I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 470 Shura is great! Let’s go out on the field!

The depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, or the top of the sacred mountain.

Watching those colorful spots dancing in front of his eyes, Tiandao felt ridiculous for a while.

Although Overhaulka's brainwashing technology is superb, Tiandao has already verified the effect of mental energy on Minglong's body to repair the broken memory of the brainwashed person before.

It turns out. People who practice mental ability have a natural advantage in resisting brainwashing.

Even though Tiandao's body has fallen into silence, his consciousness has not dried up. Instead, he sits cross-legged in the sea of ​​consciousness and looks at everything quietly.

It wasn't until the moment when the effect of brainwashing began to enter his body that he waved his hand and built a blue barrier to resist the attempt to modify the memory of heaven and earth and consume his own power in front of him. .

Even if he stretches out his hand, he can still press it against the inner wall and feel the unwillingness and impact of this power.

Yawning, Tiandao squinted his eyes, feeling somewhat bored.

"What? It's broken? You can't just ignore it, right?"

"You don't really want to change from the Heavenly Way of the Holy Mountain to the Heavenly Way of Xiuka, do you?"

A thick voice sounded from behind, and at the same time, the swaying white robe also appeared beside Tiandao, causing Tiandao's eyes to fluctuate slightly.

But he still didn't get up, or even look back. He just said to himself: "Isn't there still you? With you squatting in my body, what should I be afraid of?"

Shenshan Xinzhe was stunned, but he didn't expect Tiandao to trust him so much.

In fact. Looking at Tiandao's attitude towards him in the past, especially when he called him a bad old man behind his back or in front of him, and didn't know how to respect the old and care for the young, it was strange that this guy could say such a thing.

"Oh. If someone else said this, I would be so moved that I wouldn't be able to sleep for a few days."

"But if this is what you say..." Shenshan Xinzhe sneered. Although he didn't say anything on the surface, everything he wanted to say was clearly expressed in this cold snort.

Unconsciously, he reached out and touched his butt. In the past, when Tiandao still respected him on the surface, the sudden sneak attack really left a deep impression on the heart of the sacred mountain.

The memory in his mind went back to that day, when Tiandao, the little Bideng, took advantage of his unpreparedness and used a trick on him to steal peaches from a monkey. This was a wonderful memory.

When he thought of this, the look on the Shenshan Heart's face suddenly turned even worse.

"Speaking of which, what should I do now? Just watch like this?" Tiandao squinted, looked at the old man from the holy mountain beside him, and asked like a soul.

"Otherwise? Although your body has been completely repaired and seems to have returned to its peak condition, don't forget that you are now in the enemy's base camp." The Heart of the Holy Mountain stroked his beard and said cheerfully: "Mou A long battle is short, and a hundred battles are victorious. Now that you have become Xing Tian, ​​there are some things you must learn now. "

"Remember, Xing Tian's essence is not to care about recklessness, but to attack the enemy's shortcomings by attacking second and arriving first."

Then, the Shenshan Heartfelt muttered to himself a series of things like "Li Haotian is still smart", "I feel like I can't understand what it means to come first" and "Idiot", which made Heaven's veins bulge.

"Then I can only wait here now? Will there be a chance to escape if I wait?" Tiandao spread his hands, quite helpless.

The fact that you can ask this question shows that you simply don’t understand what I mean by last comes first. "The one with the heart of the sacred mountain rolled his eyes.

"You are so impatient, you will only be able to play Nanquan in this life." Si seemed to hate iron for not being able to become steel, Shenshan Xinzhe slapped Tiandao on the back of the head, and said angrily: "Remember, Xingtian is used to The move is not a punch, but a palm!"

Have you forgotten the Heaven-Shielding Palm I taught you? ! "

Tiandao shrank his head and did not dare to refute. After all, he still had to rely on Shenshan Xinren for his mental skills.

If the father resigns here and the son Xiao Xiao, who will he turn to to learn skills?

Otherwise, being impatient in everything will mess up big plans.

When he thought of this, a flash of light suddenly appeared in Tiandao's heart, as if an arrow turned from inspiration penetrated Conan's head, this time it also penetrated Tiandao's head.

Last come first...the meaning of these four words...

Just be patient for now and wait until all the old guy's gold coins are gone before you settle the score with him.

Isn't this just the last thing that comes first?

Thinking of this, Tiandao's expression suddenly calmed down and became as calm as a saint.

It seemed like he didn't care, but in fact he had put the outcome between them in the future.

When the old man has almost exploded the gold coins, then...

Tiandao thought, and unconsciously clenched his hands, showing the kind of determined expression that only the male protagonists of passionate anime have.

