I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 622 Jing He about the fact that I became the world's public enemy after my resurrection

"What did you say?"

Because the Desire Grand Prix is ​​open again, the organizer has to find more contestants if they want to get help.

Therefore, the Kamen Riders who were eliminated in the last round and lost their memories. Can join again at this time.

This of course includes the eldest daughter of the Kurama Group, Kurama Neon, that is, Kamen Rider-Nanmao.

Her true identity is a human created by the power of the goddess.

Although she is named Kurama, she is actually the creation of the goddess. Therefore, after this matter was exposed, it caused a violent shock among the audience.

But fortunately, with the strong character of Kurama Neon herself and the help of her supporter-June, they worked together to overcome the difficulties.

After that, it was not her turn to interfere in the battle.

"Yeah, I don't know why he became like this." With his elbow against his knee, Ukiyo Hidetoshi knew what kind of person Taili was better than anyone else.

But because of this, when he just heard Taili's declaration to destroy the world, it was even more unbelievable.

Is that really Taili? Isn't he a fake?

That peace-loving guy actually wants to destroy the world one day?

"Keiwa... Why is the destruction of the world related to Jingwa?" This is what Kurama Neon doesn't understand the most, especially when she sees everyone around her being silent, and no one can answer her doubts.

"What's wrong? Why don't you talk?" This dead silence made Kurama Neon feel bad.

Are they really planning to...

"Grand Prix of Desire... The rules of the game set by Suel have never been violated by anyone." Guaguala said, "He is the organizer, but he is more like the source of everything."

Guaguala grabbed his hair, and it was obvious that he was more entangled than anyone else present.

"With his power, he will never allow anyone to disobey him."

"For now, it seems that the only way is to defeat Taili." Gene clapped his hands and stood up on his knees: "As long as his life is not harmed, it will be fine, just defeat him."

In any case, sitting here now is useless, and we have to do something.

They can wait, but the world can't.

The end of the Desire Grand Prix led by Suel has long been a foregone conclusion.

"That's fine. This is really the only way." Looking up, Ukiyo Eitoshi looked at the gaze of Gene and could only nod his head in approval.

Everyone has always had a good impression of Jinghe. For a good man like him, I'm afraid only Ba Niu can attack him without scruples.

"Eitoshi, what are you thinking about?" Kurama Neon's attention has always been on Ukiyo Eitoshi. Will this man who has repeatedly created miracles bring miracles this time?

She may not even know that she has developed a symptom called dependence.

She cast an inquiring look at Ukiyo Eitoshi and spoke as a matter of course.

"You haven't spoken since just now."

"I'm just wondering what Suel's reason is for doing this, and who is the person he wants to force out?" In fact, Ukiyo Eitoshi already has the answer in his heart, but he can't say it.

He remembers that scene.

He didn't know who that person was, and what he wanted to find out now was that person's identity.

For Ukiyo Hidetoshi, saving his mother always came first, and other things, even figuring out the mysteries of this world, were not necessary.

"At this point, you should have the right to know these things." Seeing that Ukiyo Hidetoshi was still troubled by these things, Gene looked at Guagua and couldn't help but speak: "The identity of that person."

Gene's words naturally attracted the attention of everyone present. Especially Ukiyo Hidetoshi, his eyes flashing with light stared at Gene, and his strong desire for knowledge made him eager to know everything.

"The Desire Grand Prix has been held many times before you participated, but you may not know that more than a decade ago, there was a man who participated in the Desire Grand Prix and brought many changes to the Desire Grand Prix."

"So far, most of what you have enjoyed comes from him, whether it is the rules that are explicitly prohibited or the changes in the gameplay." Gene exhaled: "And that person is naturally the champion of that Desire Grand Prix."

It's just that the wish he made and the things he did made him a taboo in the Desire Grand Prix. "

"That's a real hero!" Guagua interrupted Gene's subsequent words and told the truth of his dream in a pious tone.

"The real Kamen Rider, the real partner of justice..." Guagua became more and more excited as he spoke, as if talking about his own beliefs: "He is Tendou Souji."

"Sakurai Jinghe's brother, the former champion of the Desire Grand Prix, also defeated Suel and subverted the existence of the Desire Grand Prix. "Every time he talked about the great achievements of Tendou Souji, the piety on Guaguala's face became stronger, and his eyes twitched as he looked at Gene beside him.

But this is the fact. With this explanation, Ukiyo Hidetoshi really got the answer, and the posture of riding the dragon into the sky involuntarily emerged in his mind.

"You said he was the champion of the Desire Grand Prix, so why did he want to overthrow the Desire Grand Prix?" Kurama Neon was confused and didn't understand the meaning at all: "Doesn't he have a wish he wants to fulfill?"

"His wish..." Guagua shook his head: "If he is...his wish should be to get the Desire Grand Prix out of this era, so he will..."

"Well, no matter what, whether you are shocked or want to see him, the Grand Prix arranged by Soul, no matter you or anyone else, has no right to resist him." Tendou Souji is not common, but the contestants have changed one after another, so Guagua spoke again, explaining a cruel fact.


Say that. But if I can see that person again...

Guagua thought in his heart, but never revealed this expectation.

"Where is Tsumurri? And where is Azuma Michinaga?" The facts are in front of him, no matter how reluctant Kurama Neon is to go to war with Jinghehe, he cannot change this fact.

"Tsumurri should go and call up other contestants." Chirami, who finally had a word, spoke up quickly, trying to earn himself a chance to show his face.

"As for Tyrannosaurus, it's at Beloba's place."

Everything that happened in modern times, the past Tiandao did not know.

Although he left a back-up for the Xingtian summoner. But how could he know that once this back-up was activated, it would actually reach this point.

But it doesn't matter, even if it were him, he would even do it more than Xingtian.

Originally upholding the will of Tiandao, of course he would inherit the character of Tiandao. Although it was an emergency mechanism, he did make the same choice as Tiandao.

And in this era, in this ancient millennium, Tiandao also had to complete his mission here.

The Grand Prix a thousand years ago was completely different from the one a thousand years later. There was no need to become a Kamen Rider, and even a life-and-death fight was not needed. There was only a fight like the Olympic Games.

Even if it was a fight, it was a one-on-one fight on the ring, just like a boxing match, fair and injury-free.

Tiandao couldn't lose in such a competitive fight, and he easily won the championship, and then got the gold coin representing the championship from Mitsume.

After that, Tiandao proposed to realize one of his wishes, but Mitsume said in a helpless tone that the Grand Prix could not realize other people's wishes.

From this, Tiandao learned one thing.

That is, there is no Goddess of Creation in the current Grand Prix.

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