I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 585 Dagu Bashura Armor, fusion!

"Tsk, you guys, you really gave me a hard time to find you."

Kicking the monster from the Shadow World under his feet aside, although it was torn and looked very embarrassed, its sky-blue eyes were particularly bright, and the emotions revealed in its eyes were full of playfulness.

Since falling into the Shadow World, except for the initial confusion, it quickly found its target.

Because after coming to this land of the dead, he was interested in this place that only dead beings can come to, so he began to explore this world.

But after walking on the land, Daguba realized that this place called the Shadow World seemed very chaotic. There were all kinds of races and all kinds of different monsters living in this dark and decadent land.

Even he couldn't recognize them all.

But although there were all kinds of strange things, there was no doubt that none of them looked like humans, and the environment of this Shadow World was also quite bad.

It seemed that the dead sky was still as lifeless as always, without any change.

It was like someone was hanging a photo, and even after thousands of years, there would be no change.

On the earth, the heavy pressure pulled all creatures to live on the ground, forcing them to bear the terrible gravity.

Even those with wings could not fly in this world.

The occasional tremors of landslides and cracks, as well as the calculations and killings in the darkness, made the shadow world full of extremely strong suspicion and fear.

Even if it was just a piece of darkness with nothing, you couldn't be sure if it was really safe.

He walked on this land with curiosity, but after experiencing this world, his thoughts changed.

At first, his strength was indeed enough to support him to show off his power, but later, when he met a strange monster holding a sword and shield, Daguba immediately realized that the other party's power was the same as his, and it was an ultimate existence.

It fought with the monster holding a sword and shield for a long time, and entangled for an uncountable time in the darkness, and finally completely defeated it and destroyed it.

But he also paid a very serious injury for this.

And such injuries in the cruel world of Shadow Realm are no less than exposing weakness to others, which can lead to death at any time.

But at the same moment, a black armor fell from the sky and landed on him. From then on, he put on the armor and served him as the master, helping him to gain a foothold in Shadow Realm again, and followed him to challenge more and more powerful people step by step.

Until this moment, he stood in front of these five guys.

[It is the five guardians of Shadow. ]

Shura's voice sounded in his mind.

[Dagub, although they are not the ultimate life forms, they seem to have that kind of combat power. ]

"Isn't this good?" Dagub showed a happy smile: "That's why they are worth challenging."

[In the light and shadow system, the five of them should have been sent in by the light and shadow armor. ]

Shura's voice was helpless.

[Originally, the five of them should have been in the magic box, but one of the emperor summoners did not know the severity of the attack and smashed the magic box, sending all the supernatural beasts including the five guardians into the Shadow Realm. 】

【The one you met before is one of the most powerful beings among the supernatural beasts. 】

"That's not important!" Daguba waved his hand and approached the other party with his arms open: "The Shadow Five Guardians, right?"

"Boy, what are you going to do?" Our old acquaintance, the brother with the best record among the Shadow Five Guardians (referring to pinching Xiangyang's neck), E Jin spoke first: "Look at you, you still maintain the appearance of a human in this place?"

"It's ridiculous."

Accompanied by the mocking laughter of the other four guardians, Daguba didn't care at all, just took out a mobile phone from under his tattered sleeves.

"The Shadow Realm is really exciting." Putting the phone in the groove of the protective wall on his wrist, Daguba's smile was full of unstoppable joy: "I hope you can show all your abilities."

"That is!!" Evil Land was knowledgeable and reacted the moment Daguba took out the phone: "Armor Summoner!"


"This is the Shadow Realm! Why is there an Armor Summoner in this place?!"

"Evil Land, are you serious?!"

Dagubba didn't care about the various exclamations of the five guardians of the shadow. He knew Shura very well and chose to transform immediately.

"Shura Armor, combine."

[Shura Armor]

Accompanied by the sound of the built-in voice, the Shura Armor was instantly worn on Daguba's whole body.

The silver-purple cloak swayed in the strong wind raised at the moment of transformation, and the red goggles flashed a cruel and cold light.

That was a look of fighting for the sake of fighting, like a wolf.

"Ashura Armor!" Evil Water screamed: "Ashura?!"

"Why would a general from the Light Realm appear in the Shadow Realm?!"


"Come on." With his hands spread out on both sides, Ashura's synthesized voice sounded together with Daguba's voice: "Come and prove your strength, the Five Guardians of Shadow."

"From the moment I knew you were entangled with the Flame Dragon in the Five Elements Armor." Daguba's voice gradually became cheerful: "I have been looking for you."

"Don't let me down, you who have been entangled with the Flame Dragon Armor for tens of millions of years~"

The joyful voice gradually changed and turned into a burning fighting spirit.

"Because I am the same existence!"

"Let us weigh each other and see who is more qualified to be the opponent of the Flame Dragon!"

Tian Dao knew nothing about what happened in the shadow world. At this moment, he stood by Hai'an and stared at the endless sea, his eyes slightly narrowed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The golden armored dragon was lying on the side, and its golden body shone brightly under the waves and the sun, making it look even more brilliant.

But it was precisely because of this that the scene of the dragon coming to the world made the people who were saved by Tian Dao on this small island tremble with fear, and they did not dare to go up and talk to Tian Dao. They could only watch the immortal who came from the sea on a dragon from a distance.

At this moment, these fishermen who have been making a living on the sea for many years remembered the legend circulating in the sea.

It turns out that somewhere in the sea, there really is a fairy mountain!

The legend that had been handed down since the pre-Qin era was not clearly presented in front of all of them until this moment, and came to the world.

"Although we can save them for a while, we can't save them forever." Feeling the cautious eyes from all directions behind him, Tiandao shook his head helplessly.

"Even if we kill this batch, there will be more navigators coming here in the future, and the same killing will be set off again."

"This era is the era of great navigation."

Yes, Tiandao knows what era he is in.

East Asia in this period of time can be said to be splendid, but at the same time, the sea, which has always been silent, is also full of traces of human beings and human creations in this era.

The Age of Discovery brought not only the fusion of civilizations, but also the transmission of barbarism and blood.

How many sins were submerged in the waves of the sea. In this era, the rising wave of colonization is ready to go.

"You said I can completely annihilate this era of great navigation if I want to?" Tiandao turned his head and looked at the golden armored dragon lying on the ground, quite surprised: "You actually support me to do this?"

The dragon snorted, showing that he didn't care.

"Even if I did that, wouldn't I still have to use the power of the goddess to reshape the world? The era of great navigation still has that moment in the new world, the difference is that I am no longer here at that time, so I can't see it." Tiandao smiled helplessly.

"But just because I can't see it, does it mean it doesn't exist?"

"Self-righteously eliminate the injustice and evil in front of you, and then leave with the satisfaction of saving the world, that's just deceiving yourself." Tiandao shook his head.

"Besides, I'm not Su Ai'er."

"If I used the power of the goddess to do whatever I wanted in the past, what would be the difference between me and Su Ai'er?"

Tiandao will not live like an ancestor just because the power of the goddess can reshape the world.

Holding on to the original intention of power and always knowing what you want to do is the way to prevent yourself from degenerating into the most annoying kind of person.

"But I would feel uneasy if I just left like this." Tiandao covered his chest, feeling his beating heart, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed through his mind.

"It seems that this is the only way."

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