I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 523 Heaven's Law The second I saw Tsumurri, I knew she was a woman who could be my wife

"Did you find anything?"

A man in a white suit leaned on the red sofa, his middle-aged face was majestic without anger.

Although he occasionally looked harmonious, that posture was rarely seen by others.

With neatly combed hair, he sat on the sofa waiting for the follow-up answer, showing his extraordinary identity.

The game administrator of this Desire Grand Prix.

"Yes, Lord Kirori." The black and white striped long skirt set off her beautiful figure, and one of the strands of black hair that fell down turned into a ponytail, swinging with the shaking of her head.

The legs under the skirt were exposed in front, and the black and white stockings matched with the black and white boots of the same staggered color made her look so discordant and harmonious.

With a formulaic smile on her refreshing face, she told the administrator of this game about her investigation.

"According to the backstage survey of the scores of the on-site demons and the corresponding Kamen Riders, the total score should be this number if the points of a single demon and the hidden tasks are combined." After calling up the virtual screen and showing the order of the ranking of this game, Tsume continued to speak.

"In this game, the Kamen Riders did not complete the hidden tasks, so the corresponding points and rewards were deducted, and the real score is this number."

Tsume spread out her hands, and her tone became a little confused: "But the total score of the contestants seems to be wrong when the total score is added up."

"There are a few points corresponding to the demons missing, right?" Kirori smiled slightly: "It seems that what he said is true, there are indeed warriors hidden among humans that we don't know."

"How is the on-site monitoring? Can you find it?"

"According to our positioning on the contestants, wherever the Kamen Rider appears, the demons disappear." Spreading out the entire large map of the game field before, Tsume also thoughtfully marked the location of the demons and the location of the Kamen Riders.

"Among them, there are several evil demons located here." Tsumuri stretched out her hand, enlarged the map, and let Kiroli see it clearly bit by bit until the scenery inside the alley was completely presented.

"The missing signals of the evil demons were lost here." Tsumuri turned around and looked at Kiroli: "There is no surveillance on the scene, we..."

"Then play the replay after the game started." Kiroli raised his hand and interrupted Tsumuri's follow-up: "See who entered this alley."

"Yes." Tsumuri had no objection. As the guide of this desire grand prix, she naturally had such a right.

So the picture on the virtual screen changed, and it rolled back in an instant, coming to the time period when the game just started.

Tsumuri and Kiroli stared at everything on the screen, fearing that they would miss any place.

Their goal was clear, that is, to find someone designated by the sponsor outside the field.

Those who were killed were not important. After the game was over, these killed people would still be resurrected, and it was not worth caring about at all.

Finally, when the video was more than two minutes in, a figure carrying a girl on his back and holding a boy in his arms, limping but walking briskly, came into their eyes and was seen by Tsumuri and Kiroli.

Especially when they saw this person turning into the alley, they looked at each other in tacit understanding.

"Tsumuri, go tell him." Kiroli elegantly took a sip of coffee: "The person has been found."

"Yes." Tsumuri nodded slightly: "But now the Desire Grand Prix has reached the last round, should we invite him to the next round?"

"Of course, anyway, he has been spotted by the audience outside the venue. At the request of the other party, we must invite him to participate in this game." Kiroli nodded: "Wait until the last round of the game is over and the new game begins, then you can send him the qualification to participate."

"What kind of ID core should be equipped with him?" Tsumuri asked back.

"According to the investor's wishes, let him choose his ID core." Kirori said slowly: "Whether he can make it to the end of the next round of the game and become the selected wish-shaping god is still uncertain."

"Yes." Tsumuri nodded, knowing that there was one more person added to the contestants required for the next round of the game.

As the guide of the game, this is her natural responsibility.

After that, it took a long time, and Tiandao no longer felt the opening of the barrier. Everything returned to normal and became calm.

But Tiandao didn't know whether this calmness was a false appearance in front of him, or whether the world really returned to its original state.

Due to his limited mobility, he couldn't go to other parts of the world to explore these.

It's just... one night when he was sleeping, a terrible energy that swept the world covered the entire surface.

This power was so strong that it changed the whole world in an instant, forcibly imprinted a certain concept in the minds of the group of [humans], and reshaped the whole world invisibly.

The world of the last second is already the past tense, and the world today is a brand new world after being reshaped.

Although it is not much different from before, some people and some things have changed.

This power affects everyone in this world, including Tiandao.

But when this terrible power covered Tiandao's body and tried to change his cognition, the foundation of the eternal world that remained in Tiandao's body suddenly emerged, and the more domineering power of creation contained in the foundation of the eternal world seemed to be enraged, and in an instant it opened its mouth and swallowed up all the power covering Tiandao's body.

The bright blue light dimmed in an instant, and the foundation of the eternal world slowly disappeared, and a certain power that provoked it was swallowed by it.

Although it was the same kind of power, there was still a difference in superiority.

So this led to Tiandao waking up the next day, and he was no different from before.

But with his social circle, it was impossible for him to know what had changed in the world-shaking change last night.

So he still sent the two little ones to school as usual, and then he changed the intersection and continued to squat, waiting for the next destined person to come.

Then, while he was waiting for the destined person, he was also being waited by someone.

Someone squatting on the side of the road was drinking a drink with a straw, watching the cars coming and going. Before he could watch for long, a pair of long legs with different black and white colors, dragging a skirt, stood in front of him.

The action of sucking the straw was slightly stagnant, and Tiandao slowly raised his head and looked at the woman standing in front of him.


Holding a yellow and black box in both hands, the woman smiled brightly and said to Tiandao: "You have been chosen to become a Kamen Rider!"


He opened his mouth wide and looked at the woman in surprise. Although he was looking up at her, Tiandao did not feel that their identities were unequal at all.

"Kamen Rider? Chosen?" Tiandao stood up, and when he stood up, he looked down at the woman: "What do you mean?"

"Please work hard to protect the world!"

The woman did not mean to explain, but stuffed the box in her hand into Tiandao and prepared to leave.

But a pair of hands like iron clamps grabbed the woman's wrist in an instant, and stopped her in broad daylight.

The woman turned around and looked at Tiandao in surprise.

"I still don't know some things about Kamen Rider." Tiandao narrowed his eyes: "Even if I want to save the world, I have to know who the enemy is and why the world needs to be saved."

"This question will be told to everyone when the selected people gather together later." Tsumuri smiled and said: "Please..."

"Tsk..." Tiandao curled his lips: "Ah... this smile... The front desk of the Metropolitan Police Department where I used to work used this kind of smile when entertaining people."

Tsumuri's smile was a little stiff.

Why is this person so strong!

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