I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 598 Oma Zi-O? Give it to me!

Tian Dao is not qualified to be the king.

This is not said by anybody, but by the guardian of the Book of Omniscience.

Therefore, even if Tian Dao has obtained the prerequisites for becoming the existence of [Oma] at this moment, he cannot sublimate this power in the same way and turn it into the power of the king.

Unlike the power of Oma Zi-O, Tian Dao carries the resistance of the end of the Heisei era to the existence of [Oma], which makes him have power infinitely close to Oma Zi-O at this moment.

But in the end, he was unable to turn it into the power of Oma.

"Hero? Do you think you are Kamen Rider-Hero?" The second rider from Kamen Rider-Exide TV happens to be a hero, but even such a hero will eventually become a part of his power.

"I will let you see clearly the difference between a non-king and a king." With a cold snort, Oma Zi-O raised his hand and summoned a knight who did not belong to this era, and it was indeed not unfamiliar.

"Emperor Sword..."

Looking at the figure holding the golden sword next to Oma Zi-O, he, who had fought side by side with the Emperor Sword, knew how terrifying this person's strength was.

"It's the [Oma Emperor Sword]." Oma Zi-O added: "Sigh, it's time for you to leave."

"It's not that simple!" Tiandao didn't waste any words, and also closed his eyes and concentrated. At the moment when the Emperor Sword was about to move, the green door opened beside Tiandao. The next second, the gray-white world infected the entire sea of ​​consciousness, and the surging thoughts also stopped at this moment.

"Time stop." Although the Emperor Sword is affected by time stop, Oma Zi-O is not. He just looked at the gray and white area and couldn't help but show a funny meaning: "Do you think Kamen Rider Cronus's time stop will work on me?"

"The King of Time can't be trapped by time stop." Tiandao was not surprised: "But next, it's just the beginning!"

"Then let me see how much knight's power you carry!" Oma Zi-O snorted coldly, raised his hands, and two huge black holes formed in his hands in an instant, like spiral holes, he held them above his head and converged with each other.

In an instant, the two merged into one, and a huge deep black hole condensed above Oma Zi-O's head, and the surging devouring power swept around indiscriminately, wanting to completely destroy everything.

"It's not impossible to beat you into an idiot!"

"Don't even think about it!" Tiandao responded immediately. He didn't need to look for it deliberately, he had already found the ability to deliberately deal with the situation in front of him.

The suddenly opened dimensional wall chained the two worlds. People had not arrived yet, but the high-spirited fighting spirit had already burst out.

"Knight! The end of the super galaxy!"

In an instant, the dimensional wall that would never be destroyed suddenly burst into countless cracks, and a giant energy sword blade stretched out from another world and slashed on the black hole with an unstoppable attitude.

Even the black hole that even light could not escape was powerless in the face of this level filled with cosmic energy.

The sword blade and the black hole were both shattered, turning into an energy storm that swept around, raising violent waves in the sea of ​​consciousness.

And in the ups and downs of the storm, a heavy and solemn voice sounded at the same time.

"Ultimate Kuuga!"

"Ultimate Kuuga!"

In an instant, the darkness that buried the sun exploded, and the violent ultimate power swept around, absorbing all the energy storms into the body.

The blazing flames spread out from the center of the Ultimate Kuuga, and instantly ignited the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

The black eyes contained indiscriminate brutality.


The monster-like roar with open hands had not lasted long. The next moment, the same figure rushed out from the side of Tendō, and grabbed the head of the Ultimate Kuuga at a very fast speed, grabbed it in his hand and rushed towards Oma Zi-O.

"What?" The unexpected scene happened in front of him, and Oma Zi-O did not understand why for a while.

"This is the difference between you and me!" The Ultimate Kuuga opened the way for himself, and Tendō raised his hand without saying a word and took Yueqi's Demon King Sword in his hand.

"Haven't you noticed yet? The difference between your Ultimate Kuuga and my Ultimate Kuuga!"

After Tendō said this, Oma Zi-O finally found the key point.

