I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 422 The flaming sword has a handle, the flaming sword has a handle! (Laughs wildly like Fan

Forget about fate and hold the future in your hands.

The shackles from the past were broken, and the road to the future was opened.

In any case, what appeared in front of Daguba at this moment was a body beyond his familiarity and an existence beyond his expectations.

For Daguba, it was a shock and even more shocking.

For Tiandao, it was to rely on the power of this cause and effect fate to restart the duel to sever the ties between the two.

"Once again, you have surpassed me once again." Daguba covered his face, and the laughter suppressed in his palms could no longer be stopped, and quickly spread through the gaps.

"Hahaha! As expected, Tiandao-san! You can always be one step faster than me, and you can always walk in front of me!"

"That's it! Only you like this are more worthy of my pursuit, to surpass, to chase!"

Putting down the hand covering his cheek suddenly, Daguba laughed wildly and spoke, dragging the giant sword to leave a sword mark on the loess ground, and speeding up to fly towards the Explosive Flame Dragon King.

The Explosive Flame Dragon Emperor raised his hand slightly, and lifted the red sword on his back.

Yes, although the Flame Sword is still the Flame Sword, it has become a brand new look.

It is no longer as difficult to operate as the Flame Sword, but it has become larger on the basis of the Flame Sword, and an additional handle has been added to the center.

The addition of this handle finally made the inexplicable shape of the Flame Sword reasonable, and also made Tiandao truly feel the feeling of holding a normal sword when he transformed into a fire dragon.

Unlike the Flame Sword at ordinary times, the Flame Sword of the Explosive Flame Dragon Emperor is an asymmetrical design, with one side occupying most of the blade. The wide and heavy sword looks heavy, and the strange patterns engraved on the blade carry the power of sealing the demons to kill evil and monsters, and no longer need to be stimulated by the sure-kill post to possess it.

At the end of the Flame Sword, there is a relatively small blade, which serves as a decoration at the end.

But this shortness is only relative.

Such a big knife is a bit too big for the height of the Explosive Flame Dragon King.

If it were a human, he would definitely not be able to swing it freely.

But if it was the Armor Warrior, the Explosive Flame Dragon King, then it could be done.

The action of holding the knife with one hand behind his back did not change, but the other free hand grabbed the handle of the knife, and then removed the short knife from the flaming knife, using it as an attacker to fight against the sword of Daguba.


The sword was domineering and the knife light was cold. The two met for the first time, and neither of them suppressed the other.

Daguba struggled forward, constantly exerting force with his arms, but he was unable to really gain an advantage.

The Explosive Flame Dragon King did not move his body, as steady as a mountain. No matter how much force Daguba exerted, he accepted it completely without missing a single bit.

On the surface, the two sides were indeed in a stalemate, but if you really look at it, Daguba held the sword with both hands and had already used all his strength.

However, the Explosive Flame Dragon King still held the knife with one hand, and he didn't even use his main weapon.

In an instant, the winner was decided.

"Only in this way can we surpass the value!" With a roar, Daguba used his ultimate life form ability to pour all the power of manipulating elements into the sword.

The collision and reaction of the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire caused explosive growth, and his power was raised in an instant.

This attack was powerful enough to break the balance between the two sides.

But what was faster was the reaction of Tiandao.

The hand behind his back finally moved. The action of slightly lifting the flaming knife was just to make the flaming knife slightly leave the ground, but in the next second, the red flames in the void cut through the space in an instant, leaving only a flickering red knife mark in the void.

The wide flaming knife had already fallen on Daguba's shoulder, and the blade cut into the body of the ultimate life form.

The ultimate defense that Tiandao could not break through no matter how hard he attacked before, at this moment, could not resist even a single knife.

With a clang, the giant sword broke, and half of the sword fell off. The cut was extremely smooth, and it was completely wiped out in just one blow, without any dryness.

Daguba raised his hand and grabbed the blade of the flaming sword with one hand. The ability of molecular reconstruction was nurtured in his palm, trying to change the structure of this weapon, or understand its structure with the power of mind, so that he could also materialize such a weapon.

