I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 61: The accident between the Flame Dragon and the Rose Girl (It was definitely an accident,

Although Yanlong's shoulder armor can play a protective role, it does not have the strongest defense like the water armor-Black Rhinoceros Armor among the five elements of armor.

The shoulder armor of the Black Rhinoceros Armor has the power to defend against rebound. If external force is applied, it will even cause the attack to be bounced back the moment it lands on the shoulder armor. It is the only one of the two sets of heavy armor among the Five Elements Armor that is proficient in defense. Counterattack, heavy armor focused on defense.

It is completely different from the Golden Armor-Snow Mastiff Armor, which although it is also heavy armor, is good at rushing into battles and defeating enemies.

Although it is not like the black rhinoceros armor, Yanlong's shoulder armor can still play a protective role.

The moment Mantis' blade slashed down, violent sparks burst out. Yanlong couldn't bear the huge force, and his whole body was sent flying. He hit the wall in the air and fell to the ground in a panic.

Mantis didn't pursue her, and she didn't even have any intention of liberating herself as Grunge. She kept her human appearance and looked delicate, but she held a bright silver scimitar behind her back, giving people a An extreme sense of contrast.

Shaking his head, Yanlong got up from the ground. The azure goggles reflected the appearance of Mantis at this moment. He also clearly understood in his heart that this woman... no, this female Gurungi is definitely stronger than the squid and the rhinoceros. !

"Yanlong..." He nodded slightly and turned to face Yanlong. Mantis did not pursue him: "Long time no see."

"Every one of you said it's been a long time, but you should know that I am not the person you know." Mantis has already shown its power, which is countless times more powerful than rhino and squid. Yanlong does not dare to be careless. , materialized the weapon sticker, took out the flaming knife, and carried it behind his back.

That stabbing blow just now, if he hadn't been quick to act out of desperation, he would have been killed with one stabbing blow.

"This armor has too much history for us." Mantis took a step forward: "We are enemies."

"But sometimes, it might not be the case." Mantis continued to step forward, approaching Yanlong bit by bit. His heroic face was full of teasing: "In the past, you followed Rose Girl, coming in and out freely. Your appearance is really fresh in my memory.”

"What?" Yanlong was startled for a moment, how could he have known that Mantis would actually tell such explosive news.

"Yes, the relationship between you and Rose Girl is not ordinary." Mantis approached the Yanlong, less than five steps away from the Yanlong, and stopped here: "We who have always been fighting to the death, have never I never thought there would be such a result.”

"We didn't expect it, and neither did you, the Fire Village."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Yanlong pointed at Mantis and said angrily: "How can the armored warrior who slays demons and protects the way hang out with demons like you!"

"Don't be so ridiculous!"

"That's it, such a righteous and awe-inspiring posture." Mantis Girl completely ignored the five-step safe distance and continued to approach Yanlong: "At that time, I, who was following Rose Girl, looked at you like this with my own eyes. He showed her such a gesture."

"Hmph! That's not me!" Too lazy to say anything to Mantis, the flaming knife turned over, from being carried behind the back to holding it across the chest, using the front blade as the main attack, slashing towards Mantis.

The silver scimitar behind his back came suddenly in a strange manner whose trajectory could not be seen clearly. It was clearly from behind, but it intercepted the blade of the flaming knife first and stopped it.

The two weapons were locked in a stalemate, and the sound of blade and blade continued to echo in their ears.

"If this is not true, why do you think Rose chooses to leave every time she sees you instead of fighting with you?" The other free hand came forward, brushed it from Yanlong's face, and looked It seemed like a gentle movement, but in Mantis Girl's golden eyes that suddenly turned into vertical pupils, extreme cruelty and violence burst out.

Every time we meet?

The first time they met was at the gate of Shenshan's house. Yanlong challenged Rose Girl, but Rose retreated without a fight.

The second time, this time, Rose Girl seemed to retreat without fighting and did not participate in the battle at all.

She...could it be...

But Yanlong knew very well that he was just the summoner of the fire armor in this life, and he was completely different from the person Rose Girl knew. There was no reason for her to do this.

"So..." Mantis Girl's erect pupils burst out with increasingly rich emotions, filled with countless flames of desire, but what is even more filling is the desire to feel in the extreme joy that makes her unable to Self-inhibited killing and howling.

Physically and psychologically, reaching the highest peak together is the most intoxicating scene.

"Stop joking!" Grabbing Mantis's arm, Yanlong exploded with all his strength and pushed Mantis out: "What did the past have to do with me?"

"Listen to me, I am not the Yanlong you know, and I have nothing to do with you!" Popped up the sure-kill post again and placed it in front of him. He was ready to kill again soon. Zhan: "I have nothing to talk about with you guys."

"You don't deserve to hear it either!"

"Hahaha!" The vertical pupils suddenly returned to normal eyes, and Mantis laughed loudly: "You are indeed very interesting."

"But it's a pity that after seeing you who was more upright and awe-inspiring, and after you were with Rose, you don't have much trust in your current appearance." Mantis woman slowly backed away and disappeared into the darkness, leaving only that A pair of golden pupils were still staring at Yanlong.

"Why don't you give it a try?"


“Hmph, you really…” The moment the golden luster gradually faded, the flaming sword passed through the fatal post, and the red light particles attached to the flaming sword, and it killed again.

“Demon Sealing Slash!”

It was not the voice of the armor, but the roar of Yanlong himself. The fiery red sword energy flew out and sank directly into the darkness, creating a huge crack on the wall of the tunnel.

The Mantis Girl disappeared, but the sword energy of the Demon Sealing Slash raged, creating a huge crack on the wall of the tunnel, which became more and more conspicuous in the continuous cracking, and the whole tunnel trembled.

The gray stones kept falling, as if the stone was about to collapse.

“You still have this ability?” Yanlong was speechless.

Disappearing into the darkness, what kind of ability is this?

And… that woman gave him a feeling of extreme danger, but because the other party maintained a human appearance, Yanlong didn’t know what species she was.

"Not good! Yitiao and the others!" At this time, Yanlong suddenly remembered that Yitiao and the others were following him.

The collapse of this tunnel was nothing to him, but it was a disaster for Yitiao and the others.

Thinking of this, Yanlong immediately turned around and ran in the direction he came from.

Not long after Yanlong left, Mantis, who was hanging on the tunnel in the distance with her hands and feet, watched him leave with golden pupils, and then jumped down from above and headed towards Rose and the others.

Obviously, she did not disappear, but at that moment, she used the reaction and jumping ability of Mantis to escape the attack range of the Demon Sealing Slash and even hid in the depths.

Because there were a large number of Gurongi here before, the breath of the devil was extremely strong. Even if Mantis did not leave, Yanlong could not distinguish her breath, so he mistakenly thought that she had the ability to escape into the darkness.

"Rose... do you really think the current Flame Dragon is the same Flame Dragon as before?" After walking out of the tunnel, Mantis was still thinking about all those random things while looking at the collapsed rocks covering the tunnel entrance.

She still remembered the black-eyed Flame Dragon from the beginning, who was righteous at the beginning, and finally made a promise with Rose to stay together.

Even until the things between the two were exposed, they still had illusions about the final endings of the two.

The Flame Dragon Summoner at that time was killed by another Flame Dragon, and before he committed an irreparable sin, he was killed by a new Flame Dragon named Kamiyama Taichi.

And Rose...

Is that crazy dream still there till now?

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