"…Black eyes and red eyes?" Oma Zi-O's tone darkened: "What do you want to say?"

"Indeed, your power is very strong. You who enslave the power of all knights may indeed be the end of the era, and the final king."


Tian Dao pointed the Demon King Sword at Oma Zi-O: "The power that is taken by force is just power after all, and it cannot surpass the power itself."

"The power of the knight can only surpass the limit of the knight itself when it meets the right person!"

"Nonsense!" Oma Zi-O was quite disdainful: "The power of the knight can only be played in my hands as a king, because I am the king of knights!"

"Kamiyama Tian Dao, don't think that you are recognized by a group of undead. You can't become..."

As soon as the words fell, Tian Dao turned the Demon King Sword upside down and pointed the tip of the sword at himself.

"You are right, but I am tired of hearing the same sentence repeated several times." Tian Dao sneered: "Then I was born as the container of the king, do you know what I should do?"

Oma Zi-O was stunned, but immediately felt his own power was draining away, and it was flowing towards Tiandao like a flood.

The feeling of weakness that came from his body surged into his heart, causing Oma Zi-O to half-kneel on the ground, panting violently.

"You!" Supporting his knee with one hand, Oma Zi-O said viciously: "You actually!!"

"The King's container carries the King's power. You are Oma Zi-O, so am I not?" Tiandao smiled slightly: "I am indeed not qualified to be the King, but didn't you bring me the title with the prefix of the King?"

"You guy!" The strong feeling of weakness made Oma Zi-O's legs tremble: "Take advantage of this loophole!"

"As long as you are in my body for one day, I will also be crowned with the name of the King!" The brilliant golden light flowed in his body, Oma was weak, and Tiandao was in pain.

Carrying this power that does not belong to him, every time it flows through his body, his whole body feels as if it has been run over by a truck, and it hurts his heart.

But he did not give up, but tried his best to absorb it, compressing and absorbing it in his body.

"So your power also belongs to me!" Unable to transform the power of all knights into the power of Oma, then Tiandao can only take advantage of it, using himself as the container of the king to forcibly plunder the power of Oma Zi-O from Oma Zi-O, and directly share this power with him.

The power of the king is divided into two, Oma Zi-O occupies half, and Tiandao takes the other half.

"You... mortal bone!" Oma Zi-O gritted his teeth: "Do you know that the things that the king carries are..."

"Why, isn't it me who bears your sin of Oma?" Tiandao suddenly raised his head, and laughed with gritted teeth in the silence of Oma Zi-O.

"Don't underestimate the will of mortals! Knight King!"

"Don't underestimate the king's ability either!"

The power of all knights competes with the power of all knights, and the power of the king restrains the power of the king. The situation where no one can do anything about the two offset each other has fallen into a stalemate again.


The cage that suddenly appeared turned into the strongest shackles and rose from the ground, standing around Oma Zi-O.

The figures of the two were swapped in an instant. Oma Zi-O sat on the throne, his hands and feet were bound by chains full of blood and sin, forcing him to be unable to move freely, and Cheng Wei was bound to the throne...puppet.

"Whether it is the power of all knights or the power of the king, they all come from you." Tiandao put down his hands, and the power of Oma flowing through his body began to shrink, and the strange tattoos all over his body also shrank, starting from the forehead, from his hands and feet, shrinking inwards little by little.


The iron gate towered into the sky, blocking the place where Oma Zi-O was, isolating it from Tiandao.

The power that was plundered could not be taken back, and the weak Oma Zi-O could only watch all this happen helplessly.

"Use my power to offset me, and then use your own power to deal with me?!" Oma Zi-O's voice was distorted: "Okay! Okay, okay!!"

"This way you can be quiet for a while, Oma Zi-O." Tiandao breathed a sigh of relief and turned his attention to his own changes.

However, the contracting lines and the power of Oma Zi-O gradually gathered in Tiandao's abdomen, and finally completely gathered, turning into a vortex with black spots...seal.

Tiandao:? ?

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