I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 434 As long as you wear this golden hoop, the world (enough of heaven!)

Chapter 434 As long as you wear this golden hoop, the world of the future... (Enough of Tiandao!)

"This is..."

Although it is not the first time for Tiandao to come to this place outside the world, it is the first time for Tiandao to see the existence of the world with his own eyes.

But he never thought that the world would be made up like this.

"Why is it a book?" Looking at the book in front of him, which even has a cover and even has the words "Kamen Rider-Kabuto" written on the cover, Tiandao was stunned.

"This is a world cut out from the Heisei Knight Chronicles. It is normal for it to look like a book." Melina just glanced at it and stopped looking.

"When this book returns to the Heisei Knight Chronicle, it will naturally become a page and become part of the Heisei Knight Chronicle."

"So... why is the history of Heisei Knight a book?" Tiandao asked back: "As far as I am concerned, I originally thought that time is a long river, and everything that happened in the past is deposited at the bottom of the river."

"The Heisei era is always moving forward, and those things that happened in the past are just past tense."


"The origin of Kamen Rider, the starting point of the birth of the knight, was accidentally destroyed. It was Kamiyama Touma who rewrote the history of Kamen Rider with his own creative power, making Kamen Rider a certainty again." Melina continued to move forward, leading Tiandao to the place where she came from.

"He saved the world."

"But because of this, everything about the knight turned into a storybook, and became a fact that was accurately recorded in words, and no one could change it." Melina paused.

"Unless someone destroys the Heisei Rider Chronicles or Super Hero Chronicles."

"But once the Heisei Rider Chronicles or Super Hero Chronicles are destroyed, the existence of Kamen Rider Point will be erased again."

"Kamiyama Touma did save the world, but he is not as good as Ishimori Shotaro after all."

Touma wrote the story to anchor the history of Kamen Rider, thereby confirming the existence of Kamen Rider.

But Ishimori Shotaro, as the father of Kamen Rider, he does not need this.

As long as he has this idea, Kamen Rider will continue on its own.

"So... my world is also a storybook?" Tiandao thought of the world he was in: "Isn't it called "Kamen Rider Kuuga"? "

"Then I..."

"Kuuga has countless worlds, but the world you are in is not in the form of a book, but a normal universe bubble." Melina interrupted Tiandao's imagination: "After Touma anchored history, only the parallel world derived from the storybook will be the original appearance of this world."

"What's the difference?" Tiandao asked back.

"For example, although the existence of Kamen Rider Kabuto is split, it belongs to the world where it was first born, that is, the original world."

"In other words, what is recorded in the Heisei Rider Chronicles is the original world."

"The original world (that is, TV) has become the existence that anchors the history of the Riders. Therefore, no matter whether it is a time robber or a time traveler, no matter how hard they struggle in the world of Kabuto, it is useless."

"Because everything has been anchored, no matter what someone does or changes in the established world, at most it will derive a similar parallel universe, and the original world itself will not change at all."

Melina glanced at Tiandao: "But Kuuga is different, or The first knights of each era are all different. "

"If Phoenix did not have the power of the origin of the knight, the Alien No. 1, there would be no way to separate Kabuto from the Heisei Knight Chronicles."

"She does have the ability to destroy the original Kabuto world."

"Then my world..." Tiandao was a little stunned: "Is it a parallel universe?"

"No." Melina replied: "The power of No. 1 is the origin of the knight. It has the power to sort out the generations and classify them, representing the beginning."

"The No. 1 of the Reiwa generation has the power to open up the future and continue the era. It carries the past and opens up a brand new future."

"Kuuga is the pillar that inherits Showa and continues to the next generation."

At this point, Tiandao also understood.

"The origin is the foundation, the future is the high-rise building, and the middle is the load-bearing wall?" Tiandao clapped his hands and said with sudden enlightenment: "So if Kuuga, the load-bearing wall, is gone..."

"History will collapse in an instant." Melina nodded, finally not explaining to a fool.

You know, the last time she told Gates about this, Gates' eyes were spinning around like crazy, and he had no idea what she was talking about.

"Then Kuuga..."

"Kuga's original world is still in the Heisei Knight Chronicles." Melina nodded affirmatively: "It's being watched by many people, so there will definitely be no problems."

As soon as Melina said this, Tiandao scratched his head unconsciously, always feeling something was wrong.

"Tsk... your high-level circles are really high-level, I don't think I can get into the level." Tiandao curled his lips: "Creating the world and anchoring history at every turn, it's simply a fantasy to me."

"Don't think it's a fantasy." Melina turned her head and glanced at Tiandao: "You may face an even more fantastic existence."


Tian Dao and Melina walked outside the world for a long time, or in other words, under Melina's leadership, they were all heading towards a set goal.

During this period, Tian Dao also watched the changes outside the world. Not to mention the sudden space-time storms and surging space waves, just the roads that shuttled between the gaps in the world opened Tian Dao's eyes.

These roads were not formed naturally, but were opened up by someone and maintained so that these channels would not be destroyed by the space-time waves.

In other words, there must have been a pioneer who opened up the road in this world before.

However, along the way, Tian Dao did not fail to encounter the existence that was also traveling outside the world.

Some of them were kind-hearted and said goodbye to Tian Dao in a friendly manner after communicating with him.

Some of them were ill-intentioned and tried to stab Tian Dao in the back, but they were scared and fled when they saw Melina.

Some even saw Melina from a distance, and turned around and left without even saying hello, without any intention of staying.

Tiandao had not even had time to put down his raised hand.

"Your reputation is not good." Tiandao looked back at Melina: "It has reached the point where people flee at the sight of you."

Melina raised her eyelids, glanced at Tiandao, and said nothing.

After passing a road sign that was obviously erected by someone, Melina stopped, took out her sword, and crossed the space in front of her.

The vertical portal was opened, and the faint blue vortex floated, filled with mysterious light.

Melina stood with a sword and entered it first, and Tiandao followed closely behind. Under the guidance of the ring on his finger that suddenly lit up with the same blue light, he also stepped into it and entered the portal.

With a flash of illusory light in front of his eyes, when Tiandao could see everything clearly, he suddenly found that he had appeared in a brand new world.

The sun that should have been hanging high in the sky casts illusory light and shadows, bringing growth and warmth to the world.

But now it is baking the earth, destroying everything that the light can reach.

Only a slight shadow made of broken and broken stones remains, which becomes a shelter for life to survive in the world, shivering.

At a glance, the rising heat waves rise straight up from the ground, covering the entire land in yellow sand and ruins.

There is no green at all.

"This is..."

I never expected that what I saw after passing through the portal would be such a world. Tiandao looked at his feet. The shoes stepping on the ground have already given off an unpleasant burnt smell, silently telling the temperature of the ground.

"This is a fantasy world." Melina turned around and looked at Tiandao.

"I want you to draw a sword."

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