I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 592 Agito Deki, my reputation outside is very bad, do you have any clue?

The transformation method is completely different from the Grand Prix of Desire, and even the style of the driver is completely different. The moment Tiandao transformed into the Imperial Cavalry, he already held a card in his hand.


Insert Yajituo's card into the driver, and the imperial knight's figure transformed into Yajituo in an instant, or even Yajituo in the posture of earth.

Tiandao clapped his hands, feeling quite helpless.

After all, it is not the real Yajituo, and the operating system of Emperor Qi is too bloated. It seems that his abilities are very comprehensive, but after becoming Yajituo, he just became Yajituo.

Once you want to use some of Yajituo's abilities, you need to take out other additional cards to use them.

Tiandao didn't know this before. After all, he was facing the Purple Lantern Emperor Cavalry, and the Purple Lantern Emperor Cavalry had never been in this situation.

But now, it's a yellow light.

For example, in Sora, a form is split into a card. If you want to change the form, you have to switch the card, otherwise there is no way to change it.

It's okay when you're abusing vegetables, but in a battle of the same level, the time it takes to insert the card is enough for the opponent to react and target you.

Perhaps this is the price of bells and whistles.

"Yajituo?" Keen and Neelam looked at each other. They had never heard of this name and had no idea what it meant.

"Okay! Let's join forces together! After defeating these two guys, I will tell you exactly how Milu died!" Compared to Jean and Nilam, who looked at each other in confusion, Nemeru was actually Overjoyed.

Anyway, this guy looks like a Kamen Rider, and his current situation requires someone with fighting ability to help him.

Neelam or Jean alone would not be his opponent, but he would be the one at a disadvantage in a one-on-one battle.

First bring the other person to your side before talking about anything else.

But this is what Nemeru said. For Tiandao, it was a cold snort of disdain, and he waved away Yajituo's weapon - the flaming saber (ps: Wang Li took a look at it when I went there before writing. , the Imperial Cavalry took out the flaming saber when Gates was indeed in the form of the earth) and slashed at the back of someone who was retreating towards him, knocking him back with one blow.

"Nani?!" Nemeru couldn't stand up after eating so much. He half-knelt and covered his shoulders, looking at the sky in shock and anger: "What are you doing?!"

"I just need someone to tell me how that woman died." Weighing the flaming saber, Yajituo's big golden horn shone in the sunlight: "All I need is someone."

"I will not interfere in the grudges between you." Putting the flaming saber on the ground, Tiandao crossed his arms and leaned on the big tree in Yajituo's posture, looking at it like this: "We will wait for you to decide the winner. "

"Are you kidding?!" Nemeru roared angrily: "Do you think they will tell you the truth after I die? If I were still alive, even if they wanted to deceive you, wouldn't I be able to expose it? They?"

"Don't think we are so bad, Nemeru." Jean sneered and said, "You are hopeless."

"Hey, that guy over there is named Yajituo." Gene said loudly: "Although I don't know why you want to know the cause of Mi Lu's death, I can tell you responsibly that Mi Lu was eaten by evil demons. ”

"It's a pity that I came a little late." Jean hit his head with the hand holding the gun: "I didn't expect that Nemeru would be so crazy."

"Been eaten by evil demon disciples." Tiandao repeated these words.

"This is simply a lie!" Nemeru vetoed it directly without thinking: "Milu and I were at the same time. I am the game producer and she is my game guide. Why should I kill Milu?" dew?!"

"You are the ones who really killed Mi Lu!"

Nemeru raised his hand and pointed at Jean and Nilam angrily: "You are the ones who killed you."

"Do you think I've just arrived here and don't know anything about it?" Tiandao replied calmly. At this moment, Nemeru's hysteria fell into the eyes of the three of them, as ridiculous as a clown.


"Did he really die at the mouth of the evil demon?" Tiandao confirmed Jean's answer.

