I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 474 Shura, bring out all your abilities to fight me (God willing, the Five Saints will kill

There is no doubt that there is only one sword that can kill him.

Shura shuddered unconsciously, and the feeling of being struck by that sword was still fresh in his memory to this day.

No one knows that feeling better than him.

But it was precisely because of that sword that he could be separated from that uncontrollable state and allowed him to return to the Mingjie General's Mansion, where his own mansion was.

There is a reason why the summons of the Heart of the Holy Mountain can summon him but not others.

The war between the light world and the shadow world is in full swing. The war that has begun again has swept through the peace of the material world and started again.

The battle between light and shadow never stops. The only difference is whether the scale of the battle is large or small.

Before this, there were countless warriors stationed in the Ming Realm who could go to one world after another without interruption to suppress the counterattacks of the Shadow Realm. Facing those worlds where the Shadow Realm was a little more serious and invested more power, the Five Elements Stone would naturally come. Leave it to the Five Elements Armor to solve it, there's no need for him.

As for those undercover agents and spies in the bright world who collude with the shadow world and yearn for darkness, naturally there is a king to deal with them, and he is naturally responsible for this aspect.

And when the scale expands, Mingjie will dispatch Yatales, a being with extraordinary combat power.

But now, with the Shadow Emperor personally facing the end, [Sky], who has recovered the Hokage Stone, has suddenly returned to the bright world.

Before that, Yatales was fighting against the Shadow Emperor who had not yet fully arrived.

Yatales is definitely no match for the Shadow Emperor.

But that's referring to the full Shadow King.

So in the Ming Realm, only Shura is still in the Ming Realm.

Why is Shura the only one left?

This is a good question. The answer with a high EQ is... Shura is needed to guard the bright world and watch the base camp. The answer with a low EQ is...

What's wrong with you...

Send Yatales out to fight against the Shadow Emperor. Yatales can really start a fight with the Shadow Emperor.

Send Shura to fight against the Shadow Emperor, even if the Emperor is not asked to deal with the Shadow Emperor who is wearing Shura armor.

...Yes, Shura is fine on weekdays, but once he encounters the strongest aura or the most evil aura, he immediately becomes like an uncontrollable dog-skin plaster. With just one move from others, Shura immediately runs away to merge. .

Do I need to say anything more about the Shadow Emperor? The strongest aura or the most evil aura, which one can't he satisfy?

This matter is not under Shura's own subjective control. He can't even control himself. Once he encounters it, he will be summoned.

[Heaven] has known this for a long time, so in order not to cause trouble to Yatales and not to put pressure on him, Shura should stay in the general's mansion.

Just look at the gate.

If you want to ask Shura what kind of general he is, [Heaven] can only tell you that he is the kitchen general, who is responsible for cooking a table of delicious dishes and having a celebration banquet for Yatales and others after they return from victory.

Don't think that the Kitchen General is not a general. The legendary figure with the dignified Shura Armor, who was also a killer eight hundred years ago, must have the ability and ability to completely win in the kitchen, a battlefield of cooking.

Believe in Shura!

"Okay! Since this is the case, I want to see what you are capable of." Opening the flip phone on his arm, which is the Shura Summoner, Shura summoned his own weapons.

A broad silver-purple sword.

【Shura Purgatory Knife】

"Come on, Xingtian!" Putting the Shura Purgatory Knife on his shoulder, Shura hooked his hand towards Tiandao: "It doesn't matter if it's the Heaven-Shielding Palm, the Fire Punishment Sword Technique, or the Fire Punishment Wind and Cloud Palm."

"Use all the mental skills you know and let me see how good you are."

The way of heaven is silent.

Taking a deep breath, he took out the chip of the Fire Punishment Heavenly Fierce Sword directly from the card box on his waist and inserted it into his belt. Under the gaze of Shura, Tiandao took the Fire Punishment Heaven Fiery Sword in his hand and sighed silently.

