I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 609: Heavenly Path General (x) Heavenly Path of the God Mountain (x) Endymion Ito Makoto

Chapter 609: Tendou Souji (x) Kamiyama Tendou (x) Endymion () Ito Makoto ()



"What? Don't look at me!" Seeing Gene and Guagua looking at him, Qi Lami was immediately dissatisfied: "How do I know what's going on!"

"How did Sakurai Jinghe... become like this?" Guagua pulled his hair, unable to understand this change: "He is... No, how did he come back to life? Did someone wish for his resurrection?"

"Isn't his combat power more exaggerated?" Gene spread his hands: "Who has seen that armor? What is that?"

"Anyway, it can't be a product of the Desire Grand Prix." Qi Lami was still very sure of this: "The Desire Grand Prix has never had such equipment, and it is impossible to distribute it to contestants."

The ability to beat up the bull who shaped the world and fulfilled his wishes has completely exceeded the level of the Desire Grand Prix and has risen to an unimaginable level.

The reason for all this, and even the appearance of this incident, all stem from Jinghe's inexplicable resurrection.

When the changes brought about by this resurrection were placed in front of everyone, apart from surprise, there was only unimaginable fear.

Sakurai Jinghe is a very easy to understand person, and the audience who have watched his games until now also understand this.

But precisely because he was easy to understand before, the feeling he brings to people after his death and resurrection now is completely different.

So the three people looked at the woman who was crossing her legs and tapping her knees slowly with her fingers.

"People in this world can forget those things, but you shouldn't forget them." Tsumurri did not open her eyes, the corners of her mouth were still raised, and she said to herself with a happy smile: "You have seen Sakurai Jinghe's family."

When Tsumurri said this, Guaguala immediately recalled the memory engraved in his mind like a thought stamp, that is, the person who flew past him and flew towards the sky with the figure of a dragon.

And Gene thought of the man he had seen in the future, the man who rode the dragon and fought against the God-Devil.

"Who is it?"

Only Kirami, with his sunglasses pressed down, questioned Tsumurai, expressing the fact that he was indeed unfamiliar with her.

He was originally a game administrator who replaced Kirori, a guy who changed his career halfway through, and of course he had never known the past of this world.

"That's not an ordinary guy..." Guaguala exhaled, with infinite longing in his eyes? "If that guy is still here, the Desire Grand Prix..."

"Tendo Souji." Gene answered Chirami's doubts: "The former winner of the Desire Grand Prix was also because of him. The Desire Grand Prix has many new rules. It is also because of him that the Desire Grand Prix has changed today."

"Tendo Souji?!" Chirami screamed, and after attracting everyone's attention, he immediately said: "I don't know him."

"Who is it?"

"The one who can kill you with one punch." Even Gene, who is as restrained as Gene, can't stand this guy's antics: "Tsumuri, can you tell us the questions you had at that time?"

"The questions I asked when the Desire Grand Prix was reopened in this era." Gene's eyes were bright and he stared at Tsumuri. Muli: "Where did he go?"

"I don't know either." Tsumuri stood up, her black skirt swaying in a unique way: "If someone like him really wants to hide, who can find him?"

"Aren't you and him boyfriend and girlfriend?" Chirami said casually: "I just checked Tendou Souji's wish in the illusion drive, and it turns out that he wants to be boyfriend and girlfriend with you."

"If you are his girlfriend, how could you not know where he is?"

It's okay to mention the word girlfriend in front of others, but in front of Tsumuri...

Jin and Guaguala tacitly stepped back five steps, further distanced themselves from Chirami, and looked at this poor man who knew nothing with pity.

"Girlfriend?" Tsumuri opened her eyes, and a flash of light that could drown life flashed in her eyes like black gems.

The orange short knife was like lightning, and it slashed across Chirami's neck in an instant and stopped in front of his throat.

The blade of the dagger had already touched the inside of the skin, and a trace of blood slowly flowed down the wound.

"We have broken up." Like the cold snow falling from the sky alone in the dark night, it was cold and piercing, bringing the most biting chill in the bleak night wind.

Tsumuri said the word "break up" with a smile, but Qi Lami seemed to feel that he was in the ice and snow, naked, shivering from the cold.

"Break up... break up?" Qi Lami said intermittently with trembling lips.

"Yes, so I have nothing to do with that person." Tsumuri said with a smile, and she looked very happy with her curved eyes, but the smile did not reach her eyes at all.

Although she was smiling, it was scary.

Putting back the dagger, Tsumuri turned around.

"I also want to know why the guy who cheated on me didn't show up."

"Because I really want to cut off his flesh piece by piece."

She said these extremely terrifying words in a light tone, which made Qi La Mi, Gene and Gu Gua Gua La who were far away from here shudder.

Gene looked at Guagua, and Guagua also looked at him.

The two people who had a tacit understanding exchanged glances at this moment.

Gene: When I mentioned this, Tsumurri said that she would cut off Tiandao's lying tongue.

Guagua: When I mentioned this, Tsumurri said that she would stab Tiandao dozens of times.

After a moment of tacit communication, the two shuddered and did not dare to say anything more.

Women, too scary.

"Ah? Are you serious?"

Looking at herself being changed into a white silk gauze dress, she could even see her thighs through the light while walking, and even see the shadow of the weapon she carried with her.

Feeling the cool breeze blowing on the root of her thighs, Tiandao took a deep breath.

Where are my pants? !

"Isn't this identity good?" Diana tidied Tiandao's clothes and exhaled a breath of hot air into his ear: "My beloved, the lover I worry about the most."

"Don't come on!" Tiandao rolled his eyes: "Jupiter wants me to be his son; Mars wants me to be his brother; Minerva wants me to be her warrior... You guys are all cheating!"

"Then why did you choose me in the end? Does the identity I gave you suit your heart?" Diana stretched out her hands through the hollow under her armpits and touched directly at close range.

"My love, Endymion."


Look at the choices above, do I have any choice? !

Jupiter's son?

Do I dare?

Mars' brother?

Who doesn't know that Mars, as a military god, must sacrifice a brother on every battlefield!

Minerva's warrior?

I have pretended to be a Sagittarius Gold Saint, but that doesn't mean I really want to become a Gold Saint!

What is the difference between a warrior of Minerva and a warrior of Athena?

"Goddess Diana." Tiandao pulled the corner of his mouth: "Replacing the identity of your lover in mythology-Endymion is not my original intention, but because the choice you gave really meets my requirements."

Not well-known, will soon stop, there are no other major events except for Diana, the identity is very simple, and every aspect seems to be very suitable for him.

Except for one thing, that is, what is Diana who contributed this choice planning.

"What! Why don't you choose me!" Vesta's voice came from the side. Tiandao looked around but didn't find anyone. Finally, he looked down and saw Vesta's angry look.

"Obviously, the choice I gave is also very good!" Vesta put his hands on his hips and was angry.

"What's wrong with being the dog of the goddess of the house?!"

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