I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 632 God's Way I will die! I will die outside and jump down from here, and I will never

When the Sage's Daikou was born, was there anything else born with it?

But at that time, only Suel and him were present. At most, the Goddess of Creation and Tsumurri should be counted, a total of three people and a stone statue.

You have to know that even if it was the Sage's Daikou, it was Tsumurri who took it out and handed it over to the Heavenly Dao at the last moment, and it did not automatically fall into the hands of the Heavenly Dao.

Is it that Tsumurri hid something at that time? Or. Did Suel get it?

No matter how he recalled it, no matter how much he recalled the situation at that time, the Heavenly Dao could not find anything in his memory except the Sage's Daikou.

What exactly was it that Mitsume was talking about now, which was born with the Sage's Daikou?

Is it a force that can break fate? Or another kind of fate?

Damn, there was really nothing else at that time!

Mitsume has left. Just as she said, she will face her own fate. No one knows Mitsume's fate better than Tiandao.

And what about himself? Using the power of the Five Generations, it seems to be in great glory, but in fact, only he knows how fragile he is.

Apart from this power from the Five Generations, what else can he have left?

[Your heart has never been as confused as it is today. ]

The voice of Oma Zi-O echoed in Tiandao's mind, full of gloating.

[That's why I said you don't have the qualifications to be a king. You actually feel confused because of this. ]

[Where is the confidence you had when you challenged me before? Where is it? ]


[Boy, if you beg me now, I can lend you my power. ]

[My power, the power of the king, as long as you can get it, Mitsume's fate or the fate of this world, in front of this power of the king, are all false! 】

"Oma Zi-O, you are really omnipresent." Although confused, Tiandao took a deep breath and knew what to do and what not to do: "Don't worry, even if I am confused, I know what I should do."

"I will never use your power!" Using the power of Oma Zi-O may change all the predetermined fate, but Tiandao cannot guarantee that he can still control Oma Zi-O after being wrapped by the power of Oma Zi-O.

This guy is really strong, very strong, so strong that even a little bit of power will bring earth-shaking changes to the world, even to the extent that Tiandao cannot imagine.

So Tiandao must be more cautious and control him carefully.

Not to mention the breath of Oma Zi-O, the breath of killing life, which more or less shows that his identity is not good.

[Humph, do you still think I have some other thoughts about you? ]

[Wrong, this time I am sincere. 】

"Don't give me that!" Tiandao snorted coldly: "Do I look easy to fool?!"

If Oma Zi-O is released and loses control, not only this world, but even the surrounding world will all live under the shadow of Oma Zi-O.

Tiandao must not use such things as a bet, betting on the fact that Oma Zi-O has a conscience and conscience.

"There is no way."

Since thoughts can transcend time, then the power of will is certainly enough to transcend the concept of time. Tiandao sat cross-legged on the spot, closed his eyes, and tried to let his power penetrate the barrier of time and move towards the future.

But after his power of will moved forward for only a moment, it suddenly stopped, expressing the fact that it was powerless.


A mouthful of blood surged up from his throat, and Tiandao opened his mouth and gushed blood, dyeing the ground red. The dots of red were as hard to measure as plum blossoms, dazzling and dazzling.

【How long will you hold on? 】

【I said it before, you can't do anything without power. 】

"I can do it!" Covering his chest, even with blood all over his mouth, Tiandao would never admit defeat: "I am Shenshan Tiandao!"

"Whether you are advancing along the route arranged by fate or something else, even if you are all chess pieces manipulated by fate, I am also a chess piece..."

Tiandao suppressed his voice and stood up little by little.

"Can be allowed by fate to cut off the chess piece of fate!"

Perhaps, even Tiandao himself did not know that as he said this, in his body, Oma Zi-O, who was sitting on the throne, slowly raised his head and looked up at the sky, as if he could see Tiandao's face through it.

"Can be allowed by fate to cut off the chess piece of fate?" Oma Zi-O murmured, and his mind emerged with the heavy pressure he had exerted on several worlds before, the killing and transformation of several worlds.

What was he doing it for? The established fate could not be broken, and he did not want to be as bad as other Oma Zi-Os.

But his attempt to break his fate actually pushed it forward.

Just as Kuzuya Kota said, Oma Zi-O cannot break his fate. A person who is destined to be a king is destined to be a king.

It is ridiculous for a king like this to say that he wants to break his fate.

[Kamiyama Tendō, can you trust me once? ]

Such words rang in Tendō's ears.

[I have an idea and want to try it. ]

"What does that have to do with me?" Tiandao rejected Oma Zi-O's request without hesitation, or in his eyes, he would reject all of Oma Zi-O's requests.

After all, he.

Before the subsequent thoughts emerged, a huge projection suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, and a strange and joyful voice resounded throughout the entire Roman territory and in the ears of every Roman.

"Only tomorrow~"

On the screen, the black fox stood in front of the camera, and the black and purple fox face made people feel angry, but what made Tiandao even more angry was Diana, who was trapped in the mountain and whose limbs were fused with the mountain.

Tiandao could ignore other people, but he could never sit idly by.

"Diana!" Tiandao clenched his fists and looked at everything on the curtain fiercely.

"I have no intention of going to war with the twelve gods, but," Black Fox said with a smile, "It's unacceptable for the guests who come to visit to be attacked by swords instead of being entertained?"

"So no matter who it is, the twelve gods, please come."

"Otherwise, the delicate goddess will merge with the mountain~"

As soon as the words fell, the entire screen suddenly closed, but Black Fox's words still rang in Tiandao's ears, and from this, he finally knew what Suel meant by that sentence.

Black Fox is an existence that is not bound by rules. He can challenge rules and ignore rules. Only he can do it.

[Now, do you still want to refuse and continue to disobey me? ]

The voice of Oma Zi-O sounded faintly in Tiandao's mind, like the whisper of a devil, repeating the temptation to fall again and again.

[Put down the sword, you can't protect her; pick up the sword, you can't hug her. ]

[Go, Shenshan Tiandao, make your choice. 】

Oma Zi-O was not in a hurry this time. Although he didn't know what Kuzuya Kota's plan was, in such a desperate situation, if Tiandao wanted to save Diana, he had to obtain the power to defeat the black fox.

Ultimate Kuuga could not defeat the black fox. After all, it was Kuuga's power, not his.

The clenched fist slowly loosened, and Tiandao was silent.

"Gaimu, is this also in your calculation?" After exhaling, Tiandao seemed to have put down some heavy pressure and no longer hesitated.

"I have no choice."

"But if this is really in your calculation, I will believe you once." With no way out, Tiandao stretched out his hand and slowly placed it on the seal on his abdomen.

Believe in Gaim, it is Tiandao's last choice at the moment.

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