I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 4 There is an old Biden in every world, even the Kamen Rider world.

"It's really strange... except for the wound on your back that looks a bit scary, you are actually fine?"

The white guy, who was transformed from the fifth generation, was fighting with the spider. He jumped more than ten meters high at any time, leaving Tiandao, who originally wanted to help, with nothing to do.

Behind him, everyone rushed out of the Metropolitan Police Department with machine guns and shotguns, but they did not find any trace of the spider monster.

After that, the scene of the attack on the Metropolitan Police Department and even the massacre here became a scene that countless people still remember after the monster disappeared.

These people... they were originally...

"Remember to go back and rest, and remember to change the dressing in a few days." After wrapping the bandage around Tiandao's body and covering the bleeding wound on his back, the doctor said: "Excuse me, with this kind of wound... are you fighting with lions, tigers or other beasts?"

"Compared to lions and tigers, they are more terrifying." Tiandao sighed helplessly.

"Thank you."

After saying goodbye to the doctor, he put on his shirt to cover the bandages on his body, and Tiandao opened the door and saw Sawatari Sakurako sitting outside the door.

This...is also his female companion who follows Godai.

"Are you okay?" Sakurako stood up quickly, brushed off the hair on her forehead, and looked at someone who seemed to be fine: "What did the doctor's examination say?"

"Just a few skin injuries, it's okay." Tiandao shook his head: "I...have something to ask you."

Sakurako seemed a little absent-minded, and nodded silently to Tiandao's question, followed his figure, and left here with him.


After arriving outside the hospital, Tiandao stopped in the parking lot.

"Where do you live? I'll take you home."

"Thank you."

Sakurako had no objection, and sat in the co-pilot seat, listening to the sound of Tiandao starting the car. After the car started, neither she nor Tiandao spoke at the first time.

Tiandao was staring at the road ahead, while Sakurako was tangledly grasping the corner of her clothes, her eyes kept looking out of the car window, as if she wanted to say something, but didn't want to say it.

"I saw it." With his eyes staring ahead, he didn't mean to turn back and question. Tiandao mentioned it casually: "Godai Yusuke... He became like that."


Sakurako didn't say anything. In fact, after Godai and Spider rushed out together, she didn't know what happened to Godai.

But through Tiandao's condition, she could probably guess what caused the change in Godai.

"That posture is very different from that of humans, and it also gives him power far beyond humans." Tiandao said: "I will ask, and I also want to find an answer."

"Has your research at Jonan University developed to this point?"

"Godai... Is he a cyborg warrior?"


"No, no, no! You misunderstood! Our Jonan University's research doesn't have that kind of research, and we can't do that kind of research." Sakurako waved her hands one after another, immediately rejecting Tiandao's statement.

What a joke, it's as if Johnan University is some terrible abnormal research center.

She's not that kind of sick and crazy biologist!

"Before, when you were fighting that monster, Officer Kamiyama, I threw the box in my hand at the monster." Sakurako still planned to tell Tiandao the truth of the incident. After all... he saw Wudai become like that with his own eyes, and he couldn't hide it from him at all.

"In that box, there is an object excavated from the ruins of Jiulangyue. I didn't know what it was before, but..." Sakurako pondered for a moment: "I saw Godai pick up the belt and put it on his waist, and then the belt disappeared from Godai's body."

"Then..." Sakurako lowered her head and her voice became smaller: "It was just like what you saw."

"...So, is it something sleeping in the ruins like those monsters?" Tiandao rubbed his eyebrows: "It can turn ordinary people into that kind of appearance..."

"Before, a police officer showed us the video of the accident." Sakurako then added: "The belt was grabbed by someone in the video and smashed to the ground, and it seemed that he hated this thing very much."

"Really?" Tiandao was silent. Because he was urgently recalled, he didn't know much about the current situation. He didn't know some things at all. In the absence of intelligence, he couldn't make more effective speculations.

"Then, I only have one question." Taking a deep breath, Tiandao seriously gave his last inquiry.

"Godai Yusuke, can he change back?"

The dazed look on Sakurako's face when she got off the car at the gate of Jonan University still remained in his mind. Tiandao parked the car at the door of his house and fell silent for a while.

No one knew what the belt was, and no one knew whether a human being could change back after changing into that state.

Tiandao exposed this problem not to attack Sakurako, but for her sake.

That man named Godai Yusuke, is he her good friend? Maybe they have a closer relationship.

If he really turned into a monster, Sakurako might be in danger.

Are you going to wait at Joonan University tonight? Let's see if that Godai Yusuke will come back, and whether he is still himself.

With a serious face, Tiandao pushed open the door of his house, but before he could step in, a cane was pressed in front of him, stopping his steps.

"My house doesn't want a guy with a bitter and vengeful expression like his grandfather died to walk in." The white-haired old man was wearing a haori. Even though he was old, his straight spine didn't show any sign of bending.

His eyes were full of divine light without any turbidity, and he was still energetic and full of spirit.

"Who would curse himself to death in front of his grandson?" With a helpless sigh, Tiandao's face couldn't hold it anymore.

"Stop it, grandpa, something happened today... that made my worldview explode."

"Explode?" After taking back the cane, the old man smiled and said, "How explosive? Tell me."

Then, Tiandao briefly described what happened today.

The reason he told his grandfather this was because at this moment he only thought that there was only one monster like spiders, so he had never thought that this was a group.

Spiders are even the weakest kind.

"That Godai Yusuke..." After a moment of silence, Tiandao couldn't ignore Godai.

"Second Grandpa, I want..."

"Don't worry about that person. Isn't that a very handsome gesture?" Second Grandpa patted Tiandao's shoulder happily: "Tiandao, I know that person."

"Know?" Tiandao was startled and looked at his grandfather with a surprised look: "Second Grandpa, how do you know?"

"You were not interested in our family's past stories, so I didn't tell you much." Second Grandpa smacked his lips and said happily: "That gesture appeared a long, long time ago, so long ago that it was so long ago that it was almost gone. Thousands of years."

"I always thought it was a legend."

Muttering this, the second grandfather turned and continued: "Okay, clean up your expression, take a bath, and then come to eat."

"Remember, go to the backyard after taking a bath, then..."

"Then burn incense, kneel three times in front of the spirit stone, and make a guardian's oath." Tiandao rolled his eyes: "Grandpa, I have been doing this since I was a child, so there is no need to say it every day."

"Stinky boy! I'm afraid you've forgotten it!" The second grandfather was so angry that if he was not short, he would jump up and hit Tiandao on the head.

"The rules passed down from generation to generation in our family cannot be forgotten."

"How can a person forget his roots..."

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