"Okay, stop complaining. Staying here now is not idle. I have found you a good helper to help you practice your mental skills." The Shenshan Walker raised his hand, as the most mysterious being guarding the body of Tiandao, As long as he wants, he can transfer anyone, any consciousness, and any existence to the top of the sacred mountain in an instant at any time.

Tiandao has seen this kind of ability countless times.

So this time, when he came to the top of the sacred mountain again. Looking at Zhou Zhou's unchanged appearance. It's really a bit boring.

"The person you mentioned who can help me practice my mental skills, could it be you?"

Tian Dao turned his head and looked at Shen Shan Xin Zhe. The scene in his mind also emerged when he turned into a ground tiger and pressed himself to the ground and beat him violently.

That time, he was really hacked to death.

"Because of the advent of [Heaven], the connection between the two worlds has been connected. A bridge that can cross the boundary makes the two worlds no longer unfamiliar, so I can borrow your power to bring this general from the Ming Realm here." As he said, Shen Shan Xin Zhe suddenly turned and looked at the sky.

And Tian Dao also cast the same gaze.

Under the gaze of the two, a meteor projected from the sky at the top of Shen Shan tore apart the sky that had never changed, bringing a glimmer of hope to this dead world.

The meteor fell straight down, and the sky was full of fire and fell towards the highest peak.


The sky was full of debris and smoke was scattered. Shen Shan Xin Zhe squinted his eyes, but Tian Dao had to raise his hand to cover his face.

The howling wind blew the white robe and made the Heavenly Dao see through his fingers. He saw the figure descending from the sky.

The scarlet goggles cast an indifferent look on everything. It was not killing, but indifference to everything, as if he was born to be superior to others.

The golden eyebrows raised on both sides of his head added a little bit of arrogance to him.

The spiritual light between his eyebrows turned into a heavenly eye, which seemed to be able to see through all the vanity in the world.

The black armor was engraved with golden patterns, mysterious and long, as if hiding secrets from ancient times.

The red crystal on his chest flashed bright light, and the abundant energy made the top of the sacred mountain sink from the moment he descended, as if it could not bear his figure.

Although the silver-purple cloak was not large, it was hard to ignore under this wild and domineering aura.

The raised collar weakened his coldness and added a sense of majesty.

The broad shoulders provided the greatest protection.

Unlike the Xingtian armor and the Yanlong armor, the warrior who appeared this time had a very simple belt and nothing special.

At the first sight of him, Tiandao knew that the belt was just a decoration for him, not a must.

"This is the sparring partner I found for you. He is proficient in Xingtian's palm method and has the title of the strongest energy in terms of mind energy."

"It can be said that no matter which aspect, he is the master you need most now."

When watching this domineering figure appear, Shenshan Xinzhe's breathing movement paused slightly, but his smile became brighter.

"This guy always gives me a very bad feeling." Tiandao stroked his chin, and it was difficult to determine his thoughts for a while.

Although I don't know why, when I saw this armor, Tiandao seemed to have a feeling that he had seen him many times before.

But he believed that this was the first time he saw this armor and this figure.

But his memory. His past...

When he thought of Black God and what [Heaven] had told him, Tiandao's eyes couldn't help but look a little gloomy.

What secrets did his past hide?

[Heaven] never told him, and Black God, the God of Creation, kept silent, insisting that he find the answer himself.

In this infinite world, how could he know where the answer was?

"Who is this..." Without thinking about those things, Tiandao focused on the matter in front of him and asked the identity of the visitor.

Before the God Mountain Heart could speak, the domineering black figure had already answered Tiandao's question.

"Me? My name is Shura."

With his hands folded across his chest, the existence named Shura looked up and down at Tiandao, revealing an interested expression: "Is this the person the emperor said? So this is the world of the Kamen Rider that the emperor said?"

Shura looked at the sky, and after discovering this familiar scenery, he immediately showed a disgusted expression.

"Isn't this still in the Ming Realm?! Don't you get tired of seeing this kind of scenery every day?! I'm already tired of it."

Speaking of this, Shura shook his head helplessly.

I thought that by responding to the call of this strange energy, he would be able to see some strange scenery, but he didn't expect that it would still be in this broken place.

"Respond to the energy?" Tiandao said in surprise: "If I think correctly, we should be separated by two worlds, right? Can we still be connected in this way?"

Shura was stunned, but then he laughed: "Hahaha! What do you think of energy? The energy of the material world? Or the power of the elements?"

"Boy." Shura's scarlet goggles showed a playful look: "Since you have this question. Then I will tell you what energy is."

Speaking of this, Shura opened his hands and said in a defiant tone.

"Show it to your heart! Let me see how strong your energy is."

"How righteous and how evil!"

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