I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 387 No, brothers, is there really anyone who doesn't have a day off today? (Really)

"If you want to defeat that guy, or let him wake up, you must gather the power of all the knights."

It was rare that he focused his attention on Kagami not far away, but Soji Tendou didn't care whether he could get Gangdou's recognition.

In other words, that was the answer he had already known.

"The power of all knights?" Shuichi Tadokoro, who didn't know what happened before, was quite surprised when he heard the words of Chief Tendo: "Even if there is only one Kamen Rider, it is enough to far surpass humans. That is the blessing brought by the knight system. , is a huge gap that humans cannot catch up with.”

"Kaito, aren't you enough?"

"I'm sorry, it's really not enough." Daisuke Kazama finally managed to squeeze in. Standing next to the Chief of Tiandao, he straightened the hat on his head and said angrily: "Although I am very unwilling to do so, I wanted to do it before. If I hadn’t been rescued, I’d probably be lying down now.”

"What?" Shuichi Tian was shocked. Although he was not the developer of the knight system and did not know much about the knight system, as a knight system jointly created by protozoa and humans to deal with zerg, it was impossible in itself. How weak.

Generally speaking, one Kamen Rider is enough to fight multiple Zerg.

"It seems that you regard the knight system as very valuable." Chief Tiandao knocked on his belt: "Although it is indeed an unimaginable power for ordinary people, in front of that guy, it is nothing more than It’s just that you can see it.”

"Who is that person you are talking about?" Yuzuki Misaki also said: "As far as I know, there should be no such guy on earth."

"Unless the other party is also an invader from the universe." Because there are bugs falling from the universe to the earth, this lesson is in front of us. No matter how we spread our imagination into the universe, we think of other invaders. Nothing excessive.

"The Earth's ultimate defense weapon." With a slightly emotional tone, Daisuke Kazama crossed his arms. Unable to rest, he automatically came to the edge of the wall, and then leaned forward: "If you had told me before that there was such a thing, If this thing exists, I definitely think there is something wrong with your brain.”

"But now"

As if he thought of something terrifying, Daisuke Kazama trembled and quickly escaped from the imaginary world in his mind: "That kind of thing really exists."

"It's that person, the man also called Tendou." Shuichi Tadokoro quickly thought of the guy called Tendou that Kagami said: "I thought it was you before, but it turns out that there is another person." Is there anyone else?"


Behind everyone talking, Kagami grabbed the flying steel insect instrument with both hands. Even though her whole body had been taken flying, Kagami still gritted her teeth and refused to let go no matter what. .

The figures bumping back and forth against the surrounding walls caught everyone's eyes, making them all feel a bit cruel.

"It's too exaggerated." Jindai Ken looked curiously at Kagami hanging in the sky, looked at the sword scorpion insect instrument that was constantly moving under his feet with a look of surprise, and said with some curiosity: "Sword scorpion, what did you choose in the first place? Was I also prepared to do this? "

The Sword Scorpion Insect Instrument made no sound, just swayed its scorpion tail, got in along the gap on the side, and quickly disappeared.

"Maybe it's just Gang Dou." Yuzuki Misaki came to Kamishiro Ken's side and looked at the handsome rich man: "Are you a Kamen Rider too?"

"Yes, I am Kamen Rider Scorpion." Jindai Ken stood up, raised his thumb and pointed at himself arrogantly: "I am the man who replaces the gods and wields a sharp sword."

Misaki Yuzuki:

I don't know why, but hearing this kind of mantra, Yuzuki Misaki subconsciously focused on Tendo Souji.

But the Chief of Tendou did not notice her gaze at all, and was still chatting with Shuichi Wada, minding his own business.

"Kamen Rider will not be dispatched without Zect's order." Shuichi Tadokoro lowered his head, with a serious and sinister face, carrying a trace of helplessness: "We can't control what you say, but it belongs to Zect A knight will never go out without permission before receiving an order from the headquarters."

"Oh?" Chief Tiandao raised his eyebrows, and his long tone made his voice sound quite strange: "So that's it, you have to obey the orders from the headquarters when you become a Kamen Rider, because this is what the headquarters has asked you to do. Become a Kamen Rider."

"So, even if the headquarters is unable to issue orders, will the Kamen Rider still not act without receiving orders from the headquarters?"

Shuichi Tiansho:?

"Zect's headquarters has led him there under the guidance of a person." Tiandao General Secretary had a confident smile on his lips. It was the confidence that everything was under control and would never escape his control: "In front of me When dealing with that person, can zect still send out a distress signal in time? "

"A Kamen Rider will never act without an order from the headquarters, is that what you said?"

Tadokoro Shuichi did not answer, but his face became a little gloomy.

To be honest, I don't know since when, the world seemed to have changed. The world he was familiar with suddenly had many things that he didn't understand.

"I have no right to interfere." Shuichi Tadokoro shook his head: "My understanding of the headquarters is limited to my own guesses. In fact, I don't know what the headquarters wants to do."

"Or, it is not consistent with the goal I want to achieve."

Shuichi Tadokoro patted Tendo Souji on the shoulder: "In any organization, there can't be only one voice. Can you understand?"

Having said this, Shuichi Tadokoro said no more, but walked past Tendo Souji and headed towards the door.

"If the headquarters can't issue an order, the Kamen Riders are free. I have no right to interfere with where they want to go." Before stepping out of the door, Shuichi Tadokoro turned his back to Tendo Souji and said: "Kagami, isn't this why you want to become a Kamen Rider?"

"If you can convince the other knights."

Tendo Souji closed his eyes and pondered for a moment. Under the sound of collision and screams, as well as the exclamations of two onlookers, his thoughts were not affected at all, and he accurately found what he was concerned about.

"Is there more than that?" Tendou Souji opened his eyes slightly and thought secretly in his heart.

"Kabuto, Gundou, Hornet, Thunder Ting, Sword Scorpion." Thinking of the code names of the knight systems he knew one by one, and thinking of what Tanaka Shuichi said just now, Tendou Souji inexplicably had a new guess.

"Apart from these five, are there other knight systems?"


Among the four Kamen Riders who have appeared, three are waiting for Gundou to return, and the remaining one has obeyed the order from the headquarters. He is no longer continuing to clear the alien insects outside, but has been urgently called back to deal with the enemy who is about to break through the headquarters.

This is also the first time that Yache knows the location of the headquarters. Therefore, he came to the headquarters with high morale, ready to see the true face of the organization he is loyal to.

Similarly, this is also a good opportunity to go a step further and control the power in his hands.

The headquarters has sent out a distress signal. As long as he successfully saves Zect and helps the headquarters through this crisis, then the Hornet Insect Instrument will always be him.

If he could let the people at the headquarters see his talent, there would be only benefits in the future, no matter what, right?

So Yaguruma came, even though he had his own purpose, he still came.

Before he came, he was full of fighting spirit, but after he came, Yaguruma clearly felt a feeling of regret flowing in his heart.

"The intruder. Is it him?" Looking at the figure slowly climbing up the stairs from the bottom, Yaguruma complained bitterly.

Why is it him!

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