I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 564 Orange God So everyone has seen it, don’t believe anything Senior Tiandao says in the fu

He didn't pay even the slightest attention to Zimli. Tiandao knew what he was doing now, so he knew that he should keep a distance from her and not have anything to do with her anymore.

"She is useless." Tiandao snorted coldly. Wearing a fox mask, he told the cruel truth to Zimli in cold words: "I will target her because with the help of She has better access to you behind the scenes.”

"As a game guide and a part of this game, I should be the best guide."

"So I took advantage of her."

"But after I realized that she was not as important as I thought, my target was no longer her, and she became a pawn abandoned by me." After saying that, Tiandao crossed his arms and spoke in a funny voice: " Neelam, you don’t think I will react if you bring her here, do you?”

"Really?" Nilam hadn't finished speaking, but Samas, who was standing next to Zimli, sneered, took out a pistol from his arms, and pointed it at Zimli's head.

"Let me see if you care about her or not." After saying that, Samas didn't give anyone any chance to react. He directly pulled the trigger and fired a bullet into Zimli's head. .

"Samarth!" Neelam didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. He was unprepared and by the time he took action, it was already too late.

Zimli still had the same dull look, her eyes had lost any brilliance, and she didn't react at all even if the gunshot sounded right next to her ears.

Before Samas's sneer dissipated, the hair on her forehead rose up in an instant, and the ninja fox suddenly appeared in front of Zimli and blocked the blow for her.

With his own body, a burst of smoke exploded the moment he was hit, and it dispersed suddenly.

Then, the familiar ninja fox flew out of the smoke. After jumping several times in the air, he tapped his toes and landed steadily.

Neelam stretched out his hand and put on the same look as a certain prince in the next shed. He was relieved when he saw that Tiandao rescued Zimli, but instead he became extremely angry towards Samas.


Neelam's voice was as cold as ice: "The Grand Prix is ​​not allowed to attack the game guide."

"Yes, I know I was wrong." Samas lowered his head slightly and had no intention of resisting Neelam's rights: "But I just wanted to test the other party's reaction, and now... he really cares about Zim. Li."

"Don't think too much." He once again held Zimli in his arms like a princess. Tiandao looked at Zimli's eyes that were glowing again, and felt a little headache for a moment.

"It's just that I have a reason why I can't hand her over to you." As he said that, Tiandao glanced at the statue of the Goddess of Creation behind him: "I know the experiences of you people in the future from Kiroli's memory."

"There is no such concept as birth. When a person is given a name and is born, it is created by certain needs." Tiandao slowly said: "Character, life, everything is arranged and programmed. Life is everything that has been planned since birth.”

"Neelam, you are like this, the damn Sanba next to you is like this, and Zimli is like this too." Tiandao stared at Nilam closely. Although the other person's face was unable to be seen clearly due to his dressed posture, Tiandao still looked at him. Him, waiting for his answer or reaction.

"Zimli, she must have been set up to be the game guide for the Desire Grand Prix since she was born."


This question is actually not too difficult to answer, but Neelam has a very special feeling for game guides, whether it is Zimli or Zimli’s predecessor, and it is by no means the same as ordinary ones. Like people in the future, they can answer without hesitation: Yes!

When he first took up the position of producer of the Desire Grand Prix, the game guide at that time was a very special existence to him.

And that person is Zimli’s ex.


"Don't you think you talk too much nonsense?" Samas spoke again. After all, even if she has no feelings as a future person, she will never remain indifferent to being scolded like this: "It's just a dying person."

"Nilam, before you answer my question, I will not give Zimli to you." Tiandao snorted coldly, released the red fox's transformation in an instant, and took the phantom drive again. Out: "Or if you can't answer, you can ask someone at a higher level to answer."

"Does such a person exist?" Tiandao said word by word: "The true messenger of everything."

Neelam still couldn't answer, but he knew one thing, that is, Zimli must not be taken away by the law of heaven.

So he attacked.

With three floating cannons lined up in front of him, Nilam was ready to go, just waiting for the final blow to Heaven.

But when he raised his head and saw Tiandao holding Zimli in his arms, his hand that was about to wave stopped for a moment.

It was this stagnation that allowed Tiandao to successfully activate the illusion drive and leave this space, returning to reality again.

"Mr. Neelam! Why don't you attack?" Samarth turned around and looked at Neelam in disbelief.

"...Zimli is in his hand." Neelam gasped violently for a few times, and then said: "We can't hurt our dear game guide."

With that said, Neelam also released his transformation. He took a deep breath and made a decision.

"Go and notify Su Al." Nilam waved his hand. Although generally speaking he is the producer of the Desire Grand Prix, Su Al is still above him.

He is just the producer of a program, and the program will ultimately serve the TV station or something else.

Suel is such an existence.

It was someone with a higher power who was above him.

"Since you took over the Desire Grand Prix, you have never contacted Suel." Samas couldn't believe it: "Is it difficult for you to make a decision?"

"The truth I need to confirm cannot be seen clearly." Neelam rubbed his eyebrows: "So let Su'el make the decision before I break the illusion that covers my eyes."

After saying that, Neelam turned around and started the drive, and left here.

Samas, who was left alone to take out his cell phone from his arms, looked at the phone number belonging to Su Al in the contact, and a sneer appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Neelam, you asked for this."

After coming out of the place where the Statue of Creation Goddess was, Tiandao activated his transformation without saying a word, and took Zimli away directly from the place.

He didn't go home, but went to a safe house he had set up outside.

In order to avoid the possibility of being invaded by the Desire Grand Prix with data, there are not even wires in this safe house.

When Tian Dao came over, he put Zimli on the bed in the dark, and then lit the candles, so that they could see each other clearly in the flickering candlelight.

"Hey, aren't you going to say something? You haven't said anything." Tiandao pulled up a chair and looked at Zimli's dull expression through the hazy light, feeling a little scared in his heart.

Her expression looked like she would do something at any moment.

"It doesn't matter if you slap me or scold me." Squatting down and keeping eye level with Zimli, Tiandao looked at her: "You are like this, don't you make my guilt even heavier? "

Zimli's eyes regained some brightness, as if she had been liberated from some strange situation, as if her consciousness had been wandering in the world before, and was not in this body.

"Tiandao General Secretary?" Zimli saw clearly the man in front of her, the man named "Tiandao General Secretary": "Why did you save me?"

"If you want to fight against the Grand Prix of Desire, shouldn't I be your enemy?"

Seeing Zimli speak, Tiandao breathed a sigh of relief.

"This." Tiandao, who was relieved, waved his hand casually: "Of course it's because of Zimli, you are still useful."

He blinked.

"You are still valuable. If we take you away, the real mastermind who is still in the future will definitely not be able to sit still. He will definitely come!" Tiandao is very sure about this: "Zimli, I asked Nilam That question is because I see the truth hidden beneath your appearance.”

"You're more than just a game guide."

Tiandao stretched out a finger: "So, I will"

"Are these words true or false?" Zimli interrupted Tiandao's words and asked him with indifferent eyes.

"Are you lying to me this time, or not?"

Heaven is speechless.

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