Mi Lu died at the mouth of the evil demon. What if Mi Lu and the Mi Lu I sent away were exactly the same existence.

Tiandao suddenly raised his head and finally caught some inspiration that flashed through his mind.

In other words, the wish power in Mi Lu's body was also swallowed up by the evil demon?

As if he remembered something, Tiandao reached into his arms and took out the pink crown-like thing he picked up from under Yajituo's armor.

What he felt here was the power of the goddess, and this was what fell after the evil demon who swallowed Mi Lu was blown up.

Does this matter have any necessary connection with the desperate doomsday in the future?

Or is there such a future, where everything stems from this moment?

Tiandao fell into deep thought. After experiencing so much, getting a lot of information from the Desire Grand Prix and chasing Suel to see the future with his own eyes, he was now standing in the past.

As long as he combines the information of his era with his future experiences and looks for answers in the past, he can easily get some secret stories.

And this is the proof.

It's just that Tiandao still can't figure out why Mi Lu died here even though he had obviously rescued her.

Looking at Nemeru who was in a frenzy and yelling as he rushed forward to fight with Niram and Jean again, Tiandao lost interest in intervening.

He took the card out of the drive, cancelled the transformation, and flicked his cloak, disappearing directly from the spot, never to remain here again.

Even if you don't see what Nemeru's ending will be, you know what it will be like.

Tokugawa family.

Hiding himself in a corner, the breeze blew his cloak, revealing Tiandao's clenched hands.

Seeing Milu, or Milu who should now be called the eldest lady of the Tokugawa family, with his own eyes, Tiandao's expression was quite complicated.

This is indeed Milu, and both her posture and appearance are exactly the same, and there is no difference from the Milu he personally sent over.

But because of this, the whole thing became particularly terrifying.

After thinking about it, looking at Milu kneeling in the courtyard, Tiandao chose to transform first, then appear, and appeared in front of Milu again in the form of Kabuto.

This posture is also familiar to Milu.

"Milu." Tiandao spoke, attracting Milu's attention.

"Who?" The girl raised her head and saw the one-horned armored knight appear in front of her. Although she was unfamiliar, she was not afraid at all: "Who are you?"


"You look so handsome!" Milu kept a distance from Tiandao, looking up and down at Kabuto's posture: "Are you the new samurai recruited by my father?"

"Kamen Rider." Tiandao spoke again: "You are the game guide of the Desire Grand Prix."

"Don't you remember?"

"Kamen Rider." The eldest lady of the Tokugawa family frowned and muttered word by word: "I haven't heard of it."

"What is the Desire Grand Prix? Game guide?"

Tiandao did not speak, but stepped forward a few steps to grab her hand, and under the latter's slight resistance, let her fingers touch the knight's belt.

"Who?" The eldest lady of the Tokugawa family blinked blankly.

Seeing the Tokugawa family's eldest daughter's face full of confusion, and the expression of being unable to get an answer after thinking hard, Kabuto no longer stayed in place, let go of the other's hand and stepped back a few steps, then took out a card from the card box and inserted it into the drive.


The Kamen Rider that disappeared in an instant, the one-horned red warrior, suddenly dissipated in front of the Tokugawa family's eldest daughter, and completely ceased to exist, so that the Tokugawa family's eldest daughter could not see the figure of the knight again even if she kept rubbing her eyes.

She seemed to have completely forgotten everything about Milu, as if she was really the eldest daughter of this era.

After breaking away from the accelerated world, Tiandao lifted the transformation and looked back at the building towering above the earth.

"Milu. Is this the one I sent out Milu, or is the dead one Milu?" Reaching into his arms, he put the crown-like plant in his pocket in his palm. Tiandao really couldn't make up his mind, and didn't know who was real and who was fake.

It was just a journey through time, why did such a strange thing happen?

Feeling confused, he could only choose to put on the metal mask, resume his identity as a game administrator, and enter the behind-the-scenes territory of the game hall.

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