I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 540 Tsumurai, are you going to be a gigolo? ! This is not a heroic act! ( )

Although he has to go to work, Tiandao can no longer play the same tricks as before.

Although he can do anything without acquaintances, it doesn't matter what he does like pulling off his face.

But in front of acquaintances, he still couldn't be as shameless as his grandfather.

Mainly because his image was already like that in Zimli's eyes. If Zimli knew how he was lying on the ground howling, how could he face Zimli?

How could he say those words to Zimli with all his heart?

Aren't you already completely done with it and don't have the face to face her? !

With Zimli by his side, Tiandao would definitely not be able to do that kind of thing, so he just wandered aimlessly on the street as he promised to go to work.

In the words of human society, that is gai liazi.

Tiandao, who still didn't know that his life as a senior knight had been saved by a single thought, took Zimli and wandered on the street.

The two of them have a relatively high rate of turning heads on the street.

In fact, it was mainly focused on Zimli.

Tiandao's dress is no different from that of ordinary people, but Zimli's outfit, at a glance, is a look that only belongs to the two-dimensional people who often go to comic exhibitions.

In short, it doesn't look like the kind that can be worn on the street.

"What about the job you're talking about?" Zimli finally spoke after walking around with Tiandao for a long time: "The audience really wants to know what a man like you does on a daily basis."

Tiandao rolled his eyes.

"Do something helpful, such as helping the old lady cross the street." Tiandao put his hands in his pockets. In the public, he did not grab Zimli's hand, it was not so direct.

"It seems like it's something a hero would do." Zimli responded in time: "But it still can't hide the fact that you do what you do."

"You are really good at asking questions." Tiandao said: "Don't worry, although this world is not that peaceful, it doesn't mean that it is full of chaos, and it doesn't mean that I can encounter bad people and rob people whenever I go out. Robbers and the like.”

"Can you understand what I say? My job?"

"Do you mean the bounty hunter who captures criminals and sends them to the police station?" Zimli could easily understand the meaning of Tiandao's words: "I can understand."

"So in my line of work, I don't want to be very busy. If I am very busy, wouldn't it mean that the world is terrible?" Tiandao curled his lips: "It's good like this now. Either we don't open or we don't open. Eat as soon as it opens.”

"This is indeed something that a hero can do." Zimli repeated: "Wouldn't your life be very tight?"

"It's very tight." Tiandao did not deny it: "Actually, if you hadn't invited me to participate in this Desire Grand Prix, I would have planned to find a place to work."

"But since you invited me to participate in the competition, I will win this competition no matter what." After saying that, Tiandao stopped and waited for Zimli to come to his side and stand beside him: "With you as my If I have a girlfriend, she won’t see me hungry and unable to eat, right?”

Unexpectedly, Zimli puffed up her cheeks, like a puffer fish, and became puffed up.

"Are you going to eat my soft rice? This is not the behavior of a hero!"

"I didn't say I was a hero." Tiandao spread his hands and said, "Why not eat soft rice if you can? I won the first place based on my ability, so I can't eat soft rice anymore?"


Damn it! Why do I suddenly feel that what he said makes sense!

The two people walking side by side walked through the busy commercial street, turned a corner, and walked towards an abandoned factory that was obviously deserted.

Before Tiandao attacked, it was obvious that Tiandao had brought Zimli to this place, after staying away from the bustling place.

"Come out, you've been following me long enough." Standing in this ruined factory, the weeds and rusty iron doors everywhere silently tell the story of everything that has been ravaged by time.

But precisely because it is such a place, it was also chosen by Heaven as a burial place for the unscrupulous people.

"Eh? Is there anyone following you?" Zimli said belatedly, obviously not expecting such a thing to happen: "Who?"

"You have said that I am a hero, so a hero will naturally have some enemies." Tiandao turned around and looked at the man standing at the door behind Zimli: "Yes, Bat."


Kicking open the half-opened iron door, bald Wu Ke walked in aggressively: "I've seen you two since we were on the street before!"

"Game guides should be fair and impartial, right?" Bald Wu Ke looked at Tiandao with hateful eyes: "Why do you want to hang out with this guy!"

Before Zimli could answer, he spoke on his own.

"You want to show him the truth! Game guide!" He wiped his smooth forehead and said viciously: "You want to collude with him, so that he will win all the next games and let him become the winner of the competition. The first place!”

"The shady side of your game!"

As if he had seen the truth, he shouted crazily: "He is the predetermined champion, and we are just clowns on the stage. Our only role is to show how powerful he is!"

"Game Guide!"

"I" Zimli was about to speak, but she saw Tiandao walking out from behind her, and without stopping, he slowly approached him.

"Don't think too highly of yourself, bat."

Tiandao grinned. Although his figure was still limping, his action of taking out the drive, holding it up beside him, and then wearing it around his waist did not change.

"Do I need to make an appointment?"

"The default decision is a dirty trick that needs to be used because a person's own strength is insufficient." He took out the green buckle from behind and placed it with the driver.

"Do you think you are strong?"

"Red Fox!" His eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and his bald head became even more angry: "Then end everything for you right here!"

"I will expose all your ugly faces and let everyone see that your invincibility is just a lie created by the organizer!"

The white Magnum buckle was inserted into the waist, and the bald head completed the transformation in just a moment.



One is extremely resentful.

One is as plain as water.

Kamen Rider-Bat has transformed with Magnum as the core.

Kamen Rider-Red Fox, on the other hand, uses ninja bucking as its core to transform.

One of the two sides is a long-range one, and the other is a melee one. Who is better in the real world may not be known yet.

"Wait a minute!" Zimli couldn't understand why the two people suddenly started fighting: "You should know that Kamen Riders are not allowed to fight each other in the competition."

"Are you still protecting this guy at this point?!" Bat roared angrily. Zimli couldn't continue to say any more words.

"It's not game time now." Tiandao made an OK gesture: "The rules of the competition don't apply at this time."

"Zimli, protect yourself and stay here." The red fox's emerald goggles flashed with a faint green light: "Why do you think I came here?"

"Eh?" Zimli raised her head in surprise: "Did you do it on purpose?"

"Of course." Tiandao snorted coldly and brushed his face with one hand: "Before my eyes that can break through illusion, no sin can be hidden."

"I can clearly see the resentment wrapped around you, the aura of killing innocent people." Tiandao lowered his body, the green light became even brighter, and his voice became completely cold: "You once killed a little girl, right? ”

Bat was stunned.

"Ha! Do you recognize my face?" Bat smiled nonchalantly: "That's right! The eldest lady of the Kurama family died in my hands!"

"What, you bounty hunter, are you ready to take action?" Bat said with a ferocious smile.

"If you can, let's give it a try!"

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