I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 588 To be honest, I have never seen a fan fiction about the Fox with Samus as the heroine (h

According to the table listed by the unknown game administrator, Tiandao prepared the drives and the appropriate bucks in sequence. Tiandao looked at the different boxes placed on the table, just as when Zimli invited him Just like the box I held when I entered the Desire Grand Prix.

The invitation to qualify for the competition is among them, and this was hundreds of years ago compared to modern times. Things like Kamen Rider should have brought a completely unexpected impact on the outlook of ancient people.

So what about moving forward in this era?

According to Kiroli, the Grand Prix of Desire is a Grand Prix that travels between dimensions and travels between different eras to satisfy the spirit of future people.

So the neon Warring States Period, the Renaissance in Europe, the late Eastern Han Dynasty in ancient East Asia, and even the Roman Empire going forward, etc...

As long as it is a glorious epic in human history and has strong records, will the Grand Prix appear?

"Are you ready?"

Samas walked in with the game manager Mi Lu and asked unceremoniously: "Right now..."

Before the question could be asked, Samas suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Wait a minute!" Samas was shocked when he saw the game administrator who was only wearing a mask but not a hood: "Why are you dressed differently from the game administrator?"

"Because Lord Suel is also dressed like that." Tiandao said matter-of-factly: "I think if I am just a game manager, how can I dress up the same as Lord Suel?"

"Wouldn't that mean there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority?"

"That's why I changed myself."


"It seems that the outside world says that you are rigorous, but you also have a naughty side." Samas looked Tiandao up and down: "Lord Suel is not such a stingy person."

"I know." Tiandao said in a calm voice, "But I can't do that. This is a problem I cannot accept."

"Humph... just do whatever you want." Samas waved his hand, unsure of what Tiandao said.

Tiandao, who was wearing a metal mask, perfectly covered his facial expression, so of course Samas couldn't see the sneer on Tiandao's lips.

Don't I know you yet? Samas, you old Bangla.

Su Al is just like your father. As long as you brag about Su Al, you will look proud.

You are the eye that Su Al planted in the Grand Prix. Don’t I know how to deal with you?

"So, are the preparations done?" Samas said, "It's a good idea, but if it delays the main business, you can..."

"Everything is ready." Tiandao, who was wearing a metal mask, bowed slightly.

Although he bowed to this old woman whom he didn't like, it was just for the moment.

He had to do this in order to get more information.

"Sir Neelam has contacted many heroes of this era, and there are many heroes who will participate in this round of the Grand Prix." Samarth continued: "Because it is the first time for Lord Neelam, so he must do it in all aspects. To the best of our ability, there won’t be any problems.”

"You were chosen for your rigorous work. I believe you will not disappoint." Samas turned his head and looked at Mi Lu who had been silent: "The next step is left to you."

"Yes." Mi Lu nodded respectfully and did not look at Samas. Instead, she passed by them and picked up a box placed on the table.

"Very good." Samas nodded enthusiastically: "You decide what happens next."

After saying this, Samas walked away. Without any intention of lingering, she took out the mission receiver and activated the communication function, and walked away while talking to someone.

Tiandao's lowered head was slightly raised, watching Samas leave without saying a word.

"Mr. Gamemaster..."

Behind her, Mi Lu, holding a box in her hand, looked at the newly elected game manager and shook her head with some confusion: "You...seem to be different from the previous game manager."

"It's just an illusion." Tiandao replied: "I am the game administrator, but you have never seen me before, so you think it is new, but..."

"That's not the case!" Mi Lu shook her head and said resolutely: "You seem... very good."


What is this statement?

"I don't know why...when I look at your words...I always feel that you are so kind." Mi Lu tilted her head. She was very sure that the game administrator in front of her was not the same person as the one she had worked with before, but Ni. Logically speaking, the new administrator selected by Ram has nothing to do with her.

But this kind of feeling that you can put your trust in him just by looking at him, and even feel as close as family, makes Mi Lu particularly puzzled and confused.

Why do you feel this way?

"Probably because I am a very caring person." Tiandao knew why Mi Lu had different feelings for him. Although he is not in a transformed state now, there is no doubt that he carries the power of the goddess. .

This power greatly suppressed the sins of encountering demons, allowing Tiandao's original lameness to return to its original state, and he completely recovered like a normal person.

If not, how could he pretend to be a game administrator?

The sin of encountering the devil was suppressed by the power of the goddess, and the ability of the Heavenly Dao itself to be dragged down was somewhat restored. Although it was not much, it was enough.

"Love?" Mi Lu tilted her head: "You mean..."

"Watching sincere wishes being sublimated or annihilated in the Grand Prix, no matter who it is, they will have some insights." Tiandao spoke again: "Milu, as a game guide, you will witness the disappearance of wishes and remember the sublimated desires."

"Rather than saying you are a guide, it is better to say... you are a witness."

Milu deeply agreed and nodded vigorously.

"Yeah! I think so too!" Milu held the box in front of her with both hands: "I am a witness to the wishes of the contestants."

"Then do you think people who struggle in desire and desire something are pathetic or respectable?" This kind of words are no longer something that a game administrator can say, but Tiandao is not one, so he naturally has no scruples.

"They are a lovely group of people." Milu said her inner answer without any trace of thinking: "Every Kamen Rider who desires a wish is lovely!"

"Is that so..." Tiandao understood: "Then go ahead and deliver the qualification to them."

"Yeah!" Milu nodded heavily. She looked a little happy holding the box: "I will report to Lord Niram and prepare for the start of the Grand Prix!"

With that, Milu left happily. Looking at her somewhat brisk steps, Tiandao could feel Milu's joyful heart and the joy of being affirmed through his perception.

"Is it the same as Tsumurri? The view of the contestants has changed from the tool at the beginning." Tiandao stroked the mask on his face.

"Or is this common point a must for becoming a game guide?"

Only game guides with such ideas can carry the wishes of the contestants, and after accumulating to a certain extent, they will be thrown into the statue of the goddess of creation, become firewood, and become a part of the goddess of creation?

There was too little information, so Tiandao could only guess and could not confirm...


Just after Mi Lu left, Tiandao, who was standing in the room in deep thought, heard a frivolous male voice calling out.

Before Tiandao could turn around and break away from his thoughts, an arm was hooked around his neck, and words full of temptation also rang in his ears.

"Would you like to help me? New game administrator."

"Maybe you don't know me yet, I can introduce myself." The man who was arm in arm with Tiandao in a close manner and spoke with a smell of alcohol laughed and said, "I am Nemeru! The producer who pushed the Desire Grand Prix to the top, the real driving force!"

"I know everything about the Desire Grand Prix!"

"How about it? Now you know."

The man in a pink suit, with a strand of hair like instant noodles hanging down in front of his eyes and shaking, although he smelled of alcohol, his expression was unusually sharp, and invited Tiandao.

"You have to know that the Desire Grand Prix was built up by me, and now... Suel, that guy, wants to take away my great achievements and deny my hard work!"

"How dare he! He actually!!"

Nemeru clenched his fist fiercely.

"Your status as a game administrator was also given to you by charity. If he wants, he can take it away at any time!"

"Are you willing? Your status, everything you have, was denied by him with just one sentence!"

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