take him back, but to go to another place.

The iron door might be used to guard against other people, but it could not guard against Tiandao, so he brought him to the ground without any hindrance.

Although this guy was somewhat uncooperative during the process, and even tried to scratch people many times, he stopped after Tiandao gave him a baby-like sleep.

Carrying this guy and launching several teleportations in a row, Tiandao returned to the ground and called Kabuto and Sword Scorpion to run away without saying a word, for fear of running into Phoenix at this time.

This is also the reason why the three of them appeared here together.

In the words of Tiandao Souji, this is a safe house he prepared to deal with the environment of mass killing caused by bugs that may appear in the future.

And he has prepared many such safe houses.

Tendō Souji, who showed off his wealth invisibly, didn't care too much. After all, as far as he was concerned, money was something that could make him the richest man in the world at any time if he wanted.

"Why did you bring a bug up from below?" Kamishiro Ken was quite curious: "Is it the base of the bugs below?"

"It's just an abandoned laboratory." Tendō said: "But don't you think it's strange that a bug appeared in an abandoned laboratory?"

"Maybe it's used by Zect to study how to deal with alien insects." Kamishiro Ken pointed at himself, then at Tendō Souji and Tendō: "Otherwise, how did we get the knight system?"

"It's normal for Zect to catch a bug to study in order to develop a knight system that can fight against alien insects."

"Indeed." Tendō Souji responded: "No one knows how long it took to develop the knight system, and you don't know how long it took to develop the knight system. I said, apart from this person, there is no valuable information below. "

"So if you want to know the truth, you still have to start with it." Tiandao leaned over and knocked on the hood of the unconscious guy, making a "bang bang" sound: "Even if it is a bug, there is no need to cover his face with such a thing, right?"

"Unless." Tiandao Souji glanced at the guy lying on the ground: "His face cannot be seen by others."

"I was not interested at first." Shenshi Jian raised his eyebrows and took out the sword scorpion driver beside him, that is, the sword: "But now that you say that, I am interested."

As he said, Shenshi Jian stood up and pretended to bend down and give him a knife.

"You just want to kill it because it is a bug." Tiandao Souji saw Shenshi Jian's real intention at a glance: "Are you so impatient? Even Tiandao, he has restrained his temper."

It is no secret that Shenshi Jian hates all alien insects, and Tiandao Souji is also very clear.

But the killer embryo who killed nearly 100,000 insects in five months can be patient, why are you in a hurry?

"Hmph." Shen Dai Jian turned away, too lazy to say anything more.

"No need to bother." Tian Dao grabbed the mask made of fine iron with both hands. Under the pressure of his fingertips, this solid mask also let out a wail of being overwhelmed and gradually twisted and deformed.


The fine iron mask that was cast together and could not be opened by manpower was torn apart by a person's hand.

If it were someone else here, they might be amazed, but whether it was Tian Dao Zongsi or Shen Dai Jian, they seemed to have long been accustomed to this.

"Who is this person."

The mask was removed, and the hidden face also entered everyone's eyes. Shen Dai Jian's surprise could not be faked, but he still immediately looked down at Tian Dao Zongsi.

And Tian Dao Zongsi looked at the real face of this person with extreme shock, which was obviously completely beyond his expectations.

As for Tendō, the moment he opened his mask, he was attracted by the emotions that were suppressed in the mask and could not be released, causing his will to connect with the other party again.

As a result, some of the scenes that "he" saw hidden under the mask began to emerge in front of his eyes.

"Isn't this you, Tendō Souji?" Looking at the two completely identical faces, Kamishiro Ken looked at Tendō Souji in surprise: "Your brother?"

"I only have a sister." After being shocked, Tendō Souji also reacted quickly. With his hands on his chest, he restored his original appearance and said coldly: "Didn't he say he was a bug? It should be a bug that camouflaged as me."

"Yes." Kamishiro Ken realized it again, and then couldn't wait to pick up the sword scorpion driver: "Since it has camouflaged as you, it means that you are already a must-kill target in its eyes."

"For your safety, let's send this bug to hell now!"

Tendō Souji:.

It seems to be for my good, but in fact, isn't it because you want to kill the bug? !

"What do you think? Tendō?" Too lazy to pay attention to the God Era Sword, Tendō Souji asked someone who had been silent since just now.

However, after waiting for a while, Tendō Souji did not hear the answer from Tendō, but the sound of the God Era Sword swinging the sword became more and more intense.

"Tendō? What's wrong with you?"


It was a process of turning from a human into a bug. Under the dim orange light, he looked at everything that happened to him from the perspective of a person who experienced it firsthand.

At that time, he was just a child, very young, no more than twelve years old.

But even at such a young age, he became a test subject with his limbs tied up, and no matter how he shouted, his parents would not appear to rescue him.

What he had was never his own name, but a string of codes, a string of codes belonging to his body.

He could no longer remember how many drugs he had been injected with, how many times he had been soaked in blood.

It was just because all this had long been a daily routine, a fixed thing for him every day.

Insensitive? Not really, just used to it.

"He is the last body and the one most likely to succeed. Do you really want to do this?"

"I gave him the appearance of my son, and I have high hopes for him!" This serious voice sounded: "It doesn't matter what he looks like, but from now on, he will exist as my son!"

"He is Kusakabe Souji! My son!"

Protozoa? What is that? Am I not a human?

I know it clearly. A human.

Pain, it hurts!

The pain all over his body swept through his body, not only physical, but also a deeper pain.

He couldn't tell what this pain meant, but he understood that he might be dying.

The body was being torn apart, the consciousness was being pulled, the individual's existence was distorted at this moment, and even the essence of being called "human" changed at this moment.

Am I still me? My name is number-4399?

No. That's not my name!

What is my name then? I will. I will.

"Kusakabe Souji, this is your name!" An excited shout came from outside the cabin.

"You will continue to exist as this existence, you are my child!"

"You will bring hope to mankind and protozoa!"

Green hands, inconvenient posture, somewhat heavy body, looking at the appearance of himself in the mirror at this moment, he couldn't believe that this was his appearance, even such a monster appearance.

Kusakabe Souji Is this the price of having a name? !

After that, the bound body seemed to be unnecessary waste, and was thus sealed in the forbidden area of ​​life, becoming a lonely existence.

If nothing unexpected happened, it would be here, tortured by loneliness and madness.

If nothing unexpected happened.

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