I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 396 There is no other way. Now that things have come to this, it seems that we can only call

"You guys." Although it felt like he hadn't seen Tiandao for a long time, Xiaoxu still remembered him and didn't forget him so quickly.

Because of this, when he saw the way of heaven again, he would exclaim in wonder.

It's not because of anything else, it's because this guy got rid of his previous attire and instead put on a dress that I don't know how to describe.

"What are you playing at?" Chief Tiandao crossed his legs and sat upright in his seat, tasting tea: "Are you going to go on an adventure somewhere?"

"Because I think we can't go on like this." Putting on the cloak of the head of the Shenshan family, Tiandao raised the cloak, sat on the chair with a golden sword, and took it out of his pocket in full view of everyone. A ring.

"I've been thinking about it at home, and I feel that I can't let Phoenix continue to be so rampant." Looking at the ring on his hand, Tiandao said matter-of-factly: "Why should she come and go freely and hide in the dark to plot? What?"

"Hey!" Kagami walked out of the kitchen with the mackerel set meal and suddenly came to Tiandao, leaned into his ear and whispered: "Do you have to say it here?"

Tiandao glanced at Xiaoxu who was leaning on the kitchen door frame, then looked at Tiandao who showed no reaction, and rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Don't you think it makes no sense to hide this from her? She must know this."

Even though he said this, Tiandao's tone still lowered a lot.

"It's not now." Putting down the teacup, General Tiandao pulled up his coat that was draped on the chair and walked towards Xiaoxu.

While Tiandao and Kagami were paying attention, General Tiandao came to Xiaoxu, looked at each other, and handed the coat in his hand to Xiaoxu.

"I'll come and help this afternoon."

"Mysterious." Xiaoxu glanced at Tiandao General Secretary angrily, but did not refuse to take the coat from his hand, and turned around obediently and entered the kitchen: "In the afternoon, there will be more people. Da, you and Kagami should come back soon."

"When the time comes, we will bring you a new helper." Chief Tiandao called out: "Kagami said he would hold a celebration banquet, so of course he has to be in charge. We are all just helping him."

Hearing these words, Xiaoxu poked his head out of the kitchen and looked at Chief Tiandao suspiciously: "Celebration banquet?"

"It's a banquet to celebrate Tiandao!" Kagami quickly came to Xiaoxu's side with a plate and gave her explanation: "Tiandao has just recovered from a serious illness. This is something worthy of celebration."

"Why are you here if you have a celebration banquet?" Xiaoxu wiped the table: "Isn't it me who is in trouble in the end?"

"That's why I say Kagami is the main force." Souji Tendou crossed his arms and raised the corners of his eyes, giving people a domineering feeling: "We are just acting as helpers."

"Hmph! Stop looking down on others, Chief Tendo." Kagami spread his legs and made a move like a zama step. Not only that, he also made a gesture to punch, and said with high spirits. Saying: "I'll show you my cooking skills today!"

"Really?" Xiaoxu raised her head, and the inexplicably raised corners of her mouth gave her dejected face a slightly more popular look: "Chief Tiandao, do you want to eat the food cooked by Kagami?"

The confident expression of Chief Tiandao suddenly froze, and the corners of his eyes that were originally raised suddenly drooped.

The switch of emotions, in that moment of sluggishness, had exposed his own thoughts.

"Then let me be the chef." Chief Tiandao took over the responsibility: "I am very confident in my own cooking skills."

"Do you mean you have no confidence in me at all?!" Kagami roared loudly. As high as his emotions were before, his roar now was even more intense.

"Well~" After tapping his ears, General Tiandao said nonchalantly: "Who knows."

After the three of them went out together, before they had gone far, the three of them rode their motorcycles to the edge of the beach. They were communicating with each other in the sea breeze.

"There is no reason for Phoenix to continue to be so rampant." Throwing up the ring on his hand, Tiandao grabbed it: "We have to deal with bugs and Phoenix, why?"

"But she has already appeared, what else can we do?" Kagami said: "Do you want to deal with him alone? Or..."

"Still, we need to summon all the Kamen Riders." The Chief of Tiandao followed up with the following words: "Can this be used to deal with Phoenix?"

"That woman." Tiandao rubbed his brows with a look of helplessness on his face: "Actually, to be honest, that woman gave me the feeling that the Kamen Rider couldn't defeat her at all."


Director General of Tiandao:?

"Maybe it's just my illusion, but she really gives me a very strange feeling." Tiandao couldn't explain what that feeling was: "But it doesn't matter, I don't want to think so much now anyway."

"There is only one thing I have to do now, and that is..." Holding the ring on his hand high, facing the puzzled eyes of the two people, Tiandao said with a smile: "Call someone!"

Kagami and Tendou Souji looked at each other and saw each other's blank expressions in their own eyes.

"Phoenix is ​​an existence from outside the world, a time thief."

"But how could such a taboo existence have no rivals?" Tiandao said no more, trying to infuse his will into the ring: "When the white bird invaded the world, I was actually no match for it. It was because someone who was trying to capture her appeared that scared the white bird away."

"Similarly, I will call that person over now and let Phoenix feel what strength is." Tiandao hummed proudly: "Go! Respond to my call! Heed my call! Respond to my wish!"

"Show up! You!"


After finishing her work, Xiaoxu picked up Tiandao Souji's coat, but the silver belt wrapped in the coat suddenly fell down and made a crisp sound when it fell to the ground.

Xiaoxu lowered her head and saw this thing that was still fresh in her memory at a glance.

"This is it." She squatted down and picked up the silver belt. Looking at the fine lines on the slot in the center of the belt, Xiao Xu's memory immediately returned to her childhood. After the meteorite that fell from the sky burned half of Tokyo, she was buried under the ruins. Through the gap, she saw the person wearing the belt outside the ruins, who killed her parents.

Although Xiao Xu couldn't see the other person's face because the gap was not big enough.

But she would never forget the color and style of this belt in her life.

But when she took over the coat before, there was nothing wrapped inside. Why did a belt suddenly appear?

Such a thought emerged in her mind for a moment, but was thrown behind her.

The hatred of killing her father and mother was vivid in her mind. Xiao Xu would never forget that desperate day, and she would never forget this belt.

"Tian Dao Zongsi" stroked the lines on the belt, and Xiao Xu's mind kept emerging with the despair that was buried at that time, and the prayers for the wearer of the belt not to hurt her parents.

Similarly, the image of Tian Dao Zongsi also kept emerging, blending and entangled with each other under two completely different memories.

"Because of his appearance, you feel that your gray life has turned around and become brighter, right."

Lifting the curtain, Phoenix leaned in front of the stage, showing her face, and looked at Xiao Xu with a smile.

"Then how can you be sure that this is not his evil taste to play with you?" Another hand reached out, Phoenix's nails were stained with water stains, and he traced the font on the table.

"Who are you?!" Holding the belt tightly with both hands, Xiao Xu couldn't help but take a few steps back. She, who was socially anxious, was suddenly so close to a stranger that she was not used to it.

"Open the door to welcome guests, of course I am here as a guest." Phoenix smiled.

"You won't welcome me, right?"

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