I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 441 Chapter 440 Xing Tian’s Shenshan Tiandao, are you deaf? You can’t hear my voice in more

Recognize me immediately...

Again, this is not the first time to say this.

The previous [Heaven] and the current God of Creation have said this.

Am I really not from this tenth world? Could it be that you...

"Who am I in your eyes?" Tiandao asked, and he really wanted to know the answer now.

Who is he in the eyes of a creator god?

"Children from other families." He still said in the same tone: "I can allow you to live in this place, and I can allow you to get along with my children, but you can't fight between my children. Intervene."

"So." Tiandao took a step forward again: "Who am I?!"

"It seems that you don't know your true self yet." He suddenly realized and looked at Tiandao's question: "In this case, I can let you see yourself clearly."

"It's just that the result may not be what you think."

He nodded: "A child from other places has come here, and he doesn't know his identity yet. Either the world you are in has been destroyed and you are here, or... he is a traveler from other worlds. ”

"Traveler?" Tiandao was stunned.

"Yes, some time travelers come from other worlds, but you are different. Your body is not, but your soul is." He pondered for a moment, and in the words that the consciousnesses of heaven and earth told him together, he understood that there was more to come. many.

"This is also why you can hide the truth from heaven and earth and borrow their power."

The body is a local, and when it borrows strength from heaven and earth, as an existence that was also created by the Creator God, heaven and earth will certainly give humans what they ask for.

But that was before.

But now, the God of Creation has awakened, and the true identity of Tiandao has been revealed, and heaven and earth are no longer regarded as "brothers" born from the same source.

This is also the reason why Tiandaohui realizes that the world is rejecting him.

"So, your name..." Tiandao asked.

"Douzhen." Although the Black God who is still a child is still recovering and has not returned to his peak posture, at this moment, his power cannot be underestimated.

"Dou Zhen?" This really doesn't seem like a name that a Creator God should have, but...it's not his turn to comment on what the Creator God's name is.

"The world was born in darkness, even light is reflected in darkness."

"Darkness has existed forever, but when the concept of light appeared, darkness was also named. After that, the concept of all things was born from the two, and this formed a gorgeous world, making the original loneliness The darkness is no longer the silence of death.”

Tiandao is not an idiot, it is better to say that because of the things passed down from the ancestors of the Shenshan family, his perception is completely different from that of ordinary neon people.

"One Qi transforms into two rituals?" Tian Dao realized something: "Two rituals transform into three talents..."

"The opposition between light and darkness makes the world come into being. This is the Liangyi, and the person among the three talents...names the world..."

Kurokami was speechless. He didn't expect that the man in front of him could actually understand this.

"Which came first, heaven and earth, or humans, or the concept of heaven and earth, which came first." Black God smiled slightly: "Actually, there is no need to make the distinction so clearly."

No, it needs to be clearly distinguished!

If heaven remains unchanged and humans are created, then you, the Creator God, don’t you represent...

"Don't you want to know your true self?" Heishen smiled slightly, slowly raised his hand, and pointed at the way of heaven with one finger.

"Are you ready?"

As soon as the words fell, without waiting for Heaven's response, the black curtain spread with the Black God as the center wrapped around Heaven in an instant. At this moment, the world turned into bleak darkness without any light. In the endless darkness, all life was cut off. Dead silence.

In this environment, the existence of the physical body is completely unimportant, because the only thing that is stimulated is the soul in the dark.

The darkness that only the soul can experience obscures the light of the soul and covers the field of vision that humans can see.

The light of the soul is covered by darkness. What the Black God gives is life in the darkness and light in the darkness.

The Black God is more than just darkness. As a god who can exercise the power to create the world, He does not possess a single, extreme power.

"Light is bred in the darkness. The moment the light appears, it will highlight all the concepts of all things hidden in the darkness." The Black God had a smile on his lips. He had always been happy, and now he was naturally even more happy: "So, Under the light of darkness, reveal your true form."

"Your sparkling soul hidden beneath the body."

As soon as the words fell, a crack suddenly appeared in the world that was solidified like a black solid sphere, and in this crack, the red light escaping was extremely dazzling.

Even if there is only a gap, it is enough to reveal its own glorious appearance.

Then, the cracks became more and more numerous, and the light that broke through the darkness became more and more powerful.

All this falls in the eyes of the Black God.

"[Flame], [Struggle], [Sentencing], [Conviction], [Acceptance]..." In the eyes of the Black God, the light shines on something hidden under the body, revealing it in His eyes. , allowing Him to see these realities clearly.

That is, the real power hidden in Tiandao.


As the last word fell, the endless light pierced the darkness and shattered it with a bang.

The darkness that Black God had built and enveloped Tian Dao was completely destroyed.

At the same time, Tian Dao, who showed up again, was completely different from before.

He still wore azure goggles, but with a sense of technology. Although the red and white armor had a simple color scheme, it had a simple beauty.

The bulges on both sides of the head were like antennas, highlighting the three-dimensional sense of the helmet at this moment.

On the chest, the blue core blocked by the crossed "x"-shaped chest guard released a faint cold light.

The silver arm guard was not a decoration, and it could resist most attacks with bare hands.

Even if the opponent was holding a weapon, he could avoid being hit directly.

On the belt, in the card box worn on the side of the waist, all the equipment to be used when driving the battle was equipped, whether it was weapons or anything else, they were all installed in the card box.

In the center of the belt, the core was a dim red crystal, which spread out to the surroundings with red and white mechanical external parts at the four corners.

It is more like a camera than a belt.

The heavy leg armor wrapped around the entire calf, and when walking, it stepped on the ground, making a sound of metal collision.

Black God looked at Tian Dao's current appearance with satisfaction, and even couldn't help clapping his hands.

"It seems that he has the responsibility of judging and managing battles."

"Among heaven, earth and man, he occupies a heavenly position."

This evaluation is not low. You must know that as the creator god, Black God himself is in a very high position and has a deep vision.

Heaven, earth and man, all things in the world start from these three points, and there are not many who can express the will of heaven.

Even the White God, the Angel of Fire, who was created by him, is not qualified to touch the meaning of the three levels of coexistence.

"Wait..." As sharp as Black God is, everything that happened to Tian Dao cannot be hidden from him, even the strange white stone in Tian Dao's body.

Because Heishen suddenly discovered that his power of creation, that is, the dark light applied to Tiandao, was absorbed by this unremarkable white stone.

Although it was not much, in the infinite world, not everything was qualified to accommodate His power.

Heishen also understood that this must be the amulet left to him by the creator god of another world, that is, the real world of Tiandao.

But Heishen didn't care, it didn't matter if the power of creation and the dark light were absorbed.

To be honest, the power of creation is not that rare.

Listening to Heishen's words, Tiandao unconsciously touched his body, feeling the new posture and the more suitable and comfortable posture, and couldn't help but marvel.

"This is... the real me..."

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