I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 613 To this day we still don’t know who Ukiyo Hidetoshi’s father is and what his name is

No, what about my withholding? Where did the immortal deduction like me go?

Seeing that there was nothing on the ground, which was so clean that it was even whiter than his own face, Tiandao was quite confused.

Why, in less than an hour, my drive also lost Ninja Charge and Sage Charge one after another, right?

This style was popular two thousand years ago, right?

Pinch! The great hero Heracles never felt this way!

How is this different from Shi Hao who had his bones dug out in the beginning, Xiao Yan who was sucked out by Yao Lao in the beginning, and Aunt Baiyun who had held in six words for seven days to come out?

Isn't this purely to give me strength?

"Are you okay?" Mizmei looked at Tiandao's distressed look and wondered what this fickle man was thinking: "You look... you seem very distressed?"

"It's really annoying." Tiandao rubbed the center of his eyebrows: "Mercury is just trying to have fun, and it's the Queen who really hurts me by giving me so much strength."

Yes, no matter what, this woman looks like she was sent by Juno, the Queen of Heaven, to find trouble for herself.

And after all this, Tiandao, who has completely lost his ability to transform, has now become a blank slate.

As soon as the queen takes action, she will know if there is any!

"Okay, now let's talk about where you live." Tiandao breathed out. He didn't blame others and didn't feel much dissatisfaction: "I'll send you back."

"Send me back?" Mitsume pointed at herself and laughed happily: "My words...but they come from a very far away place."

"It doesn't matter how far away you are, even if you are at the end of time and space." Tiandao shook his head and grabbed the woman's wrist: "You are part of the trial. Send you back. This second trial I'm done too."

"Eh?" Mitsume looked at Tiandao in shock: "I... am part of the trial?"

"Of course, this is the certification of Queen Juno." Tiandao nodded: "So tell me where you live, and I will send you back."

"There is no relationship between us, it's just a transactional relationship."

"Mr. Endymion...you are obviously doing it for my own good but you still say such things that a villain would say!" Mitsume held her face in her hands, her voice slowly leaking out from her palms: "I am so happy!"


Is this woman... a nympho?

"But it doesn't matter, Mr. Endymion, please take a look at this." Mitsume smiled slightly, and the two silver bracelets on her wrists emitted red and blue power respectively. After crossing her hands in front of her, Two different rays of light entangled together, and instantly materialized into a dark blue vortex.

"I'm not a weakling with no power." Holding Tiandao's hand, Mitsume turned her back and took the initiative to lead Tiandao into the whirlpool: "Besides, I also have a surprise for you!"

Regardless of whether they were happy or not, after the two passed through the whirlpool, what caught Tiandao's eyes was a different kind of scenery.

A strong man who was constantly moving his muscles on the ground, two slaves who were wrestling with each other to suppress each other, but neither one was convinced.

The girl standing on the high platform overlooking the distant world, and the thin man shivering in the corner...

All these constitute a picture that is familiar but unfamiliar to Tiandao.

"Welcome, the great hero in mythology, Lord Endymion!" Mitsume let go of Tiandao's hand and ran forward for a few steps before opening her arms and turning around to look at Tiandao.

"This game has become more brilliant because of your arrival!"

The corners of Tiandao's eyes twitched fiercely.

"Mizme...could it be that your identity is..."

"Sir Endymion, do you want to participate?" Mitsume said with an embarrassed smile, "DGP Grand Prix."

"DGP?" Tiandao frowned: "Isn't it the Desire Grand Prix?"

"What is that?" Mitsume shook her head: "The main purpose of our game is to select the greatest hero. It is a very formal program."

"Program?" Tiandao took a step forward: "Mizmei, who are you?"

Although he already had a rough guess in his heart, Tiandao needed a definite answer to make him believe it.

"Me? I am the game guide of the Grand Prix." Mitsume pointed at herself: "Mitsume."

"Grand Prix usher...Mizmei..." Repeating these words, Tiandao's eyes gradually became deeper.

So these people around are contestants from two thousand years ago?

Mitsume, are you exactly the same as Milu and Zimli? Are they all the guides of this game?