Thinking carefully about the power of the moves he knows, Xing Tian's moves are not unusual in the Ming Realm. The way of heaven is a skill learned from the Heart of the Holy Mountain, and it probably has no effect on Shura.

If you really want to fight against Shura, you can't use the tricks that Shura knows well.

Then the only move I know is not one of the mental skills taught by the Heart of the Holy Mountain...

Xing Tian suddenly raised his head, brushed the blade of the Fire Xing Tian Lie Sword with one hand, and in full view of everyone, he threw the Fire Xing Tian Lie Sword into the sky.

"Although it may not be possible to use it, but here, let me try it." Tiandao took a deep breath, and the three light balls that suddenly flew out of his body slowly floated out, khaki, red, and dark green. The three light balls floated in front of Tiandao in turn, condensing into three portals in an instant.

The earth-yellow door is engraved with the word "earth".

A red door with the word "Fire" engraved on it.

The dark green doorframe has the word "Wood" engraved on it.

The Fire Punishment Heavenly Fierce Sword fell from the sky and happened to be in front of Heavenly Dao.

The lowered body was parallel to the floating Fire Star Sword, and the tip of the sword was pointed at the khaki door.

Three looming swimming dragons entangled with each other and worked together to make the sword emit a strange light.

The Heart of the Mountain God's movement of stroking his beard paused slightly.

Shura, who was holding the Shura Purgatory Knife on his shoulder and looking confidently at the way of heaven, also froze.

"Hey...this posture..." Shura's mouth was dry, and there was a tremor in his voice that even he didn't know: "Isn't it? This move...this is..."


Shura cast a questioning look at the Heart of the Holy Mountain: "He can still do this?"

The Heart of the Holy Mountain pondered for a moment and shook his head.

"Without the power of heaven and earth, it should just be imitation."

"And there are only three elements. They cannot reach the point where life and death are endless, but they are mutually reinforcing."

When Shura heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

"Scared me..."

Shura, who was thinking this way, turned his head and looked at Tiandao who was attacking him over there: "Hey, I said you..."

Before the subsequent words were finished, the sword grid of the Fire Punishment Heavenly Lie Sword suspended in front of Tiandao suddenly opened up and turned into an "X" shape. The originally contracted sword body also unfolded at this moment and turned into a complete body.

The moment he saw the sword, Shura immediately took a step back.

"Oh shit, don't!!!"

"Heaven and Earth are in harmony - three elements will kill!!!"


The cloak falling from the sky came with a sharp sword and slashed the sword marks on the ground, knocking all the Showa knights away.

General Jack finally entered the scene, and without any nostalgia for the Heisei Knights, he went straight to the Showa Knights.

"After more than ten years, we finally meet again." With the sword in front of him, General Jack showed a ferocious smile: "Kamen Riders!"

V3 helped Chao One stand up. After hearing General Jack's words, he immediately counterattacked: "General Jack!"

"Where is Kotaro Minami? Where has he gone?!" Not seeing the person he wanted to see among the Showa Knights, General Jack immediately said: "There is also that guy, Kamiyama Taiji."

"I have a big gift for him."

"No matter what you want to do, General Jack, it's over here!" Kamen Rider-X drew out his stabbing sword and looked at it intently: "That child has been deceived by you for long enough!"

"Huh... do you think we don't know?" A smile appeared on General Jack's lips: "Kamiyama's blood also flows through Kado Yashi's body. He is the baby that Kamiyama Taiji held back then."

"Do you think I don't know about this?" General Jack looked at the old faces one by one and couldn't help but smile and said: "Otherwise, do you think why Monyaji came to Overseas Ka to cooperate? We would let him do it so easily. What did he do?"

"We knew who he was from the beginning."

"That child's parents died in the attack of Chrysis." No. 1 said solemnly: "And in the end, you..."

"If it wasn't our Clesis, where did he get his sister?" General Jack grinned.

"If it weren't for us, Clesis, there would be no Kadoya Saya!"

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