I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 391 Do you know how long I have been waiting in the film industry? Do you know? !

"I am not standing in front of you to stop you from killing the alien insects. I am standing in front of you because of you!"

After showing his belt and showing his ability at the moment, although Kagami looked miserable, his eyes were unusually bright.

"Tiandao, you are not like this. The Tiandao I know has a strong power and a gentle heart."

"I know what the outside world says about you, but that is just what the outside world says! In my eyes, you are the best."

"Tiandao." Kagami glanced at Tiandao Souji who was standing not far away and said nothing, and then continued: "I came to stop you."

This stop is not that kind of stop, just like the question asked by Tiandao.

Kagami did not come to stop him from killing the insects, but just to stop him, nothing more.

But this answer was obviously beyond Tiandao's expectations, so that he did not speak for a long time, only endless silence wandered around, making him unable to react in time.

Tendō Souji took a step forward and found more things wrong with him. This time he also had some guesses.

"Rather than being a person, it's more like a set program." Tendō Souji watched silently: "That sentence is like a set signal to identify the identity of the enemy."

"I did respond to this and was judged as an enemy by him, but Kagami did not answer this question directly, which made it impossible for him to make a judgment."

Tendō Souji's eyes flashed with wisdom.

"Is it true? Is the current Tendō really the ultimate defense weapon of the earth?"

It is impossible for a person to become like this for no reason, and the previous downtime was like a problem with the set program.

And this is exactly the same as the setting of the cold weapon.

In other words, this guy is really the ultimate defense weapon of the earth now, not the Shenshan Tendō they know.

Now he is really just a set mechanical existence that will follow something.

But how could humans become like this?

So Tendō did not dare to really believe that this was the fact. He just had some guesses and was still doubting.

"I ask again, are you here to stop me?" As if he had not listened to Kagami's previous words at all, Tendō spoke again and asked again.

"Yes, I am here to stop you." And this time, Kagami gave an affirmative answer, and he raised his hand and grabbed the blue steel bug hovering above his head.

"Tendō, it's time to come back!"

Looking at the steel bug in his hand, Kagami inserted it into his belt.

"I got this power for my friends."

The armor spread out and covered Kagami's body little by little. If he completed the transformation in an instant, he would have changed from a human to Kamen Rider-Steel.

"So I will definitely save you!"

"You are indeed with them." For Tendō, since Kagami gave an affirmative answer, he was an enemy, so Tendō was ready to speak and treat him as an enemy to fight.

But when Kagami completed the transformation, when King Gundou appeared in front of him, Tiandao could not say what he wanted to say next.

Because the posture of Kagami's transformation, this appearance, seemed familiar to him.

This was not the first time he saw a Kamen Rider in this appearance, but a long time ago, even longer ago, he had seen such a warrior.

Even the mind that was eroded by the killing thoughts and completely dyed into bright red energy also stagnated for a moment after seeing this armor, and the bright red energy also slightly revealed some blue extreme signs.


Putting down the Fire Punishment Heaven Sword, Tiandao raised his hand and pointed at Gundou standing in front of him. Different emotions emerged in his blood-red eyes, and the bright red also showed signs of fading slightly.

He covered his head with one hand and kept knocking on the top of his head, as if he wanted to knock something out of his mind.

But the more he did this, the clearer the memory of this Kamen Rider in his mind became.

The killing intent that lingered in his body suddenly dissipated, drifting around and corroding the grass and trees.

"Kagami! Cast off!" Tendō Souji shouted immediately: "He seems to have seen you like this!"

"Okay!" Kagami did not hesitate at all. He also believed in Tendō Souji and immediately released his armored posture and became a knight posture, that is, the real Kamen Rider-Gundo.

And when the knight posture of Gundo completely appeared in front of Tendō, the green light in his blood-colored eyes suddenly dissipated, and the black pupil occupied the center of his eyes again.

"That is. King Gundo." Covering his head with both hands, Tendō gritted his teeth, extremely painful: "Ichijo..."

"You" eyes bulged out, and the hands covering his head turned into grabbing his head, roaring: "Get out of my body!!"

Gundo/Kabuto/Thunder Ting/Sword Scorpion:!

As soon as this sentence came out, it almost meant that Kabuto's guess came true.

The previous Heavenly Dao was no longer the Heavenly Dao they knew, but was occupied by something.


As soon as the words fell, the murderous aura that had been floating around suddenly condensed and gathered on Tiandao again. The murderous aura that materialized into the will energy was like a swaying flame, igniting Tiandao in the burning, and the blood-colored flames shot up into the sky, lighting up an ominous light on the earth.

The originally huge will energy was burned more violently, causing Tiandao's own will to be greatly consumed.

But in this way, Tiandao, who had regained consciousness and was no longer controlled by the murderous thoughts, took the initiative to burn his own will energy, adding a touch of his own blue will energy to his originally pure blood color.

"Don't you call yourself the defense weapon of the earth?" In the blood-colored flames, the rising flames outlined an energy body, which wrapped around Tiandao's body with a thin and long silk thread, but condensed into a human upper body, floating in the air.

Just like a human-shaped balloon.

"Then become the ultimate defense weapon of the earth."

"Killing to enter the Dao, don't think I don't know who you are!" Tiandao regained consciousness with half of his eyes, looked at the blood-colored flame, and said fiercely: "You are!!"

"Well said!" As if sensing some emotion in Tiandao's heart at the moment, the originally rejected killing thoughts leaned down again, rushed into Tiandao's body, and merged with him again.

"The hatred for me, the killing thoughts for me, boil as much as possible."

"Come on! More! Kill! You are such a cruel person!"

At that moment, the killing thoughts and anger that Tiandao felt towards the killing thoughts were found by the killing thoughts, causing them to merge into his body again, drowning someone who had finally woken up in the surging sea of ​​blood again.

The killing thoughts returned to his body, and Tiandao, who was half kneeling on the ground, suddenly raised his head.

The whites of his eyes filled with red and the pupils that were just tiny green dots made everyone who was stared at by such eyes feel a chill.

"Since you are standing in front of me." Tiandao stretched out his hand and grabbed the Huoxing Tianlie Sword: "Then be prepared to die!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The next moment, when his finger touched the Huoxing Tianlie Sword, a needle-like pain was transmitted to his perception along the fingertips, forcing Tiandao to withdraw his hand at once.

That kind of pain was like a needle piercing his mind.

Why did this happen?

The Huoxing Tianlie Sword would never reject him.

The puzzled look did not last long, and the body of the Huoxing Tianlie Sword slowly dissipated and completely disappeared from this world.

Obviously, the sword has made its own judgment.

This Tiandao is not that Tiandao.

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