I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 55 Qian Qiao (Kamen Rider Faiz): I always feel like someone is messing with my character.

Chapter 55 Qianqiao (Kamen Rider-faiz): I always feel like someone is making fun of my character.

conference room.

Because Tiandao went on patrol early in the morning, he did not have time to attend the meeting initiated by the Joint Operations Center.

This meeting, initiated by Chief Matsukura, made some reasonable guesses about all the unconfirmed life forms that have appeared in the past two months, their appearance habits and behavior.

The people participating in this meeting were basically police departments responsible for various regions, or dispatched by the joint operations center to other counties.

With Tokyo as the center, it spreads out to the surrounding areas, gathering the surrounding forces to fight together.

"Currently, the appearance of unconfirmed life forms has continued for two months, and the number of casualties has reached 230."

Compared with the 268 people in the original work, the number is slightly less. This is because there is one more Flame Dragon. In the early stage, whether it is bats or locusts, they are usually stopped before they can kill more people. Or kill.

But during the time Tiandao was lying in the hospital, the number of casualties remained unchanged, basically maintaining the number of the original plot.

"In the past two months, we have been constantly fighting against unidentified life forms. With the help of No. 4 and Steel Mask Man No. 1, we have achieved great victory and eliminated the ones that have appeared so far. No. 1 has arrived. For all the unidentified life forms on the 20th, this is something to be happy about.”

Let’s report the results of this period first to inspire people and create a heated atmosphere. Headquarters Matsukura still understands very well: “However, there will be more unconfirmed life forms appearing in the future, and we cannot Take it lightly.”

"In areas such as Shinagawa, Shibuya, and Meguro where unconfirmed life forms have appeared many times, it has been confirmed that they live in groups, which means that they must have a stronghold."

"We must find this stronghold, take the initiative, and destroy them in one fell swoop!" The head of the headquarters said loudly: "Shimazawa."

"Yes." Shimazawa, who had a resolute face but looked quite like the ancestor of the beast, stood up: "In the remains of unconfirmed life forms, I have tried to use this smell to let the police dogs smell it, but no matter what it is, The police dogs acted very frightened after feeling the remains of the unidentified life form.”

"Only one of them, the police dog named: Mikado, did not show any fear of it, and it is also familiar with the smell of unidentified life forms. It should be enough for this mission."

"Okay, then let the Emperor take the lead, center on the three regions, and spread outward to search for their strongholds." The headquarters commander nodded: "Ichijo."

"Yes." Ichijo stood up: "According to Police Officer Tiandao, the surface characteristics of these unconfirmed life forms are basically similar to some animals on the earth. Therefore, some of their habits, or some These characteristics are highly similar to those of the corresponding animals.”

"In other words, they also have all the shortcomings of these animals."

Ichijo turned on the projector and played the images of the leopard girl, locusts and other unidentified life forms that had been killed.

"This is a battle between No. 5 and No. 4. It can be seen that No. 5 burst out with extremely fast speed in a short period of time and suppressed No. 4. However, in the follow-up, No. 5 was unable to use such speed again, and the subsequent When escaping, the speed is not as good as before. "

Ichijo added: "Creatures like cheetahs are extremely good at sprinting over short distances. Each run requires a huge amount of energy."

"That is to say, as long as we find the corresponding animal based on the appearance of the new unconfirmed life form, and then target its weaknesses, it can still be effective against the unconfirmed life form?" Sugita added: "This is a brand new one. ideas.”

"Anyway, this is also a way." The headmaster said: "Please pay more attention to the news in this regard. In addition, hire some biological experts."

"We cannot avoid the possibility that there are ancient creatures among unconfirmed life forms."

"Yes!" Everyone agreed in unison.

"No matter what, the next situation is still grim. Please take the suppression of unidentified life forms as your main goal and work hard."

Different from the original work, at this time in the original work, Ichijo had already asked the logistics department to create a poison gas bomb based on factory exhaust gas, and used this to attack the Gurungi's lair.

It seems that this thing is useful, but in fact it is useless at all.

Because after the start of the Kikilu game, one of the rules of the game clearly states that if he is not a participant in the game, even if he is knocked on the door by a human, the Gurungi who is not involved in the game are not allowed to fight back and can only retreat.

This is also the real reason why they attacked the stronghold of Rose Girl and others, but Rose Girl and others didn't resist at all and just left.

Now, the locusts were killed by Tiandao, so the so-called gas bombs will naturally not appear again, but the new ideas provided by Tiandao still gave Ichijo more inspiration.

The police car is patrolling outside. Area B is a commercial area and a place with a large flow of people. The area is not large, but there are so many people coming and going that it is difficult to control.

Tiandao did not run around, but parked the car in the parking lot, went down to buy a bottle of soda, sat on the edge of the stairs, looked at the sea, and fell into thought.

Gurungi...Gurungi is getting stronger and stronger, and he can't change colors like the fifth generation. Can he really deal with the increasingly powerful enemies in the future?

Godai's performance is like a protagonist, so brave, and I... is like an unexpected factor, more like a supporting role.

Is it used to show the protagonist's strength?

Tiandao shook his head. Why did he suddenly have such an idea?

Whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, those innocent lives that were killed need to be saved. What he did will bring hope of life to many people who should not have died. This is enough.

But this kind of protection... When did I want to protect others like this?

Tiandao does not think that he is a selfless person, but he does not know when it started. It seems that after he became a flame dragon, he inexplicably became such a person.

Is it because of the so-called responsibility that he was forced to choose, or... because the five generations who can also transform are doing this, so he does it too?

But whether he bowed his head under the pressure of responsibility, or imitated it in a decent manner, Tiandao can be sure of one thing, that is, this is definitely not his original intention, and it is definitely not... what he has always wanted to do.

So what is he doing now?

Staring at the lake in a trance, Tiandao seemed to be able to see himself drifting with the flow on this flooded water.

Without dreams or goals, he just followed the waves and was passively carried away in the direction of the general trend.

"Hey, how many points did you get in the exam?" A girl's teasing voice came to my ears. The girl in high school uniform took the report card and trotted to the side of a girl with a bitter face.

They sat not far from Tiandao, nestled under the bridge, telling stories between girls.

"I failed the exam." The girl with a bitter face sighed: "It's hard to explain when I go back."

When she thought of facing her mother's nagging again, the bitterness on the girl's face became more intense.

"Don't be discouraged, this is not the graduation exam, there is still a chance!" The girl stood up with her hands behind her back and made a cheering gesture in front of her companions: "If it doesn't work, I will review for you."

The jumping figure attracted the attention of many people, and Tiandao did the same. Looking at the energetic girl who didn't care about the eyes of others and the girl who had been looking bitter, Tiandao smiled and shook his head, got up and left here.

When I was young, I just wanted to get good grades and then get into a certain university. This should be the dream of young people.

But as I grow older, people's dreams will change. When I grow up, my childhood dreams seem so naive.

And the dreams of adults are incomprehensible realities in the eyes of young people.

Speaking of which, what was my dream when I was at this age?

After knocking his head, Tiandao couldn't remember what kind of dream he had, or...he was just going with the flow from the beginning?

What on earth is he like this...

Before he could finish his thoughts, a certain smell suddenly appeared in the dark. That bloody, disgusting smell suddenly filled the surroundings.

"This is...demon energy!" Feeling the sudden appearance of this demon energy, Tiandao widened his eyes and turned around abruptly.

Behind him, a figure wearing a white pointed hat jumped out of the sea, aiming directly at the two girls.


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