I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 529 Can I make any wish? ! (Tian Dao rubs his hands expectantly) Then I will make a wish

Chapter 529 Can I make any wish? ! (Tian Dao rubs his hands expectantly) Then I will make a wish...

Under the guidance of the voice broadcast, the remaining contestants followed the route to the halftime rest area, or the safety zone.

The group entered the safety zone with numb expressions, jumped in from the outside of the gate, and sat on the sofa as if they had lost their souls, with empty eyes and no idea what they were thinking.

"Please rest here, the second half of the game will start soon." Tsumuri folded her hands in front of her dress, looked at the remaining contestants with a smile, and secretly compared them with the previous ones.

The remaining contestants in this round seemed to be much more than before.

But this does not mean that the overall quality of the contestants this year is higher than before, but because...

The idea that was lingering in my mind has not yet dissipated, and someone who pushed the door open with a slap walked in quickly. With a stiff face, he had an extremely clear goal and went straight to Tsumuri.

His entry not only attracted everyone's attention, but also caused Tsumuri to subconsciously look up and look at Tiandao who was getting closer and closer.

One pressed forward without any intention of stopping, and the other kept retreating, with both feet retreating one after another, but always kept facing Tiandao.

Finally, Tsumuri's back touched the wall, which meant that she had no way to retreat.

And Tiandao also stopped in front of her.

But Tsumuri's hands were already against Tiandao's chest, which was a close contact.

Tiandao lowered his head and looked at Tsumuri, who was sandwiched between the wall and himself.

"The job of a game guide should be to guide." Tiandao spoke for the first time: "Why don't you tell everyone how to become a Kamen Rider?"

"Are the dead contestants really dead, or did they log out of the game?"

Tsumuri never looked up at Tiandao, but even so, Tiandao's fiery eyes still made Tsumuri subconsciously escape.

"I've already said..." Tsumeli lowered her voice: "Take the treasure chest taken away by the evil demons, then..."

"The responsibility of the game guide should be to explain the content and detailed introduction of the game as simply as possible, rather than skipping it all at once." Tiandao's body gradually bent down, Tsumeli did not dare to look at him, he had to look at Tsumeli's face.

"Is it that you are not competent as a game guide, or..."

"Even if you are a game guide, it doesn't mean that everything needs to be explained clearly."

Tsumeli has not answered Tiandao's question yet, but a deep voice sounded, and she instantly appeared in front of Tiandao.

He stretched out his hand in a neat white suit and stopped in front of Tiandao.

"Please show the minimum respect to the game guide."

"If I want to respect the game guide, she must be worthy of my respect first." Tiandao turned his head and looked at the middle-aged man beside him: "So who are you?"

"I am just an NPC in the safe zone who is responsible for meeting all the requirements of contestant Cai." The man bowed slightly: "You can call me... Kiroli."

"Humph." Tiandao turned around and loosened his oppression of Tsumuri: "I don't want to say anything extra. Putting a group of ordinary people without any combat experience into this game is itself a manifestation of irresponsibility."

"Everything is gradual. I thought that in your game, those who were killed would be resurrected in the safe zone, just like in a real game." Tiandao walked to the sofa: "But I can't find those dead people here."

"Can you give an explanation?"

Kiroli's hands behind his back clenched slightly.

This guy...has such a keen observation, and he doesn't mean to hide it at all.

Does he think that he will be able to resist the organizer of the game after becoming a Kamen Rider?

This kind of arrogance...

"When the game reaches the end, the winner will become the God of Desire and have the right to realize a wish once." Tsumuri walked down the steps slowly, still fulfilling her duties: "In the new world, all those who died in the game will come back again, and everyone will return to the beginning."

Tiandao did not speak, but raised his eyelids and looked at Tsumuri's expression when she said this.

As long as she was a little bit unnatural and guilty, Tiandao would not think that this sentence was true.

But... Tsumuri said it with full confidence, without any guilt, and even full of sincerity.

It was as if it was true.

"I don't want to participate in this game!"

Just after Tiandao stopped, the housewife, who was among the contestants who survived more because of Tiandao's intervention, untied the belt she was wearing around her waist and threw it to the ground fiercely.

The driver rolled on the ground several times and finally fell at Tsumuri's feet.

"What do you mean by fulfilling other people's wishes... what do you mean by a game..." The woman's face was covered with tears: "It's all fake... How can we possibly live to see that day?!"

"We still had so many people at the beginning!" She raised her head and screamed in a broken mood: "What about now?! How many are left?!"

"Tell the truth." Taking off the broken yellow helmet, the civil engineer sighed and took out the driver: "If he hadn't helped me just now, I would have died there."

"There really is no free lunch in this world. Even if it is such a beautiful thing as realizing a wish, if you want to really reach that step..."

The elder brother shook his head and put the driver and the core on the table: "I can't do it anymore."

"I want to withdraw from the competition."

A hysterical collapse, a calm recognition of reality, the two people's completely different performances all indicate one thing, that is, the choice for ordinary people.

Not being dominated by desire, so as to see the cruelty of the world and the truth of one's own weakness.

Therefore, influenced by these two people, those who were still hesitating also made a decision to hand over their drivers and ID cores.

This kind of people were originally hesitant, but now that they saw someone make a choice, they also followed the trend and made the same choice.

Some people are different, with a faint mocking smile at the corners of their mouths, or with a disdainful smile, watching everything mockingly.

"What a pathetic bunch of guys." Touching his hairless head, the middle-aged bald man sneered: "This opportunity to change your destiny is right in front of you, are you willing to give it up?"

"I am the man who wants to be the king of the world!" Touching the driver that can change his destiny and fulfill his wishes, the man's face has a cruel and cold smile.

Just watch, Kurama family...see how I will retaliate against you after I get out of here!

"Once the game starts, unless it is necessary, it is not allowed to withdraw from the game." Kirori smiled, but said cruel words: "We need to ask the game administrator for instructions on this matter."

As he said, Kirori bowed slightly and slowly retreated.

After he left, the only organizer who was still on the scene was Tsumuri.

"Tsumuri..." Tiandao suddenly spoke, which scared the silent Tsumuri, and even her delicate body couldn't help shaking.

"Ah?" Tsumuri looked at Tiandao.

"I'm sorry..." Tiandao sighed: "To you."

"Huh?" Tsumuri tilted her head: "You actually..."

"I just can't stand so many innocent ordinary people dying like this." Tiandao turned and said: "I used to be a policeman. My responsibility is to protect the masses and the weak."

"I can't tolerate this happening in front of me."

Tsumuri understood: "So you..."

Tiandao nodded.

"Mr. Tiandao Souji..." Tsumuri took a deep breath. Tiandao's gentle attitude gave Tsumuri courage: "Please explain why you made such a wish?"

"Wish?" Tiandao was stunned, but then he understood: "Didn't I say it? I am a very greedy person. There are too many wishes I want to achieve. If you force me to choose one in a short time, I can only think of this."

"But since you know it." Tiandao blinked: "It means you have peeked, right?"


Tsumuri took out the wish card from behind, looking at the wish written in black and white on it, she wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Are you serious?!"

Tsumuri came to Tendō, with a sad face: "This wish!"

"Of course!" Tendō bent down: "I was still thinking hard, but after seeing you, I knew what wish to make."

Then, Tsumuri and Tendō said their wishes in unison, one full of amusement, the other with a cry.

"I want Tsumuri to be my girlfriend."

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