I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 506: Yak, hurry up, someone come and save us!

To make a long story short, Hiden Korenosuke told Tiandao Zhixiao what happened as quickly as possible.

They originally just wanted to launch a satellite into space, but they didn't know that such a big thing would happen before the launch.

You should know that Dawn Town is a high-tech town selected by the Hiden Group. It is originally an experimental site for the existence of the intelligent machine Xumagia. According to the outside world, it is also a place where the most advanced and scientific level of human beings are gathered.

The humans living here will live with the Xumagia and jointly create a social scene where humans and Xumagia coexist, making the existence of Xumagia a part of human society.

So everything in this town is the hard work of the Hiden Group, and it can be said that they have poured in unimaginable expectations.

Originally a thriving life, but in this sudden Xumagia rampage, such a thing happened.

They, the Hiden Group, don't even know why.

This place, which is called the cutting edge of science and will bring a new future to mankind, is also submerged in flames and becomes a hell.

Even if they were just standing here, they didn't dare to enter the city occupied by the rampaging Shumagia. They could only stay here and watch everything in front of them, and then send out the death squad to collect the bodies.

"We have investigated the reasons for the rampage of Shumagia to the greatest extent." Hiden Shinosuke looked very tired. This happened during his tenure, which really made him worry and work hard.

"Are there any results?" Tiandao asked back.

"No." Knowing that he couldn't hide anything in front of this person, Hiden Shinosuke told the truth: "I have checked and checked countless times, and I can't find any reasons at all."

"Although the public opinion outside was suppressed at the first time, but..."

"There should be no living people in the town." Tiandao interrupted Hiden Shinosuke's subsequent words and said directly: "Even the corpses were brought out?"

Hiden Shinosuke did not answer, but the commander in charge of this matter at the front line spoke at the right time: "Most of them have been brought out, but there is no guarantee that there are still some covered by ruins. Given the current situation in Dawn Town, ", and does not support us to carry out a safe rescue work."

"Tsk." Tiandao curled his lips: "Is that so?"

"Can I ask a personal question?" Feidian Shinosuke looked at Tiandao's current appearance, with a strange light flashing in his eyes: "What are you...now?"

"What is this...on you?"

"This." Tiandao looked at his red and white body and smiled indifferently: "Kamen Rider."

"Kamen Rider..." Feidian Shinosuke showed a look of understanding. He was not unfamiliar with this thing. After all, while promoting Shumagia, the Kamen Rider plan had already been put on the production schedule.

He just didn't expect to see a finished product here, and even...the technology was so advanced that even he couldn't understand it.

"Retreat." Tiandao pondered for a moment: "I will not criticize anything you do. After all, what kind of impact this kind of thing will cause has nothing to do with me."

"I came here for only one goal, that is, this world is calling me to come."

Although I don't know why, it is obviously calling me to come to this world but I have to limit the strength of my will, but Tiandao is too lazy to care so much.

Let go of the plot of helping others and respect the fate of others.

He really just wants to complete the rescue mission issued by the world.

Without waiting for the people of the Hiden Group to think about it, Tiandao waved his hand and said directly: "Enough of the idle talk, you wait here, wait for me to bring out the bodies of the residents and hand them over to you, and then leave."

"Next, leave it to me."

"Leave it to you?" Hiden Korenosuke was choked: "You want to eliminate so many Shumagia by yourself?! But this town is still hiding..."

"I know what's hidden!" It's nothing more than a arsenal that produces Shumagia continuously, and Tiandao already knew it.

"You know?" Hiden Korenosuke was really surprised.

He knew that Yak was hidden in the town of Dawn? The intelligent AI-integrated will that they were about to launch into the sky.

"I have nothing to say to you guys who play with arms." Tiandao tilted his head, patted the card box on his waist, took out a chip and inserted it into the drive.

Then, Tiandao reached out and brushed Xingtian's belt, raised his hand and swung it, and a golden door hung in the sky. From the door that was gradually opened, a childish but still majestic roar came out.

Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone, a golden mechanical war dragon flew out of the door and soared above the sky.

This doomsday-like scenery accompanied its appearance, as if it also had hope at this moment.

What is that?

A dragon?

This was not only the thought that emerged in the astonishment of everyone present who raised their heads, but also the thought of Hiden Korenosuke who watched this scene through the video.

"This is... Kamen Rider..."

He murmured, and seemed to have a clearer understanding of the power of Kamen Rider.

"Fuwa, I'm leaving." Shenlong Soaring, the roar he made was asking him to hurry over, but before that, Tiandao still squatted down and talked to the boy he rescued.

"You... I don't know your name yet." Fuwa's eyes converged from the sky and looked at the man who gave him courage: "I want to know your name."

"The name is not important, you just need to know that I am Kamen Rider." Tiandao shook his head and did not intend to tell him his name.

Or in this case, the less Fuwa knew, the better.

"Don't forget everything today, and don't lose your courage." Touching the boy's head, Tiandao said gently: "Don't doubt yourself."

"When you think you can't do something, then you really can't do it."

"Never give up, have courage, you can do anything."

Standing up again, Tiandao made an "OK" gesture to Fuwa.

Then, he turned around and strode forward. The golden war dragon perched on his head also cheered and roared, following Tiandao's steps and swimming forward together.

One approached the ground, and the other leaped into the air. The two dragons and one person running in both directions completed the convergence in an instant.

The dragon bowed its head, and Tiandao turned over and landed steadily on the top of Zhanlong's head.


The golden dragon raised high was like a lightning that cut through the darkness, bringing the light of hope to this doomsday land.

The humans who stayed on the ground looked at it with admiration and worship, just like looking at the gods who came to the world.

After summoning the armored beast, Tiandao's suppressed willpower had a new breakthrough under the blessing of the armored beast, reaching the normal state.

The pitiful willpower that was suppressed to a range of only 30 meters away from the body, at this moment, it was able to cover the entire town, which was enough to show how much support an armored beast had for the armored warrior.

Closing his eyes and leaving the route to Zhanlong, Tiandao concentrated his perception, locked all the remaining corpses in the city, and then used teleportation to move them out one by one.

Although it was already a corpse and had lost its vitality, the life that did not die naturally still had a desire for life and unwillingness to die in vain, and the Heavenly Dao could fully sense this residual thought.

So the war dragon flew over this small town, and the Heavenly Dao also moved the last corpse, leaving only the runaway Xiumagia in this city.

Then what happened next...

The resentment of those who died in vain soared into the sky, causing the wind and clouds to change color, and the Heavenly Dao could see it clearly at a glance.

With a pat on the card box, the two chips were inserted into the drive, and the Heavenly Dao took out the Fire Sword and turned it into the Fire Sword in a moment.

The next moment, the three of the five elements in his body, which had not been used for a long time, became active.

Three portals flew out of his body, surrounding him, circling endlessly.

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