I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 480 479 General Jack, Dr. Death, is Shocker's transformation really reliable? (Dr. Deat

Chapter 480 479 General Jack, Dr. Death, is Shuka’s transformation really reliable? (Dr. Death, probably...

PS: Dr. Death:…(feeling guilty)

Landslides and ground cracks are not enough to describe the power of this destruction. Even if the sky is torn apart and the sea is flowing backwards, it is hard to describe the one-ten-thousandth degree of terror.

Although it is not a real sun, even so, it is still terrifying to crash down with such power.

The destruction around them was terrifying, and the scorching air never dissipated. Together with the crystallized earth, they formed a scene of purgatory on earth.

The cooled sand and gravel gradually blended together, and after cooling, the originally loose land was turned into a layer of rock.

The cooled rocks are red and strange, and the people lying on these strange stones have lost their previous transformation postures.

They were no longer Kamen Riders, they could only fall to the ground and gasp, feeling shocked that they had survived the catastrophe.

Both Onodera and Kendachi Kazuma have lost the possibility of making a comeback.

The Heisei Knights have now lost the ability to transform, and their physical strength has dropped to the limit. Their severely injured bodies prevent them from regaining their strength to fight.

Even if Onodera, who has extraordinary resilience, wants to stand up again, it will take a long time for Adam's spiritual stone to recover.

And now. What they lack is time.

Compared to the tragic situation on the side of the Heisei Knights, the situation on the Showa Knights side was even worse.

Especially No. 1, as soon as the impact arrived, all the Showa Knights stood in front of Minami Kotaro, resisting all the impacts for him, so that Minami Kotaro, who was not in transformation, received the greatest protection.

But the Showa knights all ended up in a miserable situation because of this.

Especially No. 1, his clothes were in tatters, and the skin on his arms was burned away, revealing the modified metal hidden under the skin, and also revealing all the sadness and pain hidden by the Showa Knights.

But even so, Hongo Meng had no intention of giving up the fight. He kneeled on his knees and roared to stand up. He refused to kneel like this no matter what.

All Kamen Riders can fall, but not him.

Because he is Number One, Kamen Rider Number One, the one who has been fighting Shuka until now.

His fall represents the defeat of Kamen Rider and heralds Shuka's final victory.

This is something he cannot allow under any circumstances.

"You can still stand up, No. 1." Looking at No. 1 who stood up tremblingly again, General Jack showed a disdainful smile: "Your will is indeed worthy of praise, but this also shows that our card repair technology has not been As of today, we are still not behind the times.”

"No. 1, your existence is proof of the greatness of Xiuka."

"But this is also proof of the sins of you Xiuka!" Hongo gritted his teeth and roared with all his strength: "As long as I am alive, the sins you committed by Xiuka will not disappear for a day, and will last forever. Will be remembered by the world!”

Clenching his fists, Hongo Meng looked determined and his eyes were red, but he still had high morale.

"So what? This world has fallen into the hands of my Overhaulka. The so-called sins in your mouth will eventually praise the justice of my Overhaulka!" General Jack laughed: "And you Kamen Riders are just us. It’s just an embellishment on the road to glory!”

"No. 1, everything you insist on has no meaning! Because from this moment on, Kamen Rider is already history!"

"The mistakes Xiuka made will be undone by us at this moment!"

The giant metal elephant waved its trunk, shaking uneasily behind General Jack.

The centipede stretched its body toward the sky, assuming an attacking posture.

And in the pit created by the setting sun, there was a pupa that fell to the ground quietly, emitting an uncertain light.

The rhythm of the heart represents the birth of life, which is already gestating.

Everyone knows that when the chrysalis breaks open, a terrifying monster, a monster beyond the ultimate level will be born, becoming the weapon of Dashuka to rule the world and sweep away all enemies.

Everything can no longer be stopped.

"It won't end like this, General Jack. Even if we fail, more Kamen Riders will definitely emerge in the future, and there will be countless people to stop this." Close one eye, Hongo Meng said sharply.

"As long as the darkness still exists, the Kamen Riders who were born to fight the darkness will never disappear!" No. 1 stood up completely. Even though his strength was gone, he still straightened his back when facing the old enemies. , unwilling to lower his head no matter what.