By the way... In this era, the Desire Grand Prix already exists, and it's because of this that I pursue...

[You have proven your loyalty to the love of the goddess Diana when a man and a woman are alone in the same room. The queen who protects marriage is quite satisfied with you. 】

[Mercury’s Trial allows you to wash away all the depravity and have a clean body]

[The trial of Queen Juno allows you to show your attraction to the goddess]

[Now, you are about to start the third trial. 】

Feeling the sudden voice in his mind, Tiandao rolled his eyes.

Loyalty to love?

Admiration from Queen Juno?

No...I mean Juno...or should I call you Hera?

Who do you think I am? Do I look like a scumbag?

Are you comparing Zeus to me?

Who are you insulting? ! Compare Zeus to me!

Loyalty in love? Why don't you look at Zeus and then at you.

What, what do you lack to emphasize?

You deserve to be cheated all your life!

The indignant Tiandao waited for the trial from the third god.

[Hahaha! It seems that it's me, um... my good brother, I, the god of war, Mars, here to...]

Before the subsequent words were finished, Mars' voice stopped abruptly, and replaced by a warm voice.

[I am the goddess Minerva, Endymion, you once said that you are my warrior, so show me your warrior heart. ]

[Win in the strongest arena and prove your strength to me. ]

[The power to protect the goddess. ]


Participate in the strongest arena? It means... that I have to participate in this competition again? This DGP Grand Prix that has not become the Desire Grand Prix two thousand years ago?

But, this is clearly a competition from outside this era! Does this have anything to do with the trial?

"Lord Endymion!"

Tian Dao, who was still in deep thought, was grabbed by Mitsume's wrist and was shaken by her: "Please come!"

"The ratings of our Grand Prix are getting worse and worse. If there is no way to improve the ratings, I will be unemployed!"

"You are a great Roman hero known throughout the world! If you participate in the Grand Prix, it will definitely be..."

Tian Dao was silent for a moment.

"Is the rating of your DGP very low?"

Hearing Tian Dao's question, Mitsume nodded without saying a word, indicating the correctness.

"Yes, it was really good at the beginning, but later the routines became the same, and the popularity gradually decreased." Mitsume puffed up her face: "I don't want my job to be gone just like this."

"And I..." Touching her belly, Mitsume smiled with a smile: "Hehe..."

Tian Dao:?

This silly smile on her face is indeed more lively than Tsumeli, but the question is... is she hungry or something else?

"If you want me to participate in the competition, that's fine." Tiandao crossed his arms: "What benefits can I get?"

"We will give the winner a gold coin as proof that the winner is the most courageous champion!" Mitsume raised her hand high.

"Okay, very good." Tiandao nodded: "Then what?"

"Ah?" Mitsume's raised hand froze: "What else?"

"Isn't it natural to give a trophy as proof of the winner?" Tiandao shook his head: "What after that? What other rewards are there?"

Mitsume's face was frozen, and her face was full of an expression that something bad was going to happen, which made Tiandao raise his eyebrows.

"No...no." Mitsume looked sad.

"No?" Tiandao's tone slightly raised.

"Such a great honor... isn't it enough?" Mitsume forced a few laughs: "This is the most courageous! The most courageous, the most..."

"The mountains are high and the waters are long, we will meet again." Tiandao turned around and left without saying a word: "Goodbye."

"Don't!" Mitsume wailed, ran up and grabbed Tiandao's sleeves: "Lord Endymion! Mr. Hercules! Please save this show!"

"Only giving honor without benefits, there is no such cheap thing in the world!" Tiandao did not retreat at all and would never stop.

"Do you think I am so easy to satisfy?!"

"I am the greediest person in the world!"

"Lord Endymion! Lord Endymion!" Mitsume shouted: "Come quickly! Don't let Lord Endymion run away like this!"


"Actually, I also think... it's a bit inappropriate to just give a gold coin." A man wearing a horn helmet and red and white armor stood up from the corner.

On his face, there was an obvious smile of embarrassment after being caught eavesdropping.

"I can't be satisfied with just a gold coin." He smiled.

"That's why I took away the most dazzling gem of the Grand Prix."

"That's you, Mitsume."

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