But. The ability of molecular reconstruction was useless, like a drop in the ocean, without any movement.

What the power of mind fed back was not the structure of the sword, but a world of blazing flames.

Burning everything in the annihilation and nothingness, but bringing new life after extreme destruction.

"This is beyond the ultimate." Daguba raised his head and looked directly at the Explosion Dragon King at the moment: "This is your real power! Just like Kuga!"

"Complete fusion with the spirit stone, and it is a breakthrough brought by the complete spirit stone! The power beyond the ultimate in the true sense!!!" Raising his other hand, grabbing the blade of the flaming sword with both hands, Daguba tried his best to lift the flaming sword little by little, so that he would no longer be under the blade.

"I knew it was like this, the incomplete spirit stone could not break through the ultimate wall! This is how I am, and this is how Kuga is too!" Daguba moved the blade of the flaming sword away from his body little by little, and stared at the Explosion Dragon King opposite him.

"Tian Dao-san! This is your true path of evolution!"

"Now, you have finally become the ultimate life form! Even beyond!"

"You will still surprise me and still walk in front of me!"

Looking at Daguba struggling under his blade indifferently, for some reason, the Explosive Flame Dragon King suddenly felt a little bored.

"Does it make sense? Daguba, the winner and the loser, reincarnate in an endless battle. Does this really make you so obsessed?"

"Because I am such an existence!" Using all his strength, Daguba threw the flaming knife up a few points, and retreated at the critical moment to avoid being under the blade.

Although he had no weapons with both hands, he condensed different powers in his palms.

The ultimate power from himself gave him absolute control over the ecosystem.

The thoughts peeled off from Tiandao allowed him to use moves unique to Tiandao.

The left hand was blazing with flames, the right hand was surging with darkness, and the moment the hands crossed, the power of the Knight Universe and the Armor Universe brought great power to Daguba at this moment.

You know, Kuuga, as the beginning of the Heisei Knight, has extraordinary significance.

Then, Daguba, as the boss at the beginning of the Heisei series, also has extraordinary significance.

"My power, plus the power of Tendou-san!" Daguba stepped forward and pressed forward: "This is"

"The final point of the fate between you and me!" The Explosion Dragon Emperor interrupted Daguba's subsequent words, and with one hand to the sky, he once again manifested the red door above the sky, and the moment the door was opened, the Flame Dragon Horse flew out of the door.

"Armored beast released!" The Explosion Dragon Emperor shouted:

"Flame Dragon Emperor, attack!"


The Flame Dragon Horse hovered over the head of the Explosion Dragon Emperor, and as the words of the Armored Beast were released, the Flame Dragon Horse rushed to the door again in an instant.

But this time, it did not enter the gate, but changed its shape the moment it passed through the gate, reassembling from the original Flame Dragon Colt form, from a motorcycle shuttling through the air, to a shining red metal dragon.

Just as a carp will turn into a dragon after leaping over the Dragon Gate, the Flame Dragon Colt turned into the Flame Dragon King, becoming a dragon entrenched in the sky and swooping down, surrounding the Explosive Flame Dragon King, guarding his safety.

Grabbing the Fiery Blade with both hands, the Explosive Flame Dragon King raised the sword to the sky, and the sure-kill spell of the Demon Sealing Slash no longer appeared, but a circular pattern appeared.

This pattern is the red dragon pattern representing the Flame Dragon logo.

With the divine dragon guarding on the side, the Explosive Flame Dragon King swept the sword light, and with two swords in hand, he stomped on one foot and rushed into the sky.

The Flame Dragon King followed the Explosive Flame Dragon King and circled up, and at the top of the sky, he ran down to the bottom.

The short knife passed in front of him, leaving a thin short knife cut, and then the flaming knife suddenly chopped down and landed heavily on the horizontal knife light.

In an instant, the cross knife light cut through the illusion, carrying the roar of the Flame Dragon King, and fell towards Daguba.

"This is it!"

Daguba raised his head and stared at the figure in the sky that was gradually submerged by the red light, but he did not feel the slightest sadness or fear.

"The battle I look forward to!"

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