"I'll be waiting for you in hell, General Jack!"

"Ha! Hell..." General Jack chuckled: "Say hello to the Hell Ambassador who has gone to Hell to develop the Overhaul Card for a long time. He will entertain you well."

With that said, General Jack glanced around and spoke again.

"That kind of future no longer exists, and there is no future for Kamen Rider at all." General Jack sneered. He raised his hand and pointed behind himself.

But he saw Tiandao, who was holding a sharp sword, coming behind General Jack. With his eyes blank, he seemed to have completely become Overka's lackey, and he only obeyed the order of Overka.

"Say, the end of the Kamen Rider has come." General Jack looked at the godless Kailash and gave the order calmly.

"The end of Kamen Rider has come."

He repeated it in a voice without any emotion. Shenshan Tiandao looked numb, like a corpse.


Looking at the defeated generals who fell to the ground in front of him, and then feeling the divine way of the mountain that obeyed his words, General Jack could no longer suppress the joy in his heart, and raised his hands in a hug.

Although the sun has been lost in the sky and all the glory in this world has long since disappeared, General Jack's eyes still shine with Daxiuka's vision for the future.

"Did you see it? Taiji Kamiyama, which world are you hiding in now? Faced with all this, do you really not care about anything?"

Your grandchildren, your friends, and the world. "

Recalling his most hated enemy in his mind, General Jack murmured and kept repeating his name.

"Only you can stop me now!"

"Kamiyama Taiji, where are you?! Come out! Come out quickly!!"

Even though his old enemy was lying on the ground in front of him, General Jack was still not satisfied, because to him, the person he wanted to kill the most, the person he wanted to defeat the most, wanted to kneel at his feet and surrender. The person for him never appeared.

And this flawed his victory.

He would not allow such a blemish to appear on the crown of victory.

"Kamiyama Taiji! Where are you? Come out and kill me!"

"Come out and kill me!" In his heart, he longed for that figure to appear again after the Kamen Rider's complete failure, just like he did when he turned the tide. General Jack shouted over and over again, as if he was going crazy.

"Come out! Kill me!!!"


A long red and white sword penetrated his body from behind, and the protruding half-point of the sword was filled with strange brilliance. Around the wide sword body, sparks from the broken electronic equipment flew everywhere and kept jumping.

The smug smile on General Jack's face has not yet dissipated, and even the tone of his drawn-out voice has become much longer, like a goose's call.

With his neck stiffened, he slowly turned his head and looked behind him, and happened to see...Kamiyama Tiandao who was smiling back at him.

The originally dull eyes had regained their clarity, and Tiandao stabbed General Jack's stomach from behind with the Fire Punishment Sword, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"I'll kill you."

On the ground, the Kamen Riders lying on the ground widened their eyes at this unexpected scene, looking at this dramatic scene in disbelief.

General Jack, who was so proud and confident just a moment ago, why was he stabbed by Tiandao after shouting three times in a row?

The development of world affairs is too bizarre, right?

"You!!" He grabbed the half of the sword that came out of his body with both hands. General Jack ignored the blood that flowed from his hands when they were cut by the sharp edge, and looked at the sky.

"You weren't hypnotized at all! You were just pretending!"

"I'm sorry for lying to you before, but I really want to know what you are planning." Tiandao squinted his eyes and thrust the Fire-Xing Tian Lie Sword forward.

"As expected of General Jack, he is really tenacious."

With a "wow" sound, he spat out a mouthful of blood. General Jack looked at Tiandao and vaguely saw the figure that haunted him.

"You're a born evil kid from the Shenshan family...I'm going to..."

"When you didn't kill me immediately after hearing Dr. Death's words, you were doomed to fail." Tiandao whispered in General Jack's ear: "So don't blame me, you will still die this time." In the hands of Dr. Death."

"Just like before."

As he lay dying, General Jack's mind flashed back to all the past repair cards, especially No. 1 and 2, as well as those modified people who were transformed by repair cards. The repair cards that were later beaten were scurrying around, and for a moment, he felt a sudden surge in his heart. Clearly.

The transformation of repairing cards will only cheat your own people...

"It's time to hit the road." Tiandao held the sword with both hands and suddenly pulled it towards his side.

"Say hello to the Ambassador of Hell for me!"

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