I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 447 Kamen Rider Sword invites you to join a team and challenge Kamen Rider Decade

Chapter 447 Kamen Rider-Sword has invited you to form a team, inviting you to challenge Kamen Rider-Emperor together.

Heaven supports the forehead.

What nonsense is this?

Because Kado Yashi's identity is not that of an ordinary person, he is the destroyer of the world. As long as he stays in one world for too long, his physique will automatically attract other worlds to approach him, starting with him as the center. Convergence.

In this way, worlds will collide with each other, eventually leading to a disaster of destruction.

Just like when Tiandao participated in the Great War for the first time, Kado Yashi tried to use the power of the Overhaul Card to change the outcome of the destruction of the world.

Thinking about it now, everyone seemed to have been distracted by Overhaul Card at that time, just to thwart Overhaul Card's conspiracy.

And no one seemed to have remembered this matter at the beginning.

Even Tiandao himself didn't remember why Kado Yashi joined the Overhaul Card.

After that, the real disaster began to appear, and the problems with Kado Yaji still became obvious.

This has nothing to do with the Overhaul Card. This time, it is directly related to Kadoya Shi himself.

But this change did not happen suddenly. It was all because Menyashi stayed in one world for too long, which eventually led to the fusion of various worlds.

The world of Jianli Yizhen, the world of Hongdu, and even the world of the previous Dragon Rider...

Ethnic groups from different worlds collided and caused friction. Each race wanted to exist in this integrated world, and knights from each world were also looking for their own path to salvation.

This world is a mixture of countless worlds. At this moment, because of Kado Yashi, it is still continuously pulling more worlds to merge.

If it continues to expand like this, it will only be destroyed in an instant.

And this integrated world. This is the world that Tiandao currently lives in.

From Kendachi Kazuma's description, Tiandao knew that Kadoya Shi had been to his world and even fought side by side with Kendachi Kazuma.

But now, he appears here as one of the materials for the world to be merged.

In other words, Kado Yashi is indeed his friend, but as long as this friend continues to exist in this world, the world will be destroyed.

Along the way, the friends Kado Yashi made and the bonds he formed were all meaningless in the end.

In order to ensure the survival of his own world, Kadoya Shi is an existence that must be expelled.

This is what Onodera said, and it is the real goal of Kendachi Kazuma who joined the war after learning the news.

"Who spread the news?" Tiandao squeezed his eyebrows. He also knew what happened to Kadoya Shi, but he didn't expect that this was the reason why the Knights War started again.

"Kensaki Kazuma." Kendachi Kazuma said directly: "It seems that I came from another world and said that as long as Ash continues to exist in the world, all the worlds will be destroyed."


Who is Kazuma Kenzaki?

Your brother?

Kendachi Kazuma didn't speak, but took out his belt, fiddled with it a little, and directly projected the scene at that time in the air.

"This is what Ryotaro gave me. It's also another scene of me confronting Ash." Kendachi Kazuma added: "Oh, by the way, Ryotaro is also a Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider-Den-O!"

Tiandao did not speak, but carefully watched everything on the screen.

"As long as the Imperial Cavalry continues to exist, the incident will never end, because his existence itself will cause destruction."

In front of the two children and Yusuke Onodera, the handsome man in a suit walked towards the person lying on the ground with a cold expression.

In Tiandao's eyes, although Kadoyaji in the picture looked a little embarrassed, it was not like he had never seen Kadoyaji in even more embarrassment.

He took off his sunglasses from his eyes. Although his expression was cold, the face of this man named Kazuma Kenzaki was so handsome.

This provoked Tiandao to look at Kazuma Kenzaki on the screen, and then at Kazuma Kendachi next to him, and for a moment he had some doubts about Kazuma Kendachi's identity.

Are you really the same person in different worlds?

He looks so handsome, and you feel a little frustrated...

"Get out of this world."

With his eyelids lowered, he issued an order from the ultimate creature.

Then, there was Kadayaji's unruly answer, and Kenzaki Kazuma, who started to transform without talking nonsense after receiving a clear rejection.

That image was engraved in the eyes of Tiandao and Kendachi Kazuma, who transformed into a golden warrior and held the ultimate existence of a big sword.

The scene ended here, and then Tiandao looked at Kendachi Yizhen with a strange look.

The look in his eyes was so weird that even Jianli Yizhen was a little embarrassed.

"Uh... I really can't be like this." As if he knew what Tiandao's gaze meant, Kendachi Yizhen shrank his neck and said embarrassedly: "Although they are both the same person, he beats me Too many."

"That's right. From the look on his face, he should be able to push Kado Yashi to the ground and beat him." Tiandao nodded seriously: "Much better than Qian Ke."

Jianli Yizhen:…

Although I was very unhappy, I didn’t know what kind of reason I should use to refute.

"No matter what, we still have to stop Ashi and drive him out of this world!" Jian Li Yizhen clenched his fists, his eyes revealing a serious look: "Once this world is destroyed, it's not just us who will disappear."

There are also those ordinary people, and many people who don't even know what happened. Their fate is also on the shoulders of our Kamen Rider.

So no matter what, Kamen Rider cannot fail, and I... can never admit defeat.

There is only one person who is sorry for Shi, no matter how much Shi hates me.

Before that, I must save this world.

But facing Jian Li Yizhen's passionate look with his fists clenched, Tiandao was a little puzzled, and even looked at him with a strange look.

"You don't want to team up with me, do you?" Tiandao spoke, pulling Jian Li Yizhen out of his fantasy.

"Ah?" Jian Li Yizhen was stunned, but then he touched his head and said embarrassedly: "We both have the same goal now, so of course we have to be together."

"You shouldn't dislike me, right?"

As he said that, Jian Li Yizhen showed a smile that he thought was very bright.


The image of Dragon Knight being killed by the sharp sword of Jian Li Yizhen's incarnation appeared in his mind. Tiandao trembled and a subtle expression appeared on his face.

"No, no, forget about forming a team. We can just act separately." Tiandao's eyes were erratic, but he didn't dare to form a team with the guy in front of him who could make the enemy stronger at any time and kill him with a sword.

"We each have our own responsibilities." Tiandao raised a finger: "First, you go to find this guy named Kenzaki Yizhen, or anyone else, with only one purpose, that is to verify the truth that Kadoya Shi will cause the world to be destroyed."

Tiandao's eyes flashed with wisdom.

"Is it true, or did Kenzaki Kazuma hear it from somewhere else... I'm curious."

"Are you doubting?" Kenzaki Kazuma asked curiously: "But the fact is..."

"It is true, but the war between Kamen Riders is meaningless." Tiandao interrupted Kenzaki Kazuma's subsequent words: "Who will benefit from the battle between knights? You know it without me saying it."

"As for me... I have to ask another person for the answer." The appearance of another person appeared in Tiandao's eyes.

It's not Kaito Daiki or Guang Xiahai, and it can't be Onodera.

The person Tiandao is talking about is of course Narutaki.

The guy who is trapped in this world and can't get out because of Kamen Rider Kadoya must know something.

"Yes!" Jian Liyi responded loudly, but then he smiled a little embarrassedly: "Really, I always feel that being with Senior Tiandao is like being with Senior Shuoye."

"Senior Shuoye?"

"Yeah!" Jian Liyi nodded happily.

"He is a senior who will stand up for me no matter what danger I encounter and will never sit idly by!"

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